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My eyes darted to a man, who was in the armoury with us,
"Please don't.. don't hurt me." He stuttered, putting his gun on the floor and his hands up.
"Bit late for that." I began beating the man with my gun, ramming it continuously into his head.

"Y/n, that's enough." I wasn't even thinking at this point, I was just hitting the man with my gun, not stopping until Glenn's voice brought me back and his hand grabbed onto me arm. I stopped, moving myself backwards as I looked at the man.

He was unrecognisable now, blood covering his entire head, which had a huge dent in it. I stood back up, looking out the small window to see about ten people, all aiming at the door,
"Shoot." I instructed. 

I reloaded my rifle before aiming it at the door, shooting through it, the other two copying me after a second or two. They looked scared as we lowered our weapons, nothing but silence coming from outside.

I approached the door, pushing the handle down, kicking it open. It was a massacre out there, blood pooled on the floor around the bodies, and one of the men was still alive. I walked up to him, taking out my machete, stabbing it through his head, killing him off instantly.

"Okay, take their ammo, let's move." I said, walking back into the armoury, taking a couple pistols and as much ammo as I could hold,
"Let's go." I turned bac to the men to see another guard, holding a pistol up to them.

I went to shoot but before I could, a gunshot rang out from behind me. I turned around to see Jesus- sorry, Paul, lowering his weapon.
"So this is the next world.." He mumbled, lowering his mask, which was covering his mouth and nose.


We had met up with everyone else, not moving to the back exit, we had to get out of here, who knows if there were more people on the outside, who knows if even more people are on their way to kills us.

We filed into the back where the cars were parked, looking around for any people, it looked all clear. I saw Glenn walking over to Heath to talk to him, they both seemed pretty shaken up. I said my goodbyes to him and Tara, they were going on a two week run, after all.

I stood alone, looking down at my hands, which were covered in blood,
"You okay?" Daryl asked, approaching me. I looked my from my hands, wiping them on my trousers, smudging the blood slightly,
"Yeah, it's over now." He nodded, giving me a slightly weird look before walking off, over towards Glenn.

The sound of a motorcycle rang out, making us all turn around, I watched as Daryl's face dropped. I didn't hesitate to shoot, hitting his shoulder, knocking him off the bike, sending both of them flying.

I watched as Daryl ran over, getting on top of him, punching him in the face multiple times, "Where'd you get the bike!" He yelled as Rick held his pistol to his head.
"Just do it! Like you did everyone else!" He yelled before turning to me, "Or you gonna let her bash my head in! Like you did David!" He must've been talking about the man in the armoury, I don't know how he knew.

The walkie talkie on the grass next to the man rang out,
"Lower your gun prick." I stared at it with an empty expression,
"You with the colt python, all of you, lower your weapons, right now." We looked around helplessly, nobody to be seen.

Rick bent down, picking up the walkie, holding it to his mouth,
"Come on out. Let's talk." We were greeted with nothing but static for a couple seconds, that's until the same female voice rang out again,

"We're not coming out but we will talk. We've got a Carol and a Maggie. I'm thinking that's something you want to talk about." I dropped my weapon, looking over at Daryl, who looked just as angry as everyone else, typical, it couldn't go right for us one time, just one time.


"Now. We're gonna work this out right now." The lady continued talking, "And it's going to go our way." I had to be honest, I didn't really know where she was getting her confidence, but it seemed to be working this how worried everyone was becoming.

"Grab him," Rick told us and I watched as Glenn and Daryl held the man up, holding a pistol to his head. I turned away, looking through my rifle scope, trying to find them, see where they were hiding.

"We have one of yours. We'll trade." Rick suggested as more people aimed their weapons at the man.
"I'm listening," The lady replied. "First, I wanna talk to Maggie and Carol, make sure they're all right." Static was heard for a few seconds.

"Rick, it's Carol I'm fine but-," Her voice cut off,
"It's Maggie, we're both okay." I could see Glenn visibly relax a little when he heard Maggie's voice, they were both alive, that's the main thing.
"You have your proof, let's talk." The lady continued, 

"Here's the deal. You let them go, you can have your guy back and live." It wasn't much of a choice, although it's not like we could actually stop them at the minute if they decline, we still had no idea where they were.

"Two for one, that's not much of a trade." She spoke out, it was fair, it wasn't much of a trade. "You don't have another choice." Silence filled the air, we didn't get a reply for a fair amount of time, Rick spoke out again.

"Look I know you're talking it over. Its a fair trade, just come on out, we do this, we all walk away. Do we have a deal?"
"I'll get back to you." She said. Movement in the distance from the south side of us caught my attention.

It was them,
"I got them." I muttered, holding my rifle up to them. I didn't get chance to shoot as someone grabbed my barrel, lowing it to the floor,
"It's too risky." Rick told me as he held the barrel. I looked at him for a second before shaking him off the gun, swinging it round so it sat on my back.

By the time I looked back to where they were, they had already disappeared, great, now we had lost them again.

word count: 1, 070
total word count: 45, 358

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