Chapter 57

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Fuck, I want nothing more than to protect Lily, but I can't make all her decisions for her. She's already warned me about that and here I was, trying to make another one. I let my need to want to keep her safe and protected, overshadow what she wanted.

I know the noises and images that plague her mind when I'm not around. I have held her when she has cried from the fucked-up shit Steven has done to her. I know how badly she hurts, and I only wanted to protect her from any more pain.

There's no way to know what Steven's going to say to her and how she's going to take it. There's no guarantee that he will even talk after Lily sees him.

She knows all of this, and the risks of what seeing him might do, and she still wants to do it. She wants to help me, and the club. I tried to stop that. Hell, even Spike and Tank knew she wanted to help and to give her a chance to make the decision and I tried to take that from her.

Lily is fucking amazing. She's gorgeous, sexy as fuck, and has a heart of gold. She fucking loves me and loves the club. She knows what it takes to be an old lady and she's going to be a damn good one – if I will step back and only allow her too.

She wants to show how grateful she is to me and this club, and I'm going to show her just how grateful I am to her...later. I already owe her for turning her down earlier, but now I owe her even more.

Bruce dismisses church and I'm beaming with pride as I place my hand on the small of Lily's back and escort her out into the bar.

As soon as we entire the bar, the bar goes silent, and all eyes are on her. I spot two prospects in front of us checking her out with their mouths to the fucking floor. I know what they're thinking. It was the same thing I was thinking when she walked into the church room wearing this sexy as fuck outfit.

She's in a tight black crop top that shows off her large tits perfectly. The material is so tight you can see the outline of her nipple rings. She has a small black gun holster around the middle of her stomach with my 9mm tucked in the right-side pocket. Her tanned, tight abs are on display above and below the holster. And she has on black military style pants that hug so low and tight on her waist they show off the perfect v of her tight-as-fuck abs.

On her feet are black biker boots and finishing it off, her black hair is loose, hanging in long curls around her shoulders like a lion's mane. She has a black choker around her neck, and leather bracelets stacked on both of her wrists.

She's a fucking, sexy badass and everyone sees it.

I let out a low growl in the back of my throat at the way they're all looking at her. Tightening my grip on her waist, I guide her towards the pool tables where the guys are waiting. Snake and Spike following close behind us, smirking. Finally having enough of everyone eye fucking my woman, I remove my cut and hang it over her shoulders.

"That's just making it worse, Nitro" Spike says laughing, as Snake and Lily laugh with him.

"A woman in a cut. Hmm" Snake joins in on the teasing.

"I will hurt both of you." I growl behind me at them.

"How's it going, beautiful? You are lookin' mighty fine." Tank whistles as we approach the pool tables. I feel her blush next to me and I put my arm over her shoulder pulling her closer to me.

"Hi, Tank." Lily giggles at him. Fuck, no why do they have to fuck with me like this.

"I will hurt you, Tank." I warn him sending him an evil glare. I know she's gorgeous but show some fucking respect. Besides, I already warned him about calling her beautiful.

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