Chapter 12

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I don't know what to tell Nitro. How can I tell him that my boss is also the one I'm involved with? That he's into BDSM and he's my dominate. By the looks of Nitro, he's probably dabbled in his fair share of kink play so I'm not sure why I'm so scared to tell him. Except the fact that he'll think differently of me.

And the fact, that it isn't just the BDSM. It's the fact that he makes me do things. Things, that if I don't do them, he'll follow through on his threats. I can't tell him that. I can't tell him that I'm in a relationship that I don't want to be in.

Hell, I don't even know what to tell myself anymore. When am I going to have enough of telling people that 'it's complicated'? How can I continue to let this lie with Steven continue? When am I going to finally have enough and leave him no matter what the consequences are?

Nitro and I just sit staring at each other, both of us deep in thought. He has made me think about things, to analyze things, that I wouldn't have if he didn't push me to answer a question that I have been so scared to answer myself. How much longer am I going to allow this shit with Steven to be complicated?

Shaking my thoughts away, I stand to clean off the table. I can feel his intoxicating eyes on me and the way he is staring at me makes my heartbeat fast in my chest. I gently shake my head and try to break the silence.

"So, I assume you shoot hoops?" I ask, recalling the half basketball court next to his three-car detached garage.

"You play basketball?" I glance at him to see his eyes widen at the question.

"Yes. I love to play." I grin at him as I grab his plate and stack it on top of mine.

He leans his head back and whispers something to the sky that faintly sounds like "fuck me" which makes me grin. I get it, playing basketball is something else we have in common.

He looks back at me with desire in his eyes, as if he's undressing me as I stand in front of him. Fuck, that look is so intense. I begin to breath heavy, and I bite my lip. Fuck, not that look again. I turn and make my exit to the house to begin putting everything up.



This woman is literally driving me wild. She's beautiful, sexy, caring, kind, lethal when she needs to be, she wants to help troubled teens, she cooks, she plays guitar, she's in a band, she rides four wheelers, she plays basketball, she's funny, smart. She's fucking gorgeous...and she has to be mine.

Lawman might have raised her out of the club, but he raised her like she had been – she's feisty, badass and has a weakness for the troubled. She herself is troubled and hurting, but yet, look at her. She's beginning to open up to me and she's sleeping. She's a fighter, even when she doesn't want to be.

I shake my head and realize I've been sitting here, frozen, while she's cleaning up. Fuck, this woman is consuming my every thought and action. I stand up and grab the remaining items off the table to take them inside. As I enter the house, I stop in the kitchen doorway when I see Lily bent over the dishwasher loading it.

"Fuck me" I whisper as I look down at her perfect round ass in my face again, her tight yoga pants showing off the perfect outline of it. Twice in one day. I am a lucky motherfucker. What I would give to be touching that while I'm deep inside of her.

She looks up at me with those perfect eyes and I clear my throat to shake me out of my thoughts. Walking to the counter, I dump everything onto it as she comes over to help me put it all away. It doesn't take us long before the kitchen is back to normal, and I lean against the counter to look at her.

"Come on, let's play." I wink at her as I push myself off the counter as she follows me out front towards the garage. I want to play other things with her, but I'll settle for playing her in a game of basketball.

"So, what's your game of choice? Horse?" I tease her as I grab the basketball and throw it to her.

"Haha very funny, Nitro." She teases me, "Let's do simple one on one. Play to nine."

Fuck, I'd love to play one on one with you, Little One. She's standing across from me dribbling like a pro and my cock is getting hard watching her. Fuck, this is going to be fun.

"Okay. Let's go." I grin at her and knock the ball out of her hands. Grabbing it, I take off and start dribbling it around the court. She is on me instantly. Fuck, she's sexy. She's jumping all around, grabbing for the ball and I'm seriously unable to move. Not only because she's making my cock so hard it hurts to move but she's fucking good at this. Where the hell did this little petite thing learn to play like this?

I'm able to get past her on the left as she sneaks in and grabs the ball. She turns and throws it in. Nothing but net. Fuck, she's good. I watch as she runs up and grabs the ball. She bends over to pick it up showing me that perfect ass once again.

She starts dribbling and we're back at it again. This time I'm behind her with my arms over her shoulders blocking her. She steps to the right and then quick to the left and she's gone. I catch up to her again and I'm right back up on her ass. She's trying to push me back with her little body but as she does, her ass rubs up against my cock and I can't control the moan that comes out.

"You keep doing that, Little One, and I'm not going to give a fuck if you have an It's complicated." I growl down into her ear.

She stops dribbling unable to breath from my words and I knock the ball out of her hand. I turn and score. I look back at her and notice the look on her face. Seems I scored there too. The thought makes me smile even wider. Fuck yes, she likes me.

"Come on, Little One." I wink and bounce the ball over to her.

We continue like this for several minutes, her rubbing up on me as I dribble and me rubbing up on her when she has the ball. The game is getting intense, as is my desire for her. We are tied and whoever scores next, wins.

"Next shot wins, Little One." I'm standing across from her dribbling the ball.

She's standing with her hands resting on her knees looking up at me. Her hair is tied back into a ponytail revealing that sexy ass neck of hers. Her perfect tits are pushing up out of her crop top and she cocks her eyebrow at me.

"That shot will be mine, Nitro." She teases and starts coming after me. I turn and run past her but she's quick and grabs the ball from me. She shoots and misses.

"Doesn't look like it, sweetheart" I grab it, dribble and throw but it also misses.

The ball bounces towards her and she instantly grabs it running away from me. I reach out and almost grab the ball causing her to yell and jump back in excitement. Fuck, even that is cute as hell.

She goes to the far edge of the court, turns and throws it before I can reach her. I stop and watch the ball as it goes straight into the net. Holy Fuck.

"Great shot, Little One. But I bet you can't do that shit again?" I tease her. That was pure fucking luck.

"What are we betting?" she teases, placing her hands on her hips.

"Seriously?" I ask her, there's no way this girl is real. Sure, she's already proven she's great at basketball. Fuck playing with her, is like playing with the guys, except sexy. But for her to make that shot again would be impossible.

"Seriously. What's your bet, Nitro?" Fuck, I'm really starting to love the way she teases me.

"If you make it, I'll tell you anything you want to know. If you miss, you tell me why it's complicated." I'm referring to Steven and she knows it.

"Deal" she smirks as we both know I care way too much about her connection with this guy and if it's serious. I need to know what the fuck I'm up against.  

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