Chapter 51

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Dawson and I have finally made it out of the bed and are getting dressed. If we continue to have sex like this, we're definitely going to get pregnant...and fast.

We have found each other, and even though we haven't truly known each other that long, we feel as if we've known each other our entire lives. Everything with him feels so fucking right. We are meant to be, I feel it in my fucking soul.

He's asked me to be his old lady and of course, I accepted. He has saved me, loved me, protected me, made me feel comfortable and has given me the best orgasms of my fucking life. I am his. He wants me to be his old lady and the mother of his children, and that's exactly what I'm going to be for him.

Although I do hope, that isn't all he wants from me. I want to be his wife. I want to be that lucky woman I thought about when I first started getting to know him.

I look at him a few feet in front of me as he pulls on a black tank top over his massive chest. He's wearing dark gray sweatpants that hang off his hips and a pair of black slides on his feet. He's so fucking sexy. His dark blue eyes take me in as I watch him, and I feel the heat begin to rise from my core again and I fucking want him again. This man awakens something inside of me that I crave constantly.

He steps towards me, cupping my face he leans down and gently kisses my lips before looking deeply into my eyes.

"I meant what I said, Little One. I want everything with you. One day, when I say your name, it will be Lilian Marie Barlow. Do you understand me?" he asks and as if he read my thoughts.

"Yes, Dawson." I manage to whisper, the sound of my name with his last name makes my heart flutter. He knew exactly what I was thinking. Again, he sees right into my soul. He wants me to be his wife. I am going to be his wife!

"Good" I see the corner of his mouth rise into a mischievous grin under his black beard. Fuck, this man is sexy, and he's just said I'm going to be his wife. I'm doing the happy dance inside of my head.

Dawson releases me and grabs his leather jacket from the back of the chair.

"Arms in, Little One." Dawson drapes it over my shoulders as I push my arms through the sleeves confused.

"Why aren't you going to wear it downstairs?" Since I've been around, he seems to always wear his cut or his jacket around the guys – all the time.

"I'm going to wear my cut. You're wearing my jacket because you've agreed to be my old lady. I want everyone downstairs to know that. Plus, you look so fucking sexy in it." He leans back looking at the jacket on my body before turning me to face the mirror.

The jacket is big on my petite frame, as it hangs down to the middle of my thighs, my tiny black shorts no longer visible. The leather hangs over my full tits that are behind a black crop top. My hair falls around my shoulders matching the black of the jacket. His patches, 'Sgt at Arms' and 'Nitro', are barely visible under my long locks. I have my tiny black converse on, and yeah, I do look pretty badass.

Turning around, I glance over my shoulder into the mirror at the wolf patch on my back – a black and gray wolf with dark, angry red eyes. To the bottom right of the wolf is a small 'MC' stitched in white. Above the wolf patch is 'Wolves' stitched in white, and below the wolf is 'Georgia' also stitched in white. It is a fucking badass jacket.

I grab the collar, closing my eyes at the smell of Dawson's cologne on the leather. I open my eyes to see him staring at me with a smile and I can see the pride burning in his eyes. The same look of pride he had on when I put on his leather cut for the first time in his room, only days ago.

"It feels like you're wrapped around me." I grin at him, still holding the cut to my nose.

"Fuck, Little One." He runs his thumb over my jawline, "You can wear it whenever you want. Even when you get yours. Unless I need it." he smirks at me.

I look at him confused before remembering that Deb and Nora both wore club cuts, and so did some of the other old ladies that I saw around here this morning. Deb's had Property of Bruce and Nora's had Property of Eagle below the wolf patch.

"When do I get mine?" my eyes grow wide with excitement. I want mine. I want everyone to know I'm his.

"Soon. Eagle ordered the cut today. When it comes in, Nora will sew the patches. Then it will be ready." Dawson laughs and starts for the door.

"Ordered? You haven't left this room since you asked me, and I haven't seen you on your phone." I cock an eyebrow at as I follow him to the door.

"I asked the club leads for their blessing at church earlier and they all agreed." He stops in front of the door and turns to face me with a mischievous grin on his face.

"Blessing?" I ask not understanding. I don't know much about the club, except what their cuts mean, who an old lady is and other basic stuff like that. I have no idea why he would need a blessing for me to be his old lady.

"Yes, blessing. We have rules, Little One. Any man wanting to claim an old lady after they've already been patched in, has to ask the ranked leaders for their blessing." He tells me and I'm even more confused by the rule.

"So, what happens if they don't give their blessing?" I put my hands on my hips wondering what would have happened if Dad and Taz had said no.

"If the majority votes no, then there's a very good reason for it, there's something wrong with the woman. He's of course, free to marry her but the club will not view her as an old lady. She won't be respected or protected as one. Even lockdowns, she will be on her own. If it's a prospect that is already married, the club has to approve of her, as well as the prospect, before we agree to patch in the man. If she doesn't pass, neither does he. Me, being the third highest rank in the club, it's even more important who my old lady is." He explains, and it makes sense to me. The club has to be able to trust the woman in a member's life too, especially the old lady and wife of the Sergeant-at-Arms. Fuck, I didn't realize he was the third highest member. I knew he was the muscle, but it didn't register to me just how important Dawson is to the club.

"That makes sense, the club has to be able to trust her, just as much as the member." I nod in understanding, which makes him grin.

"Damn right." He walks to me and wraps his arms around my waist, "That's why you're going to be a damn good old lady."

"I hope so, Dawson, but I need to know more of these rules. I want you to be proud to call me yours." I tell him sliding my arms around his neck.

"Oh, baby, I will make sure you know everything, and I am so, very fucking proud of you." He leans down and kisses me gently on the lips.

"Wait, even dad and Taz agreed?" I ask jerking out of our kiss, recalling how pissed dad was when he suspected something between Dawson and me. He seemed better earlier but I still wasn't sure he would approve of this so soon.

"Especially them." He laughs at my delayed response.

"Seriously? Well, what if I said no? And how does Eagle know my size anyway?" I put my hands on his biceps and stare up into his gorgeous blue eyes.

"Yes, seriously, they both agreed. I knew you'd say yes, Little One, and I know your sizes. Now come on, I'm starving." He grabs me by the wrist and pulls me out of the room, locking the door behind us. 

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