I beam with pride at the woman on my lap. She is strong, beautiful, caring and a fucking badass. She also continues to prove what an amazing old lady she's going to be. If she wants Steven's kill shot, she can have it.
Sure, I fucking want to kill him myself for hurting her. Fuck, I've dreamt about the ways I will continue to torture him – tie his legs and arms to a couple of bikes and watch his body be ripped apart or feeding him alive to the hogs we keep on property to dispose of evidence.
But she's the one that got fucked over. She deserves to be the one to take him out if that's what she wants. Sure, as her old man, I can try to keep her from it, but I'm done trying to make decisions for her that she obviously wants to make on her own. I've learned my lesson.
We wait for Spike to work his magic with Steven's cellphone before he makes the call to him. Bruce thought it would be best to use his phone as proof that the club, does in fact, have Steven.
"You, ok?" I whisper into Lily's ear. I can tell she's nervous. If it wasn't for me holding her hands in her lap, she would be wringing them.
"Nervous." She whispers.
"I'm right here, Little One. I'll always be right here." I whisper and kiss her ear, making her blush.
I feel her go tense in my arms as we hear Spike dial the number, putting it on speaker. When it begins to ring, Spike slides it over to Bruce who picks it up to hold it in his hand. He leans back in his chair and begins to pull on his beard.
"I'm guessing this isn't Steven." The sound of a man's thick Spanish voice comes on the line, and it makes my blood boil with anger. So, this is Rafe.
"You would guess right. Seems Steven is a little tied up at the moment." Bruce replies, still pulling at his beard.
"And who do I have the pleasure of speaking with?" Rafe asks, and I already hate the demanding sound of his voice.
"The name's Bruce. I'm the man that's going to make sure Steven pays for what he did to a woman of ours." Bruce glances at Lily and I feel her tense in my arms.
"And who is this woman?" Rafe demands coldly.
"Lily." Bruce says glancing from me to her.
"She isn't your woman." Rafe's growls and I tighten my grip on Lily to not only calm my rage but because I feel her body grow even more tense in my arms.
"No, she isn't mine. She belongs to one of my men." Bruce corrects sternly. My breathing is heavy, and I want to scream at Rafe that he can come fight me, but I leave it to Bruce. We don't need me making it worse.
"This man of yours is mistaken and I will kill anyone that wants to argue that." Rafe sounds pissed and it takes Spike's arm on my shoulder to stop me from saying something. This motherfucker is trying to take my woman.
"Then I guess we have a fight cause we're arguing that." Bruce demands into the phone and all I see is rage.
"I will find you Bruce and I will torture you, this man that believes she is his and the rest of your men until you turn her over to me." Rafe demands and hangs up the phone. Bruce throws the phone down on the mahogany table. If Lily were not on my lap, my fist would be through a wall. This motherfucker isn't getting my woman. I will fucking rip his goddamn head off with my bare hands before he takes her from me.
"Nitro, prepare us for war. He's close and it's not going to take him long to figure out where she's at. I want those drugs from the jet here." Bruce says to me and then looks past me to Spike, "Spike, keep an eye on Rafe. Keep Nitro and I updated on his whereabouts. I also want that money somewhere safe so they can't touch it or find it." Bruce demands and hits the gavel hard on the table in front of him. Lily jumps in my arms at the sound.
Rafe's trying to fucking take her from me. He has threatened war on us to do so. Well, he can have his fucking war, but he won't make it out alive. She is mine. The rage builds in my body as I clutch Lily to my chest. I watch as the men leave the room so we can have a moment alone.
"You're not going anywhere, Little One." I whisper into her ear as I squeeze her to me. "You are safe. I will not let him take you."
"I'm sorry." She whispers and I force her eyes to mine.
"This isn't your fault, Little One. Please stop blaming yourself. It isn't your fault what Steven did to you, and it isn't your fault that Rafe is after you. Us fighting, isn't your fault. He's coming for you no matter if we help you or not. I choose to stand and fight with you because I fucking love you, baby. And so do they. You are not alone, and we are not going to allow him to take you. Do you understand me?" I say to her and don't let her have time to respond. I crash my lips to hers kissing her deeply.
Her body begins to soften against mine and my rage begins to calm. She is everything to me and I will protect her with my life.
"Now, come on, we have work to do, Little One." I grin at her and help her up.
We join the others in the bar and find that the entire club is waiting on us. Bruce is standing near the bar staring at us as we exit the church room and nods at me as soon as I make eye contact with him. I nod back, advising that we're ready. Bruce faces the room and begins to speak.
"I've called you all here because we are going to war. We need all of you to be prepared. I know Nitro and his men made sure everyone was armed and now, I'm telling you to be ready. We expect the enemy to be here soon, we will keep you updated on when but expect it to be as early as an hour from now. We will be fighting here. We have a better advantage here than going to them. Nitro and his guys will be going over a war strategy and we will bring that to you in less than thirty minutes. Understood?" Bruce shouts to the packed bar. The room grows loud with a resounding yes from everyone.
"Get the men to my office." I tell Snake, who is standing a few feet from Lily and me. He nods and takes off to collect the guys. The strategy isn't going to take long to go over, I already know the basic strategy I'm going for. The setup of the buildings is going to be perfect to trap them in and take care of them quick.
"I need to get with the team and discuss strategy. I need you to stay with your dad, Little One." I tell her as she turns to face me scared.
"I'm not leaving you." She demands, her big hazel eyes stare up at me determined that she's going to get her way. I can't help but to grin at her.
"No, Little One, you are not." I kiss her gently on the lips and pull her towards my office. I know it isn't customary to have her with me during strategy, but right now, I don't give a fuck. What Little One wants, Little One is going to get. Plus, I know soon I will have to leave her to go outside and fight, and that, is going to be hard on her.

Lily's Protector - Wolves MC
Romance**COMPLETED** Lily has been tormented by the memories of her mother's murder since she was eight years old. She's spent years terrified that the men would come back for her. A fear, that led Lily on a life of self-destruction until her father's bes...