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Daryl whistled for Rick to stop as the vending machine flipped, crashing down onto the concrete. 
"Its soda and candy. What's the trouble?" Rick asked, looking into the dirty glass.
"It wasn't any trouble." It almost sounded like he was trying to convince himself of that more than us.

We stumbled slightly as a masked man ran into us, before trying to run. Neither three of us hesitated to pull our weapons, holding our pistols up to the man, who now had his hands up.
"Hi.." He said, sounding fairly nervous, to be fair to him though, he did currently have three pistols all aiming at his head.

"Back up now!" Daryl said, moving in front of me, pushing me back slightly. 
"Keep 'em up!" Rick warned as the man tried to lower his hands.
"Woah.. easy guys. I was just running from the dead," It sounded fair, but still stupid that he hit us in the first place.

"How many?" I asked, stepping away from my brother slightly,
"10.. maybe more. I'm not risking it, once it hits double digits, I start running." That sounded like a fair policy really, ten walkers is were I start to get a little more weary, especially when I'm alone.

"Where?" Rick had backed up a little bit, checking out an ally way, making sure there weren't any walkers nearby.
"About a half mile back. They're heading this way, you probably have about... 11 minutes." I looked up at my brother, who was just looking over the man,

"It's nothing we can't handle." I told him, lowering my voice slightly. He glanced down at me, nodding in agreement in a subtle way.
"Okay.. thanks for letting us know." Rick said, lowering his weapon, gesturing for us to do the same. I sighed before lowering mine, placing it back in my holster.

"There's more of them than us, we gotta stick together, right?" He asked, staring at my brother, who still had his gun held to his head. He took a slight step forward before dropping it, keeping it in his hand,
"You got a camp?" The man asked, looking at me for an answer.

"No." Daryl said, noticing this action,
"Do you?" I asked,
"No. Sorry for running into you, I'm gonna go now. If this is the next world, I hope it's good to you." He turned around, walking off as Rick spoke up.

"I'm Rick. This is Daryl, and y/n. What's your name?" He stopped walking, turning around and pulling his mask down,
"Paul Rovia," He raised his arms, "But my friend's used to call me Jesus. Your pick."
"I think I'll stick with Paul, thanks." I mumbled, ain't no way I'm calling that guy Jesus.

"You said you didn't have a camp. You on your own?" Rick pushed, asking him more questions,
"Yeah. But still, best not to try anything." He was looking at me, and in his defence, I did have my pistol back out, holding it in my hand.

"Best not to make threats you can't keep either." Daryl said as he began running again.
"How many walkers have you-" Rick began calling out but Daryl interrupted him, 
"No. Not this guy." He said,
"How many walkers have you killed?" Rick shouted, ignoring my brother,

"Sorry, gotta run, you should too."
"What the hell was that?" Daryl asked as Paul ran around the corner, out of sight.
"He was clean. His beard was trimmed, there's more going on there."
"We could track him? See if he's really alone." I suggested and the two looked at me,

"We could bring him back?" Rick added to my idea,
"Nah, the guy calls himself Jesus." Daryl pointed out, and Rick looked to me, to see my opinion,
"Yeah no, I'm with Daryl here."


Gunshots rang out from behind the building and the three of us immediately made our way over there. I held my pistol firmly, ready to fire if needed. We turned the corner as another set went off, revealing to be nothing but firecrackers.

"Firecrackers.." Rick sighed and it clicked in my head. I turned back, running towards the lorry. The other two must've caught on shortly after as I could hear them running behind me.
"Sorry!" Paul called out as I rounded the corner, watching as he drove off, dragging the vending machine with him.
"Shit.." Rick muttered as the three of us stood in the road,
"You could say that again.." I mumbled, looking at the man.


I was sprinting faster than the other two, stopping as I came across the vending machine in the middle of the road.
 "You weren't lying when you said you were a fast runner." Rick told me as they caught up to me. I shook my head, taking out my pistol, ramming the grip into the glass, shattering it.

Daryl looked in, pulling out cans of soda, candy and a couple bags of crisps.
"This was a special request from the doctor." Daryl said, holding up two cans of soda. One of the cans was broken and Daryl held it over his mouth, pouring some in before handing it to me, I did the same.

"Hey, whatever she wants, she saved Carl's life." I passed the can to Rick and he had a little more before handing it back to me,
"We didn't know her, and she turned out to be all right. If there's still people out here, and they're still people, we should bring them in."

"What, like this guy?" Daryl asked, pulling his bag shut, putting on his back,
"No. Not this guy."
"Well, we still got a trail." I said, gesturing back to the road,
"Then let's go." Rick began running but it didn't take much to catch up to him again.


We had been running for a little while now, I was slightly further ahead of the two guys, following the tracks which the lorry had left in the road. I continued sprinting, only slowly as I could see the lorry in the distance, it was stopped now, Paul was changing a tyre.

I gestured for the other two to stop, crouching lower to the ground,
"Go through the woods." I whispered, pointing to the wooded area to our left. I split up from the other two and I kept as low to the ground as possible, making sure he couldn't see us.

I holstered my pistol, watching as Rick grabbed him,
"Hold still and maybe we won't hurt you." He hissed, holding onto Paul tightly.
"Sure thing.." He muttered before spinning around, elbowing Rick in the stomach before throwing his head back, hitting Rick's, spinning himself out of his grip before kicking him away.

Daryl tried next, going to throw a punch but Paul grabbed his arm, pushing him away, trying to run. I ran from the woods, going for his legs, kicking them out from underneath him, sending him flying to the floor.
"You don't wanna try that now." I chuckled, pulling my pistol on him as he tried to get back up.

"Do you even have any ammo?" He asked, propping myself up on his elbows. The three of us looked at an incoming walker, shooting it's head at the same time before looking back down at Paul.

"Okay, you gonna shoot me over a truck?" He asked, I would've, but it wasn't my call,
"There's a lot of food in that truck." Rick said, "The keys, now."
"I think you know, I'm not a bad guy." He defended,
"Yeah? What do you know about us?"

word count: 1, 210
total word count: 40, 142

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