Chapter 53

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Once again, I wake up holding Lily against my chest and I sigh at how fucking lucky I am. Every time I get to wake up holding her, is a lucky fucking day. Resisting the urge to crawl between her legs and wake her up by sucking on that beautiful pussy of hers, I reluctantly push myself out of the bed and away from her.

Bruce is calling church first thing this morning, and I don't want to be late or else Lily's pussy would be mine again. Plus, I told Army to be here at nine a.m. sharp, which is only ten minutes from now, and that is not enough time to worship her.

Ten minutes later, I am dressed and ready to leave when Army texts, at exactly nine a.m., that he is here. I kiss Lily on the forehead before I leave and quietly close the door behind me.

Making my way downstairs, I try to piece together everything we know about Steven and the cartel. From what Lily was saying last night, Rafe might have been the one that got him into the cartel. He was fighting with him about drugs, there's money in his account that doesn't add up to the withdrawals from his personal accounts. He's getting that money from somewhere, could he be stealing from the cartel?

I turn right at the end of the stairs and walk down the hallway making my way to Pops' booth. Turning the corner, I see him sitting where he always does with his back to me. I approach and swing into the booth across from him.

"How's it going, son?" Pops grins, taking a sip of coffee.

"Fucking wonderful" I grin at him as a prospect sets a plate of gravy biscuits and bacon in front of his face.

"Bring me one of those and a coffee." I nod to the prospect as he walks off.

The club whores would normally be serving the food, but Bruce didn't want them here during a possible war because he doesn't want the guys to be distracted. Guess he didn't think the old ladies would be a threat. I grin at the fact that my old lady was definitely not like theirs, all I seem to be able to do is focus on her and that tight pussy of hers.

"I need a new room" Lawman comes strutting towards us with a look between being pissed and tired as he plops down next to Pops in the booth across from me.

"What's wrong with yours?" Pops glances at him before taking a bite of his breakfast.

"It's too close to this asshole." Lawman nods in my direction huffing, "You'd think he'd be quiet, but no he has to have my daughter screaming his name all fucking day and night. I can't take another fucking minute of it." Pops starts laughing so hard, he almost chokes on his breakfast.

"I'm sorry, man." Pops and I laugh. Lily is pretty fucking loud but that's one of the things I love about fucking her.

"So, you're Dawson" the prospect sets a plate of food in front of me with a huge grin on his face.

"Yep, that's me," I smile at him before turning serious as I slap him on the chest, "But that's always Nitro to you, and put some fucking earbuds in next time and have some fucking respect for my old lady."

"Yes, sir" the prospect nods and walks off.

"You have some respect for her dad." Lawman glares at me from across the table.

"I have respect, I'm making sure the goddess you have given me, is well taken care of." I grin at him as Pops laughs.

"Fuck. I don't want to hear that. Our friendship now has boundaries, Nitro. I'm the dad, you're the boyfriend and her old man. Got it." Lawman points his finger between the two of us making sure that I understand. I want to tease him further by reminding him that I'll be her husband soon, but I leave it alone.

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