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Jay had been asleep for almost two hours now, but I decided not to wake him, he obviously needed the rest. I sat, leaning against a tree a little further away from the sleeping boy, poking at a fire, ashes bouncing off of it. 

I grabbed my bag, taking one of the cigarettes out along with my lighter, lighting it in my mouth, taking a long toke from it, holding it in between my fingers after. 
"You shouldn't do that" Jay said suddenly, making me jump a little. I chuckled, shaking my head,
"And why's that? Is mummy going to tell me off?" I joked, he shook his head, not chasing the matter, 

"What time is it?" Now he asked, I realised even I didn't know the time. I looked down at my watch,
"11pm" I stood up, leaving the cigarette in my mouth, taking my bag,
"Aren't you going to sleep?" Jay asked as I tied the loose straps of my bag around my chest. I shook my head, taking the cig in my fingers once again,
"We should get moving, I'm not tired anyway."


We walked until 7am, that's when we decided to stop again. It had been a long night, turns out the woods were filled with cranks. We still had about 75 miles to go and decided once we reached the roads, it would be easier to follow them.

The hard thing about the woods is it was hard to see where the cranks were coming from until they were basically on you. If we stuck with the road, at least we would have plenty of warning. It harder to get lost on the roads too.

"I recon we'll reach the roads in an hour, we could stop to eat there" I suggested, tucking the map away in Jay's jacket pocket. I had tried to give it back to him multiple times but he would always refuse, I didn't really know why though, he was clearly getting cold at night.

"Tell me something else, about your family" Jay said. I normally wouldn't want to, but it's something to keep our minds from the excruciating pain that my feet were in. 

"Well my brothers are actually just half brothers. We have different mums. I lived with them for a little while but me and my mum moved away for her work," I lied, he didn't need to know what actually happened. He was looking at me weirdly, almost like he could see straight through the lies, but that didn't matter, he didn't know the truth, that was the important thing.


I felt a wave of relief wash through me as we stood at the edge of the road. I chuckled to myself staring a a huge truck which stood in the middle, it must've been in a crash since the front was all smashed up.

I walked over to it, throwing my bag on top before using the bonnet of the car to pull myself up, sitting on top of the truck itself.
"Here," I put my hand out, giving Jay a hand up, pulling him so he was next to me, "This should be a safe place for us to stay an hour of so.

"Okay, but you have to sleep this time." Jay said, trying to make his voice sound stern. I scoffed at his failed attempt,
"Yeah yeah whatever" I agreed, in all fairness, I was very tried, I could do with a nap, "Wake me after an hour, okay?" Jay nodded, I didn't fully trust him to wake me up after only an hour, but I would have to try. Before I fell sleep, I threw a can of soup of Jay, telling him to eat it for himself, that I would sort myself later.


I woke up to Jay shaking me awake,
"Y/n! Get up!" He sounded panicked and as soon as I opened my eyes I could tell why. A huge pack of cranks were stood around the bottom of the truck, some even managing to crawl up the bonnet. 

I grabbed my machete from besides me, stabbing it into the head of the crank who had made their way up,
"What do we do?" Jay asked, I could tell he was panicking, and that's the last time we needed right now.

"Stay calm okay? Just stay where you are, make sure none of them get up to us." I had a plan, we had the high ground and as long as Jay did his part, we would continue to have it. I could go at them slowly, taking them down one at a time. I had enough arrows to kill half of them, after that I would have to climb down, go at the on the ground.

I took my bow, taking my time aiming in, I had to hit ever single headshot, I couldn't afford to miss. I glanced at Jay, who was killing a crank who had climbed up, luckily it was taking them a while to get up.

The arrows made a satisfying noise as they flew through the air, squishing into the crank's dead brains.
"You doing okay?" I asked as I placed my bow back on the floor, I was out of arrows now, which meant I would have to take to the floor. I approached Jay,
"Go to the back of the truck, distract them, make as much noise as possible."

He hesitated before doing so, managing to distract about half of the cranks, taking them to the back of the truck. Now I was left with 10 of them. I took a deep breath, I had an idea, but it was stupid, and I wasn't even sure it would work.

I took my knife, placing the blade in my left hand, taking a deep breath before pushing the blade into my palm, slitting down my hand. I winced in pain as blood began dripping down my hand onto the floor.

I carefully reached down the side of the truck, wiping as much of the blood as I could only the side. It stung as I did but I tried to ignore it, smiling slightly to myself as 7 of the cranks went for the blood, scratching at it on the side.

I jumped down, taking my machete in my hand, slicing through the first three cranks, then slowly moving onto the other 7, carefully taking them down as quickly as possible. I then moved onto the ones at the back. Jay managed to kill a couple of them whilst I worked from the back, stabbing each one once in the head before moving on until they were all dead.

"Good job" I told Jay ask I collected all of my arrows, placing them all back in the quiver. The boy threw both our bags down before climbing down himself,
"We should probably get moving right?" He asked and I nodded, taking a bandage from my bag, wrapping it tightly around my hand, which was still bleeding pretty drastically, I might've cut a little took deep, 

"What the hell happened? Did you get scratched?" He asked, taking my hand in his, examining it as I tied the bandage in a tight knot,
"No," I replied, shaking my head, I heard Jay let out a small sigh of relief, "The blood distracted the cranks so I could climb down" I told him, pointing at my blood, which was covering the side of the truck.

"That's so stupid. I mean it's genius, but really quite stupid" Jay told me, passing me my bag as we continued walking,
"Just walk dumbass, we got far to go" I chuckled, giving him a slight push, almost making him trip up completely.

Word count: 1,275
Total word count: 14, 118

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