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My eyelids felt heavy as I tried to open them, forcing them open anyway. Beads of sweat trickled down my forehead as I recognised where I was immediately, feeling a sense of peace as I found myself laying in my own bed. I searched my memory to figure how I ended up here, I couldn't remember.

The last thing I remember was being pulled away from Nicholas before collapsing, assumedly from blood loss. I glanced down at my shoulder, it was wrapped around with a white bandage and my arm was in a sling, not that it mattered because I was asleep.

I was wearing a baggy t-shirt, which had been pulled down at the shoulder to make it more accessible, the longer I looked at the shirt, I began to realise it was one of Jay's. I glanced down at my other arm, which was facing palm-up, an IV tube running from my forearm to a drip, which was set next to me bed.

A small lamp was turned on in the corner of the room, lighting it up with a soft glow. As I looked over my room, my eyes lay on Jay, sitting in the corner on a chair. He was asleep though the half-empty mug of coffee told me he tried to stay awake.


I swung my legs over the side of the bed, being as quiet as possible, if Jay was asleep, he obviously needed rest, I didn't want to wake him.

I pulled the tape that was securing the tube into my arm, holding it tightly and pulling it out harshly before standing up, pulling my bedroom door open. Everything ached. My shoulder was the worse, but my legs were close after, an achy pain running through them with each step I took. My hand hurt a lot too, my knuckles were bruised and bloodied, although they had been cleaned.

The town was eerily quiet at night. There were absolutely no noises. No shouting or laughing, not even the sound of cranks, it was just silent. I made my way down the stairs, holding onto the bannister to make sure I didn't fall.

I pulled open the fridge, grabbing a plastic container with leftovers I didn't recognise. It hit me suddenly, I had no idea what day it was, how long I was out for. I shook the thoughts away, I could worry about that later.

I gently pulled the front door open, the cool night air hitting my face. It felt nice though, maybe because it was fresh air, maybe because I woke up sweating, I don't know. I walked over to the table and chairs which sat out front, placing the container down, opening the lid and beginning to eat it.


My head was throbbing but I tried to ignore it, watching as the sky turned from a dark, black to an orange-blue as the sun began to rise. I could hear movement coming from inside the house and watched in amusement as a very panicked Jay came rushing out the door, visibly calming down as he saw me, sat down at the table.

"You scared the shit out of me" He whispered, walking over to me hugging me. It was all very touching but it hurt, a lot.
"Ow ow ow okay that's good, that's enough" I pushed back with my good hand before gesturing to the other, which was comfortably placed in the sling,
"Right... sorry" He mumbled once he realise it still hurt.


I pulled on a pair of black cargos and a plain oversized grey t-shirt : it was pretty comfy. I tied the laces of my black converse before retying the knot of my sling to make it fit more comfortably.

Jay walked close by my side as we crossed over the street, banging harshly on the door with my fist, waiting a second as I hear footsteps approaching the door.

Glenn opened it, a surprised look on his face as he saw me. It soon softened,
"Look who's back on her feet." He said, hugging me. I could already tell he was still bothered about Noah, I hugged him back, we had lost a good kid that day. I chuckled slightly,
"Well, it'll take a lot more than an impaled shoulder to stop me" I shrugged, looking back at Jay, who was watching me carefully.

"Carl, go get Daryl" Glenn instructed, looking to the child who stood behind him. Carl nodded, giving me a slight wave before turning on his heels, walking deeper into the house. Glenn gestured into the house and the two of us stepped in, closing the door behind us.


"So how does it feel?" Glenn asked me. I sat was at the table with Michonne and Glenn, waiting for Daryl.
"It's just a little achy, nothing I can't handle." in all fairness, my pain tolerance was abnormally higher than other people, times like this were I was very grateful for it.
"You should see the other guy.." Glenn said, clearly talking about Nicholas.

"I will. I need to tell him something." The three exchanged glances, "Jheez guys, I'm not going to hurt him" I assured them. I had asked where Rick was and they told me about the fight between him and Pete, they explained how there would be a meeting tonight to decide what to do about it. I watched as their eyes moved to just behind me. I looked around to see my brother, standing in the room's doorway.

"It's about time you show up," I joked, standing up from my chair. His eyes briefly looked to my shoulder, before back on me,
"About time you woke up," He replied, giving me a very quick side hug, not wanting to make it too weird.
"Are you doing okay?" I asked him. He looked tired, exhausted even. He nodded, giving me a slight smile, it wasn't very convincing but now wasn't the time to push it.

"Anyway, I believe I have someone I have to talk to." I said, making my way towards the door. All four of the group tried to stop me,
"You are not going alone." Glenn told me, holding the door shut,
"Well come on then." I said, pulling the door open despite Glenn's best efforts, making my way towards Nicholas' home.


I held back a laugh as Nicholas stepped out of his house, bruises and cuts littering his face. Deanna walked out behind him, looking at me strangely. I glanced at the four people behind me before walking up to Nicholas. He looked visibly scared, so as I approached him, I put my hands up,
"I'm not here to hurt you," I said, a sly smile forming on my lips, "I just wanted to let you know, if you ever... ever, pull something as cowardly as that ever again. I am going to shoot you in the shoulder. Watch you bleed out painfully and then wait for you to turn so I can shoot you in the head all over again."

word count: 1, 155
total word count: 25, 491

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