"Ok" I reply bracing myself for what the detectives want dad to ask me.
Dawson and I haven't told him about what he suspects - that the men might all be connected, even Steven. Dawson has Spike looking into it, but we haven't heard anything from him yet.
"The man you saw on the street, do you recall anything else about him? Think about it really hard, honey. Walk me through it if you need to." I look away from Dawson and run my fingers through my hair. I close my eyes and place a hand on my head trying to recall that night.
"I was standing on the balcony looking at the apartment. It was a few minutes after I saw the last flash. I was on the phone with the 911 operator, and I looked down at the street. That's when I saw the man walk out of the front doors of the building. He walked out slowly, which I thought was strange and then he just stopped. He looked up, slowly, and it was eerie like he was looking right at me. Then he turned and walked away." I gasp when I recall it. I jerk my head up and jump off the couch.
"Holy shit. He was carrying a bag. It was bigger than a bookbag maybe a duffel, but it was over his shoulder and on his back." I say in a panic.
"Like a military bag of sorts?" Dad asks trying to confirm what kind of a bag I'm seeing in my mind.
"Yes, that's exactly right. Does that mean anything?" I ask Dad as Dawson comes to stand behind me placing his hands on my shoulders to calm me.
"Nitro around you? I need him to hear this too." Dad says and I can hear the concern in his voice.
"Yes, he's right here. He's listening." I turn to face Dawson, and he pulls me down onto the couch next to him.
"Nitro?" Dad's voice is demanding and concerned which scares me. What the hell could the bag mean?
"Yes sir" Dawson responds as he keeps his eyes on mine.
"Seems there was some equipment missing out of the apartment. If this guy was carrying a bag, there's a possibility he could be the one that took it and therefore the killer. My contact says they got footage of a man dressed in all black that matches the description Lily gave entering the building through the back. He wasn't carrying anything then. The cameras at the front weren't working and the security guard was in the restroom when he left." Dawson's arms go around me as my hand covers my mouth. The man I saw was the killer. The equipment, and the pictures that were taken of me. My head begins to spin at the realization that it's connected.
"What kind of equipment do they believe was taken?" Dawson asks, taking the phone from my trembling hand.
"Four cameras or camcorders. There were four empty tripods that were placed around the apartment, so they believe one for each of them. There was also a desk with equipment on it and the only thing missing seems to be a laptop." Dad's voice is concerned as he continues,
"The other thing that was odd, was other than that, there was a couch and a few mattresses in the apartment and that's it. No clothes, nothing." He says, his voice wondering what the connection with that is.
Fuck my mind was spinning. Someone murdered those four men and then stole the equipment that was used to take photos and videos of me. Photos and videos that Steven had on his laptop although he didn't have all of them.
"Steven" I whisper. It had to be Steven. Steven must be connected to this and the one that killed them. The man from the street was Steven. The man knew to look at me. He knew I was there. He knew they were watching me.
My eyes fill with tears, and I cover my mouth so dad can't hear that I'm upset but it's of no use.
"Lily, what is it?" Dad's voice booms in the phone. My head is spinning so fast, and I'm lost in a daze, completely unable to speak. Without being able to answer him, I stand and walk to the sliding glass door opening it and stepping outside to calm down.

Lily's Protector - Wolves MC
Romance**COMPLETED** Lily has been tormented by the memories of her mother's murder since she was eight years old. She's spent years terrified that the men would come back for her. A fear, that led Lily on a life of self-destruction until her father's bes...