Chapter 38

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Within minutes of finding out Lily was gone; we were on our way to the city. Tank, Texas, Gunner, Snake, and Butch are behind me on the bikes while Taz, Lawman and Spike follow behind them in the club van. Spike tapped into the GPS system of my truck and found that it is just outside of Atlanta. We are about thirty minutes behind her.

I don't know what she's thinking except that she's trying to fix this on her own. I tried to warn her. No matter how angry she is, this man and the cartel are too much for her to take on by herself. Her life could seriously be in danger.

A part of me is scared like hell that she's going back to him. I fucking hope she's not. I've heard of abused women never being able to leave their abuser and from the sound of her voice in that phone call, maybe that's exactly what she's doing. Maybe I'm stupid to chase her if this is where she truly wants to be, no matter how badly he hurts her. Please fuck, tell me I'm not losing her.

Fuck! No, I can't believe that's true. The shit he has done to her. I've held her while she's cried about him hurting her. There's no way she'd go back plus, the way she looks at me. The things she says to me. The way we are together. The past few days have been fucking perfect with her. The way she feels in my arms, she's supposed to be with me goddammit. She said she was mine. I know she meant it, there's no way she didn't.

My phone rings taking me out of thoughts.

"Talk to me" I say into my Bluetooth.

"She's at her apartment. I tapped into the surveillance camera. She parked your truck in the garage, hid the keys under the wheel well and disappeared into the building. She returned a few minutes later, in a different outfit and got into a black Toyota 4Runner trail edition with a front grill and top rack. Lawman says its hers." Fuck we can't track her. And fuck, trail edition. My woman does like off-roading.

"Where's she heading?" I have to get there quick before it's too late.

"Looks like to Steven's. I'll update your GPS." Spike says and the GPS on my phone updates to an address about twenty minutes away.

"Give me details on this place." I say needing to know what the fuck we're heading into.

"I'm tapping in now. The place is a fucking fortress. Two story, gate around the property and some security guards. Empty house across the street for sale. I've tapped into the security system there and unlocked it. We'll set up base there. There's a tattoo shop a couple of miles away. I know the owner. You can park the bikes there and take the van over to the house."

"Thanks man" I say before ending the call.

Within fifteen minutes, we pull into the tattoo shop and hide our bikes around back and pile into the van. Five minutes later, Taz pulls the van into the garage of the empty house, and we pile out except for Spike who's busy on his computer.

"Security system was a bitch to get through, but I managed. I'm counting eleven security guys. One at the front gate, one at the side gate, two at the front door, two back door, two side door on the left facing the street and three inside. Seems the basement and upstairs are empty. He has her in the kitchen, which is the back left of the house, and they're alone." Spike gives us the details quickly.

"We'll do this in threes. Tank and Texas you're with me. We'll sweep the left side and straight to the kitchen. Butch, Gunner and Snake you take the front and work your way to the kitchen. Pops and Lawman you two will stay here and" I was cut off by both of them shaking their heads at me.

"That's not how that's going down, boy" Pops shakes his head, growling at me.

"She's my daughter, and he helped raise her. There's no way in hell we stay back." Lawman gets in my face ready to fight me.

He might be a lawyer, but the man is almost the size of me, so is Pops. It didn't matter that they are both almost fifty, they could fight and give any of us twentysomethings a run for our money in the ring. Plus, they're also ex-Marines.

"Yeah, I get it. Lawman, you come with me. Pops you're with Butch. Spike, let's cut the power." I say to him, and he goes back to his computer.

"Done" he says, and we turn to look out the garage window as the entire place across the street goes dark.

"This is for you" Spike hands me and Butch earpieces for us to communicate "and I've jumbled their security feed. I can see what's going on, but those fuckers can't" Spike's damn good at what he does, it's why I demand he joins us on missions. I tuck the earpiece into my ear and go into action.

"That's our cue boys." I tell them leaving Spike behind in the van. We exit the house and go our separate ways, each team in our Marine stacked formation to sweep the house.

Lawman, Tank, Tex and I inch close to the side gate and pause behind a few trees. Lawman is next to me, while Tank and Tex are behind a couple of trees behind us. We have a clear shot from here of the two guards at the side gate who are busy radioing for assistance trying to figure out what happened with the power. They are oblivious to the four of us.

I hold up my silenced rifle and send a bullet straight into one of their heads knocking him back into the other guy. The one still standing, is dazed looking around not knowing what the hell just happened. I pull the trigger again and send a bullet right between his eyes.

"Two down. Side gate is clear." I say into the earpiece. Just then, Butch tells his the same is true for the front gate.

I motion for the men to follow me as we approach the gate in formation. Staying hidden behind the guard shack we notice the two guards at the door notice the men on the ground and begin to walk towards the gate to assess the situation.

"Nitro, what's your eta on the kitchen?" Spike asks into the earpiece as I watch the guard's approach.

"Two minutes. What'cha got?" Tex answers for me, as I am too close to the guards and my voice would give me away.

"A knife." Spike says and all I see is red.

As the guard's get closer, I jump out, hitting one of the men with the butt of my rifle crushing his skull while Tank takes care of the other one stabbing him in the chest. I reach down and grab the walkie talkie from the man's vest, tossing it to Lawman, before we rush to the side of the house.

"What's happening, Spike?" I whisper into the earpiece as we make our way to the back of the house towards the kitchen, when we hear Lily screaming. The sound sends fear coursing through my body. He's fucking hurt her.

"He has her on the floor." Spike says into the earpiece.

We rush to the nearby window, I peak in to see a large wooden table knocked over on its side and next to it on the floor is Steven straddling Lily, and they are both covered in blood. I'm too late, he's going to fucking kill her. Fuck!

We quickly and quietly inch our way to the back door as we watch Steven stand pulling Lily up with him. He's leading her to a door to the far left of the kitchen. I can't let him move elsewhere with her. We need to move...and now.

I motion for Tank, and he storms through the back door with one kick stopping Steven in his tracks before Steven reaches the door that Steven seems to be headed for.

Tank and I storm into the kitchen with our guns pointed at the back of Steven's head.

"Don't you fucking move." I growl as Steven slowly turns to face me, with Lily in his arms, and a knife to her throat. Her shirt has been cut open exposing her bra and she's covered in blood. A small gash is across her stomach and the sight fucking infuriates me.  

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