Chapter 35

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It's been almost an hour since Dawson left me under Tank's protection. We've been playing pool against Texas and Butch while Gunner watches from a barstool sipping on his beer. Dawson ran off all the whores not wanting the guys distracted while they babysat me. He probably also didn't want Tara allowed to come over and bother me while he was away.

The meeting in Bruce's office seemed to go as Dawson told me it would. The five of them – Dawson, Dad, Taz, Bruce and Spike – appeared from the hallway thirty minutes later, and they all seemed to be pissed. Bruce yelled over the music for church and a few men went running towards them, Snake being one of them. Dawson's eyes met mine and he winked at me before I watched them disappear into the beautiful mahogany wooden door that separates the row of booths along the far wall of the clubhouse. I guess that's where they conduct church.

So, it's happening. The club's ranked leaders are finding out about me. They are now being asked to go up against Steven and the Mexican Cartel because of me. How can I ask them to do that for me? This is between me and Steven. No one else. I should have stopped this a long time ago. I should never have allowed the club to get involved in this. To risk themselves...for me. This is bullshit.

All of this is because of me, and I need to be the one to fix it. Not Dawson, and especially not the club.

I can't go around like a poor pathetic girl that needs others to fix her fuckups. Dad and Taz taught me to be brave. They trained me for this shit. They trained me to take care of myself. And I failed to do it. It's time I finally stop being pathetic and stop letting others protect me. I've done it once; I've killed when I had to. I know Dawson said I couldn't take on Steven and the cartel alone, but what if I can. I have to try especially if it saves the clubhouse from a possible war.

Just then, I'm pulled out of my thoughts when I notice the prospects that Dawson spoke to when we arrived. One of them is supposed to be going to the cabin to pick up his bike. They could be my way out of here.

"I'll be right back. Ladies room." I tell Tank and hop off the barstool. I lost the last game, so I've been sitting next to Gunner watching Tex and Tank play this round.

"We'll be here." Tank says and returns his attention to the pool table to take his shot.

I walk towards the hallway to the right following the two prospects out of the bar. I pass the bathrooms and am halfway down the hallway, when I hear a woman's husky voice behind me, the voice sounds as if she's been smoking cigarettes since she was twelve.

"Looks like you've got your hands on my Nitro." Glancing over my shoulder, I see the blonde whore that kept eyeing Dawson and me when we arrived. Yep, it's Tara.

"It doesn't seem like he's yours then, does it?" I smirk as I continue walking towards the door the prospect disappeared through.

"He is mine and has been for years. It might seem like he's into you now, but he'll come crawling back. He always does. When he gets tired of you, I'll be here fucking him every night." She's on my heels and I feel myself about to explode. I'm pissed because of Steven and now, this bitch.

"Alright, well you wait around like a good little whore, I have shit to do" I don't stop as I almost make it to the door when I feel her hand on my arm jerking me around to face her.

That was a fucking mistake. No one touches me like that anymore. I jerk my arm out of her grasp and slam her against the wall with my hand around her throat. I hold her tightly to the wall with one hand around her neck and the other, on her arm.

"Listen bitch, you touch me again and I'll slit your fucking throat. I get you're mentally slow, that's probably why he had to give you physical observation by fucking two other whores in front of you which still didn't work. So let me try another tactic. If he wanted you for anything more than getting his rocks off, you wouldn't still be calling him Nitro. Now be a good little whore and go find a dick to suck and leave me the fuck alone." I grab her hair in my fist and pound her head against the wall hard before letting her go and walking off.

Good, she doesn't follow me this time. Maybe she's fucking catching on. I push the door open and walk outside fuming about what just happened and lucky that the two prospects I was following, haven't left yet.

"Hey guys?" I shout getting their attention just as they're getting into the truck.

"What can we do for you little lady?" The one who's name is Army says to me as he steps out of the passenger side and turns to me. He's younger than the other one, Rebel, but not by much.

"You're going to pick up the bike at Nitro's, right?" I ask, using Dawsons' club name as I don't want to confuse anyone.

"Yeah, you want me to take you for a ride when I get back, doll?" he grins, running his hand through his short blonde hair and gives me his best flirty look. It's cute, almost enough to make me grin but I'm too pissed to even try.

"No, I was hoping I could bum a ride with you there." I stop at the tailgate of the truck and glance at Rebel who is now out of the truck looking at me.

"Absolutely, doll. Climb in." Army motions for me to climb into the passenger seat. I walk towards him and sit down as he closes the door behind me before climbing into the back seat. Good, mission accomplished.

The ride to Nitro's seems to be lasting forever with the obnoxious flirting from the two boys, although I do learn a few things about them. Army, the guy behind me, is twenty-two and just finished with a four-year stint in the Army – thus the name. Rebel, the driver, is twenty-three and has been in and out of jail since he was fifteen. A troubled teen. It is Rebel's bike that Dawson modified.

When we arrive at the cabin, Rebel jumps out of the truck quickly in awe of the modifications Dawson had made to his bike. I was also in awe of them when I first saw it, it's pretty badass. He even showed me pictures of what it looked like before and I have to say, Dawson did an amazing job. The handlebars had been lowered. Its once black body is now black with cool orange streaks all over it and the wheels have been upgraded to orange from basic black to match the streaks.

"This is fucking awesome." Rebel shouts and pulls out his phone and starts taking photos of it.

"Could I use that for a second? I need to make a call and no cell." I ask when Rebel finishes and starts to put the phone back into his pocket. Rebel tosses me the phone and goes back to admiring his bike.

I dial the one number from memory that I wish I could forget and never dial again. He made me remember it when I told him my phone died one night and I couldn't call him. I was punished and told the next time; I best borrow a phone.

"Hello?" his voice is irritated as if I'm interrupting something.

"It's me" I whisper, closing my eyes unsure of what is coming next. I need to hide my anger. I need to act as if I know nothing about who is truly is, or what he's done to me.

"Well, hello, Kitten. You sure have been a naughty girl. Where are you?" And there's the voice I remember. The low, flirty domineering voice that used to bring chills of excitement, now it brings chills of disgust.

"I can't tell you." I whisper, glancing over at Rebel and Army to make sure they're not listening.

"Kitten. Do not make this worse for yourself. Now where the fuck are you and when are you coming home?" his voice is low and demanding.

"Tonight." I whisper and wipe away a single tear from my cheek.

"That's a good girl." He says and I can almost see the sadistic smile on his face. "And Kitten, wear my favorite."

"Yes, sir" I whisper and hang up the phone. It's done. Now, to get out of here.

I return to the guys and hand Rebel his phone back. They say their goodbyes and I watch as they disappear down the driveway.

Rushing into the house, I grab my wallet and the truck keys from the entry table. Please fuck don't let Dawson be pissed at me for stealing his truck. I jump in the truck, adjust the seat and mirrors and take off towards the man I swore I'd never see again. And I am doing it willingly. I have to stop being weak and protect myself. I have to try to stop this asshole myself.

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