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"She stays with me." Daryl spoke harshly to Rick. Rick wanted me in the car with him, Glenn, Michonne and Aaron, but Daryl wanted me in the rv.
"Daryl it's fine, I'll go with him" I assured him. He looked down at me, sighing before opening the car door.

I climbed in, sitting next to Aaron, who was already waiting,
"Are you okay?" He asked, his voice sounded scared and worried,
"Yeah I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?" He stared at me, looking like he was going to say something else before closing his mouth, only sighing slightly. I glanced at Glenn, who had been watching the whole thing, an amused smile on his face.


We had been driving a little while now, Rick was concentrating on the roads whilst Glenn was flicking through the photo's Aaron had given them,
"Why don't you have any photos of your people?" He asked. It was a fairly good question, and if I didn't already know it was safe, I definitely would be suspicious.

"Oh, I took a photo of the whole group, but I didn't get the exposure right. When I tried to develop it later, it just..." Aaron was cut off by Rick, asking Glenn something about questions. The boy turned back to us,

"How many walkers have you killed?" He asked. Aaron looked surprised,
"I'm sorry?" He asked, fumbling over his words,
"How many" He asked again. Aaron looked at me, I suppose he wanted me to go first. Glenn looked at me, his expression waiting for an answer,
"I dunno, what do you expect me to pull out a little tally or something?" I shook my head at the stupidity of the question, it's not something I take note of nowadays.

"How many people?" This question caught me off guard, and even Aaron was looking at me, intrigued to hear me answer.
"Four." I mumbled. I saw Rick and Glenn glancing at each other as Glenn rummaged through the glove box.
"Why?" Rick's voice spoke out, I could see him looking at me through the rear-view mirror,

"I didn't realise this was an interrogation. Because they deserved it? I don't know what else you want me to say" Luckily for me, Glenn pulled out some sort of device, showing it to Rick,
"You were listening to us?" Rick asked, even I didn't know this, Aaron was basically a stalker.

"I already said I was watching, yes I was listening" Rick's face flooded with panic,
"It means his people could have one too, this isn't safe" We didn't have one, but that didn't stop the man from freaking out. He slammed on the brakes, skidding the car along the road as it began to flood with cranks.

"Oh shit.." I muttered as cranks began surrounding the car, giving us no easy way out. I glanced at Michonne, who was in the back with us. She was clutching her sword tightly and I watched as she slowly push my bow and machete over to me, raising a finger to her lips. I smiled, grabbing them tightly, making sure I didn't get Rick's attention, if I wanted to get out of this alive, I would need my weapons.

Everything seem to freeze for a second as a flare shot up into the air, not too far from where we were. Eric.
"I need to leave," Aaron began panicking, reaching over, trying to open the door, "I need to get out of here." 

Luckily for us, the flare distracted a good portion of the crank's giving us some space to get out. Aaron ran straight into the woods, into the direction of the flare. I was about to follow when I heard a crank coming from behind me, taking my machete, I sliced through it's head, my eyes widening as I realise just how many there were.


I couldn't see Glenn anymore but that didn't matter, for now, we just had to kill the cranks. I was stood on the car's roof, shooting arrows from it. I watched as a crank came behind Rick, dragging him to the ground. I pulled the string back, letting it go, watching as it pierced through the crank's head, freeing Rick.

I stood up slowly as I jumped off the car, picking up his machete.
"You okay?" I asked, throwing him his machete. He glanced at me for a second before nodding. Wiping some blood from his face with his sleeve.

"Glenn!" Michonne began shouting. We had killed all the crank's now, and where just looking for the boy.
"Glenn!" I yelled, walking towards the woods, in hope to find him. I almost tripped on a loose log, but was caught by someone. I looked up to see Glenn, holding me up, Aaron stood just behind him.

"Thanks" I muttered, walking back towards Rick and Michonne. I saw their faces flood with relief as they saw Glenn. I saw Rick approach Aaron, pulling him closely as he pointed towards the water tower where the flare came from,
"If this is a trap to get us back where you want us, your people are going to die tonight" I don't think Aaron cared for the threats anymore, not after Eric shot that flare.

word count: 861
total word count: 18, 855

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