Chapter 52

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It's almost midnight when we make it down to the bar, and I'm surprised by how many people are still awake. A few are nursing beers while others are watching tv, playing cards, eating or simply sitting around talking. It's quiet, which I find surprising.

As we approach, some stop and stare at us and I'm not sure why, but I notice they do it a lot. I now suspect it's because Dawson is the third highest member in the club, something that I just realized, so people take notice of him everywhere he goes.

He nods at a few of them as we pass through the bar. I recognize some of them, and their old ladies, from seeing them earlier. Looking behind the bar, I expect to see Deb but instead in her place is a young, bald guy with a prospect cut on.

I feel Dawson's hand on the small of my back as he leads me behind the bar and into the kitchen. We step through the swinging door to find Spike and Tank at a long counter making sandwiches in a large, industrial sized kitchen. They glance up and smile when they see who has joined them.

"Shit man, is this what I think it is?" Tank grins glancing at me wearing Dawson's club jacket.

"Sure, the fuck is. Lily has said yes to being my old lady." Dawson beams with pride and leads me over to them.

"Congratulations, man." Spike smiles as he slaps Dawson on the shoulder. Dawson picks me up and places me on the counter next to Tank.

"Yeah, that's fucking awesome." Tank slaps Dawson on the back and shakes his hand with the other.

It's amazing seeing Dawson so happy that I'm going to be his old lady. Fuck, I'm happy!

"Anything new since church?" Dawson looks over at Spike who's standing on the other side of Tank putting pickles onto his plate.

"Nope, nothing. There's still nothing in the media about him, everything seems quiet for the most part. It's strange." Spike says as he closes a jar of pickles.

I'm not sure if they're referring to Steven but it was normal for things to be quiet from him. It was when he allowed me to be away from him. Dawson needs to know this but I'm unsure if I can say anything. Steven hated it when I interrupted him when he was talking business. I know Dawson is nothing like him, but would it be disrespectful of me?

"Are you talking about Steven?" I glance from Spike to Dawson, scared that I've made a mistake speaking up.

"Yes, Little One." Dawson confirms with his eyebrow cocked.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interfere." I shake my head. Steven hated it when I interfered when he was talking business. Dawson walks over and stands between my legs, placing his finger under my chin.

"Little One, you are not an interference. You can say anything you want. Do you understand me?" I see the hurt in his eyes. He knows why I was scared to say something.

"Yes, Dawson." I nod, keeping my eyes on his as I continue, "It isn't strange for Steven to go off grid sometimes. He was the CEO, but his dad mostly handled everything. Steven was only involved with entertaining the clients." Dawson places his hands on my thighs and I can tell he's searching my eyes for more.

"How long would he be off the grid, Little One?" he tucks a strand of hair behind my ear, keeping his eyes locked on mine. I glance at Tank and Spike, who have both completely stopped what they're doing to watch us before looking back at Dawson and answering him.

"A few days, the most was a little over a week. He wouldn't tell anyone where he was going, even me." Those were the only times I was able to be alone. Now, I realize I was never alone, he was always watching me.

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