Chapter 11

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I return to the deck to find Nitro setting a plate of cooked burgers the middle of the table. He grabs the items from my hands and sets them down before pulling out a chair for me to sit.

He's sexy, a gentleman, gorgeous, protective but not controlling, and built like a fucking body builder. It's also obvious from my tour of his beautiful cabin, that the place is free of any signs of a woman being here. Fuck, whatever woman does get this sexy man, she is one lucky bitch.

"So, tell me about yourself." He says, sitting in the chair across from me. And now he wants to know about me. Fuck.

"What do you want to know?" I ask, watching as he grabs a burger, a bun and starts piling on toppings and I start to do the same.

"Everything, but you can start with your age, what you do for a living, and what you have against sports cars." he grins as I laugh recalling what I said to him when I got into his truck.

"I'm twenty-six. I'm currently a personal assistant and the men that drive them." I grin before taking a bite of my burger as he laughs at my last answer.

"So, you say currently a personal assistant. What the hell is that and why is it temporary?" he asks taking a bite of his burger as he watches me.

"My boss is the CEO of a big company and I do everything for him. I'm hoping like hell it's temporary, it isn't what I wanted to do with my life." I confess to him. What is it about him that makes me want to open up to him?

"What do you want to do?" he asks interested, as he takes a sip of his water.

"I want to help troubled teens and young adults. Music and dance helped me through some rough times, and I want to help others find that. I majored in music and dance in college. When I graduated, I became a music instructor at a high school for troubled teens just outside of the city for a few years. I was working towards opening a performance studio." I tell him not realizing that I haven't spoken about my dream in months. Steven hated that I wanted to help troubled kids. He thought it was a waste of time. I take a bite of my burger and watch Nitro's shocked expression.

"That's impressive, Little One." He eyes me for a moment, thinking about what I've said. Yeah, I thought so too. Much more impressive than being someone's whipping post.

From the way Nitro's looking at me, I wonder if I've said something wrong or if something is on my face. I wipe my mouth and take a sip my water.

"What do you play?" he finally asks before taking another bite of his burger.

"Guitar, piano and vocals." I tell him and he grins at me as he chews.

"So, what about you?" I ask him before taking another bite of my burger.

"I'm twenty-six. I'm the Sergeant-At-Arms for the club. I was a Captain in the Marine's, Special Operations. I served two tours overseas. When I got out, my dream was to build an outdoor recreational facility with dirt trails that veterans, and other military brothers and sisters, could go to blow off some steam racing dirt bikes, four wheelers, whatever they want. I'm in the process of building it a few miles from here. I play guitar and vocals. Oh, and I don't like sports cars either." He grins looking sexy as hell watching me.

Fuck. We both like to help people. We both are into music. We both play guitar and sing. We are both twenty-six. I fucking love to go four wheeling. Can this guy get any fucking better?

"Now that's impressive, Nitro." I grin at him. He's proud and he should be. "When does your place open? And how big is the track?"

"It should be completed in a few more months. It's massive, it's over two hundred acres. The trails have already been mapped out and created. There's also an event building, that will be done in a few weeks. Do you like dirt trails?" He asks me, cocking an eyebrow.

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