Chapter 26

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I wake on my side facing Lily with my arms wrapped around her and her face buried in my chest. We haven't moved an inch since I pulled her into bed with me last night. Her naked body is pressed against mine and I fucking love the feeling of it. I pull her tighter to me and breathe in her scent. She smells of us and it makes me grin remembering the night we had.

The things I felt last night were completely foreign to me. I have never wanted a woman so fucking much. Fuck, I was always selfish when it came to sex. I wanted to get off and didn't give a fuck if she did or not. With Lily, I want nothing more than to please her. Whatever she wants, is what I will give her.

I've never made a woman come so much in my life. The way her body reacts to mine is fucking incredible. I just hope she wasn't too drunk to remember what a fucking amazing night it was. That will hurt, but it would kill me if it meant nothing to her. I'm sure I'm not the kind of guy she wants to end up with and fuck, I don't even know what the deal is with Steven. That shit could be so fucking serious and all I am, is a good time until she goes back to him.

I feel Lily begin to stir in my arms and have the sudden fear that she might regret this. Fuck, please don't let her regret this.

"Good morning" Her voice is so sweet as she whispers against my chest. She covers her mouth trying to hide her morning breath and I grin at how fucking cute it is. She doesn't seem to be regretful. That's a good sign.

"Good morning, Little One." I whisper into her hair unable to control the smile on my face. She nestles closer into my chest, and I kiss her forehead. Nope, she's not regretting it. Fucking, very good sign.

"Please tell me, you remember last night." I grin, knowing from the way she's acting, she probably does.

"I remember." She whispers, and I can hear the smile on her face.

"Thank God" I growl into her hair as she giggles. I'm glad she remembers. Fuck, I wonder if she felt whatever it was that I felt. I don't even know what it was, I just want more of it. I want more of her.

"I'm going to take a shower." I kiss her softly on her head and gently pull away from her. Turning, I sit on the edge of the bed as I feel her behind me. She throws her arms around my neck and presses her chest against my back.

"Can I join you?" she whispers into my neck, while she gently teases my skin with her teeth and lips.

"Fuck" I moan placing my hand on the back of her head and lacing my fingers in her hair. I close my eyes, enjoying the way she feels on my skin. She absolutely remembers last night.

I release the grip I have on her hair and reach behind me to pull her into my lap. Scooping her up into my arms, I carry her into the bathroom and turn on the shower. I set her down on the shower tiles and step in behind her, closing the door behind us.

Her eyes are closed as she lets the water run over her body. She's so fucking sexy, my cock goes hard just watching her. When her eyes open, she looks down and sees my cock standing fully erect and she swallows hard at the sight of it.

"You're so fucking sexy." I can't help what she fucking does to me, and I won't apologize for it. She needs to know how beautiful and sexy I think she is. Especially since that fucker Steven has made her believe otherwise.

She bites her lip and the hints of yellow begin to shine through her hazel eyes again. It's her come fuck me eyes, the ones I like to call her wolf eyes. The ones she had last night and the first day she was here when I touched her for the first time. I know, she wants me. I know, I'm about to be blessed with her body on mine again.

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