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We waited for Michonne and Rick to get back to the gate before we went in, relieved looks on their faces,
"You alright kid?" Rick asked as they approached us. I nodded before turning back to the gates, I just wanted to be home now.

The gates opened and I could see a small group of people waiting. Aaron, Deanna, Aiden, Daryl and at the back, Jay. I ignored all the questions that were being asked, mainly by Deanna, not really giving a single fuck about that now.

I always thought it was corny when people ran towards each other to hug in movies, but here, I found myself, not running, but rushing towards Jay, hugging him tightly. He seemed surprised at first but hugged me back instantly. I don't know why, but yet again, I found myself crying. This time into his shoulder.

"I'm sorry.." I muttered into his shoulder. He pulled back, still holding onto me though,
"Hey, hey it's okay" He looked up at the group before turning around, putting his arm around my shoulder, pushing me slightly to get me walking as we headed in the direction of our house.

I could hear Deanna trying to get us to stop but Aiden, I think, stopped her, telling her to just give us time. I liked Aiden, he was one of the nicer ones here.


I was sat on my bed, freshly out the shower, wrapping a bandage around my hand, just like Glenn had told me to. I secured it with some tape when I heard a knock on my bedroom door. I pulled it open to see Jay, standing in the door frame,
"Hey, I made some food downstairs" I nodded, walking out the door, the boy following me close behind.

On the counter, were two sandwiches, one for each of us. I sat a stool, watching as Jay took the one next to me,
"What happened to your hand?" He asked, gesturing to it,
"Oh, it's nothing." He looked at it a little longer before dropping the subject completely.

"Aiden is talking about going for a run tomorrow, he wants you to go," He told me as I took a few bites from my food. I shrugged,
"I guess it is my job," Since a few of the supply run people died, I had been chosen to go on more and more, I wasn't complaining though, they were pretty fun to do.

"Do you know who else is going? I had finished eating at this point but it didn't matter, we were just sitting and talking,
"Uhh, Glenn, Nick, Aiden, Tara.... Noah.. and think some guy called Eugene?" I had heard of all of the people. I had spoken to Noah a couple times, he seemed like a nice person. I stood up, grabbing my jacket from the side,

"I'm gonna run next door, I want to thank the others for looking for me earlier, I had no idea where I was," He nodded and I turned on my heels to walk out the door, reaching the garden when I heard him coming after me, 

"Y/n!" He called after me, I turned around to see him walking out to me, looking ever so slightly nervous, "I was thinking.. wondering.. that maybe, you and me... could do something tonight?" I looked at him, furrowing my brows, "Or not.. we could do something else if you didn't want to do that."

"Jay, I literally have no idea what you're on about" He sighed, running a hand through his hair, taking a deep breath,
"Can we have dinner tonight, together?" I raised my eyebrows, beginning to catch on,
"What like, a date?"

"Yes. Like a date." I read his face, trying to figure out if he was joking or not, he wasn't.
"Jay I... I don't think that's a good idea. I'm sorry." I saw a disappointed look on his face as I turned around, walking off towards the house across the street.


As I walked up the steps, a slight bounce as I made my way up, I saw Daryl, sitting in the same spot as the other day on the balcony.
"Y/n?" He asked, but I didn't stop. I glanced down at him for a brief second before looking back up, pushing the door open and walking inside.

"You cant ignore him forever," Rick told me as I walked in, hanging up my jacket on the coat hanger,
"No, but I can for now" He shook his head at me, smiling at me slightly,
"What do we owe the pleasure?" He asked. I looked to the dining room, where Glenn and Michonne were playing a card game with Carl.

The three looked up at me as I walked into the room,
"I just wanted to come over and thank you guys for earlier, if there's anything I can do in return, I'm just across the street." I gestured in the general direction of my house,
"Thanks n/n," Glenn said, placing a card on the table, "If you really wanna make it up to us, just go talk to Daryl, I don't know but, he seems off." I looked at the others, who seemed to agree with Glenn. I rolled my eyes before sighing, turning towards the door,
"I hate you all for this," I mumbled, just making them smile even more, knowing I wasn't serious.


As I opened the door, I saw Daryl, still sitting in the same place, but this time smoking a cigarette,
"Have any spare?" I asked, holding out my hand.
"You gonna put it out appropriately?" He asked, his eyes darting over towards my hand. I didn't reply but sure enough, he reached up, pacing one in my hand.

I lit it, still not sitting down,
"Sorry for running off, or whatever," I mumbled. This wasn't normal for our family, apologising wasn't our thing.
"Are you?" He asked and I looked down, taking a couple drags from the cig,
"S'pose not." I shrugged, kicking a small rock, making it roll down the steps out into the garden.

"Then what you out here for?" He accent was sticking out a lot more than usual, it was only like this when he was pissed, I had heard it before.
"I don't know what you want me to say? That's you're not naïve? You're not self-centred? That I'm in the wrong? I'm not a kid anymore, you don't get to treat me like this anymore." I waited for his response but got nothing, angering me, "Answer me." I said, taking a step closer to him.

Still nothing. "Say something!" I yelled. Still nothing. "Just answer me god damnit!" Something in me snapped and I found myself throwing my already clenched fist towards him, hitting him in the cheek. I watched as he sat there, taking it like it was nothing. He looked up at me, a sense of familiarity in his eyes.
"You..?" I mumbled, realising what happened to me might've happened to him too.

word count: 1, 153
total word count: 23, 059

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