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In all honesty, I really didn't want to go to the meeting tonight. Sure it was for Rick but I know he wouldn't get kicked out. Because if he got kicked out, the others would go too, and if the others go, Daryl would, and if Daryl did, I would, and I would like to think Jay would come too.

I wanted to go with Aaron and Daryl to search for any new people but apparently my shoulder was in 'no condition'. I had taken it out the sling now, although it still hurt a little, it was manageable.

I would easily say that I consider myself lucky. Deanna let me off for beating up Nicholas this one time because Daryl and Glenn convinced her the blood loss had made me delusional or whatever. She just gave me a verbal warning to not do it again, or something like that, I wasn't really paying attention.


I pushed open the door to the room where Rick was holed up in for now. Carol told me he was awake so I decided to go see him, I wanted to thank him for everything he did for me. 

Michonne was talking to him in the room when I walked in, but upon my arrival, she stopped, stepping out the room for whatever reason.

"It's good to see you up," He said, sitting up in the makeshift bed on the floor, "We weren't entirely sure you would make it at one point, you lost a lot of blood." He informed me, looking up at my shoulder.

"Maybe I wouldn't have if Glenn didn't find me," I shrugged. In all fairness, if I hadn't heard Glenn calling out for me, I don't think I would've stood back up. His voice snapped me back into reality, brought me back in a way.

"I just wanted to come and thank you for going out and looking for me, the other day." He chuckled, nodding slowly,
"Don't mention it, I suppose I should thank you for saving Tara, Eugene didn't think she'd make it if you hadn't brought her back."


Talking of Tara, I wanted to see her. I didn't know her particularly well, but I felt like I had to go see her anyway. I had left Rick's and was now heading to see Tara. I decided that I would sit with her for a little bit and then go to the meeting, I might be slightly late, but that didn't matter, not to me anyway.

I pushed the door open to see Eugene and Rosita, sat talking to Tara, who was now awake.
"I'm not interrupting anything, am I?" I asked, knocking gently on the door. I hadn't seen any of the three since the day of the accident.

"Of course not, glad to see you're okay." Rosita said, ushering me further into the room, closing the door behind me. Eugene approached me, a sincere look on his face, 
"I would like to personally thank you for what you did that day, she might not have lasted if you weren't around." I chuckled lightly at his language and tone, looking down at Tara.

"Thank you, so much." She chuckled slightly, and I smiled at her,
"Well, you weren't the only one bleeding out, we were both in a rush." I shrugged, gesturing down to my shoulder.


The other two had gone to the meeting now and it was just me and Tara, I wanted to stay a little longer, although I ensured the other two I would attend the meeting at some point.

"I'm sorry about Noah, I know you two were close" I said to her, walking over to the medication cabinet, opening it and popping two pain relief pills into my mouth. Tara completely ignored my statement, I don't ignore her though.

"Are you in pain?" She asked, watching me carefully. I paused for a second,
"Only a little, it's manageable" I told her, pulling my shirt down a little to reveal the cut, which was stitched up across my shoulder. She pulled a face at it, I guess it was kinda gross.


I was making my way towards the meeting when I heard it. Unluckily for me, the meeting was taking place on the other side of the town from Tara, so it was a quiet, long walk.

I heard a branch snap behind me, I spun around reaching for my knife which, for obvious reasons, I didn't have on me. Deanna and her stupid no weapons rule. I couldn't see anything behind me and shrugged the snap off.

I gasped as I turned around, coming face to face with two cranks, both trying to kill me. I fought them hard but not enough, finding myself tumbling to the ground. The two were struggling against my hand, which was pushing them away from me.

I looked around myself, finding a hand rake not too far. I wriggled towards it, reaching my left hand out. My shoulder was throbbing but I pushed past it, moving the rake towards me with my fingers.

I finally had it in a position where I could grab it, and with all my strength, I pushed at the two cranks off me, giving myself a bit of room to stand up, passing the rake to my right hand. 

I watched as the first one lunged at me, lodging the rake into it's head. I watched as it collapsed to the floor, glancing back to the second one, which was making its way towards me.

I went to grab the rake from its head but it wouldn't budge. I must've hit it too hard, because no matter how hard I pulled nothing happened. I began backing into a corner, I had no way out of this. 

I looked around, frantically trying to find something I could use to kill this thing, but much to my dismay, there was absolutely nothing. I pushed it away as it ran towards me, covering my head with my arm as it ran at me again, flinching at the feeling of blood, splattering over my arms and head.

word count: 1, 004
total word count: 26, 495

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