☁Purple x Shy reader☁ Part 1

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*Cover art not mine*

You were doing an... Ok job helping the others with the tasks. You weren't just hiding away waiting on others to do the work, but you also weren't out of your box running around. You've seen what happens to those people. It's the third night here and the crawling around in your box looking for fuse's. When one of the braver one of your class mates runs in front of a vent and gets pulled in. Then you see two purple arms reaching out to catch the next passer byer. Green is no where because you can't here his foot steps, so you just wait to see if the vent monster will move. He looks over at you a couple times. But moves eventually. You hear Green and Blue coming from the under ground area. And it sounds like that might be the vent monster went? But you hear both of them stop for a couple seconds then keep moving. Which is weird.. Blue doesn't stop unless confused when chasing someone and Green doesn't stop unless he senses you. When they come up they both just pass you by. For Blue that makes sense. But you could have sworn Green had touched your box. Maybe he thought it was part of the surroundings? It did have a grainy texture dew to its design. And you were the only one with this kind of box. You not dying just then made you feel a bit more confidence. So you take off your box at start walking around! Which is good for your aching body from crawling for three days. As you walk around the place find a fuse here and there you spot the purple vent monster again. Though tried of calling him a vent monster you decide to call him Purple. As it seems to be his color. You see one of your class mates running towards the vent. You were about to worn them about Purple when he runs along a dry spot is the floor and makes it across safely. "WHY AREN'T YOU RUNNING?!" you here them yell as the duck behind a corner and put their box on. You look Infront of you again to see Blue. He looks at you for a second then keeps walking. Puzzled on way he didn't kill you just then you start walking forward forgetting about Purple. About also not hearing the alarm that's going off. You hear running behind you right before you get pulled into the vent. "Shh" Purple covers your mouth wale holding you close. You see orange looking around in the spot where you just had stood before continuing on his way. Purple lets go of you but does not let you leave the vent. "Sorry about that.. I hadn't told Orange not to kill you." "What..?" you say confused. Why would he be asking Orange not to kill you? Not like he cared about the others. "Well.. I thought you were cool.. And um.. We get to pick one human each we wish to live if we want to.. So ah.." "Um thanks.. I guess.. For picking me I mean.." "Oh! You still have fuses right..?" you nod your head in the dimly lit vent. Then Purple opens the vent. "Here.. Feel free to ask to come in the vent with me if you see me.." "Ok.." You manage the say. You don't really like talking to people much. But when talking with Purple you felt like you could be your self. Even if that was really awkward. When you get out of the vent you hear Purple crawl away. "HOW IN THE WORLD DID YOU NOT DIE?!" The same kid from earlier was staring at you mouth open and eyes wide. You did't like it. You just walk past him to put your fuses in the machine.

You wondered if all the other were nice like Purple. You see Green the the theater feeling around because him senses a different classmate which is up on a wall in her box. "Go away all ready.." you hear her whisper. You wanted to test your theory if they were all nice now. Well to you at lest. "Hello Green.." You say. Once you say that he stops moving his arms around and moves his head your direction. He just waves.. Kinda, and moves along out of the theater. You also leave to look for more fuses. *Come on they have to be here somewhere* You just walk along waving to Purple if his in a vent you pass. In which he all ways waves back. You pass Green and Blue a couple times. But stay clear of Orange. As you don't know if he knows you're on the.. "Not for dinner" list or not. You get weird looks and get semi-yelled at sometimes for not getting killed yet by the others that remain alive. You walk past them not wanting to talk to them as your scared of what else they might say. Soon enough though all the fuses were found all you all head back to the sleeping chambers. As usual you don't see Blue or Green. But do see Purple in the vent. He's not reaching his arms out or anything, just watching. You're behind all the other's, as to avoid them. Purple waves to you as you start passing they vent. "Purple.. Can I stay with you tonight..? I don't want to be with the other's.." you ask. "Sure. I do see why not.." he answers. He opens the vent to let you in. From the other side you here. "Where is Y/N?" "I don't know.." "Maybe they finally died." "Serves them right. They should have die ages ago." "Now ____ don't say that!" "SHUT UP WOMAN" the door closes and the conversation becomes a muffled mess. "Don't listen them. They know nothing." Purple says. You can tell that ticked him off pretty bad. "Follow me." He starts off down the vent and you follow close behind.

You start to see a light and the end of the vent shaft. Purple climbs out. "Wait." He says when you reach the end. He picks you up and places you on the floor. Good thing you didn't keep going because the entrance to the vent and the floor were pretty far apart. And boy if you didn't feel short already you did now when you saw how tall purple really is. "This is my room. We all have one. It's just all but Oranges is hidden somewhere else in the play place." Purple says. "Woah.. Your room is really pretty." you say. "You really think so?" "Heck yeah!" Purple's room was pretty big, it had lighter purple vibe lights around the roof of the room. A huge foam-pillow bed thing. A couple different vents which lead into and out of it. Some had curtains on them others didn't. There was a desk that had a mirror on it, kind of like a vanity but also not. And it was just a really nice room altogether. Your hair was a mess thought. Not really relevant to what was happening. But you just can't stand knots in your hair. "You would happen to have a brush would you..?" you ask. He was covered in fur. Liked all the others, so why wouldn't he? "Uh, yes I do one second." You sit on the 'bed' and wait. "I could brush your hair for you if you'd like.." he offers. "That would be nice actually.. I haven't had someone do that in a while.." "All right then!" He also sits on the bed and pats the spot next to him. You scoot over there and he starts to brush your hair. He was very gentle surprisingly. And you soon find your self falling asleep. When you wake you find your self in Purple's arms. He is hold you close but not tight. It's quite cozy really. He then starts to wake up as well. When he does he looks down and sees you in his arms. "OH! I am so sorry! I'm so sorry-" he starts. "It's ok, I don't mind." you interrupt. "Really..?" "Yeah, really." "Oh.. Ok then.. I do need to get ready for the day though. This is the last night were I'm needed." "Is there another night after this?" "Yes. But only Blue is needed for out in the open so to say." "Oh" "Yeah the last night I hide deep in the vents in case someone falls. You can stay in here if you would like." "Really, are you sure?" "Yup, I trust you. But only if you want to!" He rushes in that last part to make sure you didn't feel pressured to stay. "Alright, um... I think I'll stay here. I still don't want to face the others. My class mates I mean! Not your friends." He giggles. It was a soft laugh and it was so cute! *Wait what? Why am I thinking like this?* "Ok if you say so. I'll be back soon." And with that he leaves.

First person view
What did I just think?! Purple's laugh was cute? But he killed my friends. And people I didn't like.. But it wasn't all him! The others killed more people. I think I just need some more sleep.. I lied back down a dozed off. Not long at though I hear crawling throw the vents. "I'm back!" Purple says. "Welcome back!" then I remember. I have to leave with anyone else who made it this far.. "Purple?" "Hpm?" "Do I have to leave.. Or can I stay with you and the others?" "I'm not sure you would have to ask red.. He makes those kind of choices." "Where can I find him?" "Follow me." Purple climbs into a vent and I follow. When we reach the end he stops and knocks on the vent door thingy. "Yes?" I hear what sounds to be the person on the over head ask. "Can we come in?" "We?" "Yes" "Enter" Purple climbs out of the vent and so I. I see who I'm gonna guess is Red standing before me. "Um Mr. Red, I was wondering do I have to leave? Because I want to stay here with Purple and the others." He looks at me, I think. Then looks at Purple. "If you are to stay, you must go out on your own and get what you need. And as for you Purple. You are to watch them. They will be under your care." "Yes sir!" We say together. "Alright then. Now I do need some help getting this last night ready." Red says. "Do you two want to help bake a cake?"

1797 words----

I have no idea if this is to much or not. But I enjoyed writing this so yeah. The good stuff will come in the next chapter I promise. I just got carried away writing. Also its 12:30 at night rn. So I need sleep :') hope you liked this chapter. And see you next time!

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