We reach the clubhouse and I pull the bike up front and park in my usual spot. It's pretty dead this morning, which is great. I'd like to get in here and deal with Steven's bullshit without having to deal with a bunch of bullshit from the other brothers. I'm fucking furious about what she's told me and I'm not in the mood to deal with anyone right now.
This motherfucker has been beating her, raping her, forcing her to have sex with other men, humiliating her when she refuses, cheating on her and fucking blackmailing her so she can't fucking leave his sorry ass. I'm going to fucking take care of the fucking images on his laptop and then, I'm going to find him and I'm going to fucking kill him.
"You, ok?" I ask her as she gets off the bike and takes her helmet off. She knows I'm not asking about the Steven bullshit; I know how she's feeling about that. I want to make sure she's ok about being at the clubhouse again. She was alright the last night we were here, but it upset her after we left.
"I'm ok" she nods, and I take her hand leading her into the clubhouse. Fuck, this woman has been fighting through all kinds of bullshit her entire life. She's not doing it alone anymore. Fuck that. I'm here now and I'm making it my fucking place to protect her.
Once inside the bar, I immediately spot Bruce's bald head sitting at a table doing paperwork. He looks up and grins as he sees us coming through the door. Fuck, I can't, not talk to the prez.
"Little One, it's the club president, we'll be quick." I whisper to her, and she nods. I tighten my grip on her hand letting her know I'm right here with her as I lead her over to him.
"Holy shit it is you! Damn girl I haven't seen you since you were a little girl." Bruce smiles through his bushy beard at Lily as he jumps out of his chair to stand in front of us, "I sure would like to hug you but I'm afraid that would scare the shit out of you." he smiles, extending his hand to Lily. She takes it grinning at him.
"I'm sorry, I don't remember you." She seems sad that she can't remember him.
"Well, I wouldn't think you would, darlin'. Hell, seeing you two together again. Damn. Deb, you see this?" he shouts over his shoulder towards his old lady, who is sitting behind the bar on a barstool drinking a cup of coffee watching the news.
"Yep, couple of days ago. Brings back memories, don't it?" Deb shouts. Fuck, I sure wish I could remember being with Lily back then.
"Sure, the hell does." Bruce looks at us, grinning like he's recalling a memory of the two of us when we were little.
"I would love to hear some of those memories some time." Lily grins at him, realizing the same thing I am. Fuck, I'd like to hear those too.
"How about right now? This shit can wait." Bruce points down at his paperwork and shouts, "Deb, why don't you get us some beers?"
"Can't right now Prez. Got some business with Spike and then we've got to get back. But we'll definitely take a raincheck." I say to him and wink down at Lily. There will be more opportunities for him to tell us those stories, because I'm not letting her go.
"Alright, raincheck it is. Cancel those beers Deb." He says shouting back at her, to which she shouts to the bar if anyone needs another round. It's not even noon yet and some of these fuckers are already drunk. We say our goodbyes to Bruce and head back to Spike's office, and I knock on the door.
"Come in" Spike shouts from the other side and I open the door to see him sitting at his large mahogany desk on the computer.
"What's up brother?" he smiles and stands to greet us. We bump fists and Spike turns his attention to Lily whose standing next to me, holding my hand.

Lily's Protector - Wolves MC
Romance**COMPLETED** Lily has been tormented by the memories of her mother's murder since she was eight years old. She's spent years terrified that the men would come back for her. A fear, that led Lily on a life of self-destruction until her father's bes...