I went into my bedroom to call Steven, away from dad and Nitro. I probably should have called Steven in front of Dad, but I know Steven's going to yell at me and I don't want Dad to interfere like he did last time. It only made matters worse.
Besides, I had to get away from Nitro. The man is fucking massive and hot as hell. He looks like solid muscle and with his perfect black hair and beard, he looks like he just walked off the set of a fucking movie.
The idea of being under Nitro's protection scares me...and excites me. I know he's a member of Dad and Taz's motorcycle club, The Wolves. I don't know much about the club, except that dad and Taz are members and that Taz is the VP. I only know that because it's on his leather cut and jacket.
I was kept away from that part of their lives, only seeing them in their leathers. It is shocking to me that the one thing that I was shielded from, is now the one thing that dad wants to protect me.
Why did Dad have to turn me over to this beast of a man? From the look of him, I knew I would be in good hands. I've never seen a man with such big hands. I feel a flutter in my stomach at the thought of his hands being all over my body. Fuck, what am I doing? I shake my head and call Steven.
"Hello, Kitten. Everything alright?" I hate it when he calls me that. He sounds awake which is odd being that it is five in the morning, he's never up this early. I don't question it. I know better than to question shit with him.
"Not exactly. I need to take the day off." I close my eyes and spit the words out knowing I'm about to get yelled at.
"Why?" his voice is irritated, but at least he isn't yelling. Yet.
"I can't say" I say quietly, opening my eyes. I begin to pace the length of my bedroom as I listen to him breathing. Fuck, he's pissed.
"Alright, Kitten, take the day." That was completely unexpected. I stop in my tracks and wonder if I heard him correctly.
"I'm afraid it will be more than a day." I say testing the waters. Might as well rip the bandage off now instead of waiting. I'm not sure when I'll be back or even when I'll be able to talk to him again.
I hear him take a deep breath before letting it out into the phone. Is he seriously trying to calm himself down, right now? He never tries to calm himself down. What the fuck is up with him?
"You're not being a bad girl, are you?" his voice is eerily calm. I know what happens when he thinks I'm being a bad girl – when I do something he doesn't like. I get punished, and his punishments can get pretty fucking brutal.
"No." I swallow the lump in my throat not wanting the beating I know is coming. Fuck. I have to tell him something.
Can I even tell him that I'm being placed under protection? I don't even know the rules about what I can tell him. Steven isn't going to let me get away with telling him nothing and telling him I'm sick isn't going to work.
"Tell me what's going on." Steven insists. Why does he sound like he's trying to stay calm?
Is he with someone? Having a woman with him would explain why he isn't yelling and why he allowed me to be alone tonight especially since he wasn't away on business.
"I'm not sure that I can." I tell him. It is the truth.
"Oh, I'm positive you can! And you will!" He shouts at me. So much for him trying to stay calm. Guess there isn't a woman there after all.
"I'm being placed under protective custody." I blurt out in a whisper, unsure if dad will be pissed at me for telling him or not.
"What?! Why?" Steven yells into the phone causing me to pull the phone away from my ear. Fuck, I'm sure Dad heard that.
'I can't say." I close my eyes and hope this will soon be over, and Steven will be calm again.
"Fine, I will have a driver there for you soon. I will provide the protective custody here." He says as if he's in control of the situation.
The 'here' he is referring to is his gated mansion – the place I spend most of my time. The place...I hate.
"I can't." I whisper knowing he's about to lose his fucking mind. Steven not getting his way, especially with me, was always a fight. I also knew the threats would soon begin. The same threats he had been holding over my head for months.
"Do not tell me no, Lily!" Steven screams as I pull the phone away from my ear again, "You know what telling me no gets you! You will stay there and wait for the driver. He will bring you here! Whatever protective custody you are under, I will have the police switch it to my protection! Do I make myself clear, Lily?!"
I knew what he said was true. He could switch custody over to him because he had many of the cops in his fucking pocket. Hell, the cops that were here tonight could have been his.
Steven's rich and he makes hefty contributions to the department, as well as the city. It's why I never went to them after the first punishment he gave me. I knew they'd never believe me, not against him. Much less do a fucking thing about it. The only thing I can do, is to continue to take the abuse.
"Steven" I try to calm him down. I know it's no use. The only thing that makes him calm at this stage is my complete submissiveness and I wasn't sure how I could give that to him right now. I had to leave with Nitro.
"Kitten, you will address me properly and you will do as I say!" He screams again at me. Yep, it did nothing. Fuck, he's so pissed.
"I can't, sir." I close my eyes praying that he stops.
I have no idea how I'm going to get out of this. If I hang up, if I don't go with his driver, he's going to come through on his threats and I can't allow him to humiliate more than he has already done. I feel frozen, no matter what I do or say right now, is going to be wrong unless I give Steven what he wants, and I can't do that. Fuck me and my fucked up situation.
"You can and you will! That is an order!" As Steven screams, dad comes storming into my room pissed.
"Maybe you can pull some strings. I have to leave now. You have dad's number." I say and hang up not wanting to be yelled at again. That probably just sealed my fucking fate with Steven. Great, now everyone will know what a piece of shit I am.
I hope Steven is unable to pull strings, being under his protection isn't protection at all. It's hell. Maybe I'll be lucky enough that he'll realize I had no choice in this, and I'll only be punished. I cringe at that thought as the last time he punished me I couldn't sit for a week from the welts he left on my ass.
"If that motherfucker touches you, I will snap his goddamn neck. I don't give a fuck who he is or what fucking cops he has in his back pocket. There is no fucking way you will be under his protection." Dad fumes as he turns and walks towards the living room.
I follow behind him and freeze when I see Nitro sitting in a chair bent over with his elbows on his knees staring up at me. His dark blue eyes are almost black from the rage behind them.
Was he mad at the situation of being here and having to deal with me or did he also hear Steven yelling at me? I seriously doubt this gorgeous beast of man gives a fuck about who's yelling at me.
"Let's get her out of here quick. If I know that motherfucker, he's got his drivers on the way here now to get her." Dad says behind us, but I can't take my eyes of Nitro's. He's massive and he should scare the hell out of me but why am I not scared? And why the fuck can't I stop looking at him?

Lily's Protector - Wolves MC
Romance**COMPLETED** Lily has been tormented by the memories of her mother's murder since she was eight years old. She's spent years terrified that the men would come back for her. A fear, that led Lily on a life of self-destruction until her father's bes...