☁Blue x Fem blue part 1☁

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cover art not mine and! Idea from: Caitlin581054

"Really? Commercials? I was gone for 5 seconds!" I hate that. When you leave for a quick moment and your show cuts to the break. But anyway, it starts to play and old add about the children's show Rainbow Funtime Friends. "Didn't they cancel that show a couple years ago..?" I whisper to myself. Before it finishes playing through it cuts to an add on Odd World. But there was something off about it. I couldn't put my finger on though. "I should look it up.." I think out loud. I really need to stop talking to myself.. After looking through a couple articles I find out its been closed for maintenance. But wanted to learn more I keep scrolling. Nothing to interesting, untill I come across and article on a place close to Odd World called 'Rainbow Friends Play Place' It says it shut down only a few weeks after opening.. "Why...?" I do some research and find out I could get to it from the west entrance to Odd World, And people have been going MISSING?! That's, well odd. No one knows why.. Then I get and idea. "No! Bad Y/N! Why do you think you could find out?" I ask myself. The my mom peaks in my room. "You ok honey you're being kind of loud." "Sorry mom. Just finding out some weird stuff i'm researching for school." "Alright, but do it quieter." "Yes mom." I'm in collage, but I still live with my mom, 'cause i'm use the money from my job to help pay for collage. Anyway, back to the main point, the Rainbow Friends. Maybe I could find out. I have a friend that lives close. I could just tell mom that's where I was going. Yeah, that decides it. "I'm goin' to the Rainbow Friends!" "Y/N clam down!!" my dad yells. "Sorry dad!" Ok time to make my plan. Liv *your friends name cause yes* has a dog. I could say it died and I was going to comfort her. I'll be down there for a few days and will call regularly, so mom doesn't get worried. Yes, perfect my parents don't have Liv's number and she live's alone right now. The only way this could backfire is if my parents find my number book or I get kidnapped. But what are the chances of that? I will put this plan in motion tomorrow. It's getting late and I will need all the energy I can get.

I wake to a light tapping on my door. "Mhm?" "Y/N I made breakfast, do you want any..?" "Yeah mom, I'll be out in a minute." "Ok take your time, your father left for work already so there's no rush." I hear her walk away and I get out of bed. I slip on my (F/C) skirt and (S/F/C) hoodie. I walk out of my room and smell pancakes (or waffles which ever you prefer) "Wow mom that smells awesome!" "Thanks honey" Now's the best time to set my plan in motion. "Mom I'm gonna go down to Liv's for a couple days her dog just died and she asked me to come down." "Um.. Alright call me at least once a day and be safe." "Don't worry I will." "When are you leaving?" "Later today" She gives me an 'all right look' I eat my breakfast, and it tastes just as good as it smelled. Once back in my room I pack a backpack full of the things I'll need, extra cloth's, snacks, my charger, etc. I put on some platform sneaker things. I'm not really sure what they are but they make me taller and I can run in them. Then I start to head out. "Mom I'm leaving now!" She comes over and hugs me. "I love you Y/N, stay safe." "Love you to mom. Tell Dad I said Love him." "Ok honey.." And with that I'm off. I chose to take the bus to the town because I didn't want to drive my mom's car.

It was a pretty uneventful ride. I'm all most certain I fell asleep. The bus stops in town, and I get off. I pull up directions to Odd Worlds left entrance and start heading that way. "How far away is this thing?!" I complain. I check the the map and it says 15 minutes. "Come on!" I yell. Good thing no ones out here in the woods. Up ahead I see the faris wheel in Odd World going one why and a downward path going the opposite way. "Well that must be the way." When walking down the dirt road I see a caution and not enter sign. "Well that's great.." I see a big building, that's lit up? Shouldn't something that's closed down be all dark? Well I'm kinda gald it is all lit up because it's hard to see in the night. Even with a flashlight. I make my way to the entrance and it's all boarded up. "Perfect.." I didn't think that far. "How am I supposed to get in?" I tug on one of the woodin planks and it breaks in half. "Wow.. These things must be old.." I pull off the rest of the boards and open the doors. They make an awful screech when opening and closing them behind me. The place looked really nice actually. In a lot better condition than you would expect. I start walking around looking if I can find any trance of people being here

"Someone has entered the Play Place?" What would lead a normal person to come here.. I look on the cameras and see a girl. "Strange I would have expected more police, but this will work perfectly.. Blue, find her and bring her to me." I send off one of my creations to find this girl. This could make a new era in the Rainbow Friends..

This place is baren. No signs of anyone. I turn down another hallway and are meet with a strange metal door. "Should I open it..? Some of the missing people could be in there.." I finally open the door. For it being metal it sure opened easily. "A.... Bedroom?" It looks like no one had been in here for awhile,and there's boxes all over the room. But there's another door on the other side. A normal door this time. I open it and walk into a forest..? Oh wait never mind it looks like a ride. The place is called 'Hemlock Woods' "Maybe there here somewhere?" This place is huge. I go down the hallway with a black curtain covering the ride side. Then I enter a room with four different ways to go. One of the ways has a blue arrow leading up to it. "Well if that's not a cule I don't know what is." But instead of missing people, I find my self in a large room titled 'theater'. "This doesn't look like a theater.." One the other side of the room the a platform with a buch of, building blocks? "What in the world is this place..?" When look at the blocks for any clues I hear someon- no, something behind me. "Hello..?" I say turning around. Then I'm meet face to face with Blue. Only there were slight differences, for example he was missing and eye. He kind of just looked at me and I did the same not knowing what to do. Then he starts comin closer. And I move back untill I hit the platform with the blocks on it. "S-Stay back!" I didn't bring anything to protect myself. Was it really Blue kidnapping people? And was I next? I got my answer pretty quickly after as Blue picked me up. He didn't kill me though, I was sure he was going to. "H-Hey! P-Put me down!" He didn't say anything he just kept walking. I didn't struggle in hopes to just run when he sets me down. We pass through different hallways. One shows a picture of Blue and his 'first friend'. "Hey you have both eyes in this picture, what happened?" I say trying to start a conversion. But my effort comes to no avail. A little further down we pass a weird camber thing with writing on the wall reading 'This is were the were actually made'. Strange.. "Blue what does that mean?" I ask. He stops at looks at what I was talking about before continuing. "Where are you taking meee??" He doesn't answer yet again. This is getting annoying now. We stop at were I started Hemlock Woods. He sets me down I try and run but my legs won't let me. A door I didn't even see before opens. "Good job Blue. Bring her to me." The bug eyed red person was talking about me like I wasn't there. At this point afraid of what he wants of me I try and run. But I don't get to far. "Now, now. You can't run away..." The red guy starts and Blue sits me in a chair, closes the door and just stands bye it. We were in some sort of a lab. "Tell me why are you here young lady?" "HEY! I'm 27 thank you very much! And I don't have to tell you anything!" "Oh but I think other wise.." Red grabs a syringe and walks to me. He doesn't use it he just holds it in my face. "Now, tell me why your here." Not wanting to find out what's ever in that does I let the cat out of the bag. "I came here to find the missing people." "What makes you think their in here?" "They wouldn't be going missing in Odd World so where else eas there?!" "Fair enough, but you see. Their not here. At least not anymore." He starts messing with some machinery around the place. "What..?" I ask. Not here, anymore? What did he do?! "You see. Me I eat human food. Unlike the others. They eat Humans. So I had to find a way to feed them. With the influx of people going to Odd World, I say my chance." "Y-You KILLED THEM?!" "Oh not me. Them." He motion's his head to Blue. "There's more of you?" "Indeed, There's me and Blue, Green, Orange, And Purple. And soon to be you!" WHAT? What does that mean?! Is he going to make me one of them?! No! No! That must be why Blue did kill me! I-I have to get out of here. But its to late. Blue comes and picks me up, takes off my backpack and puts me in a chamber like the one from earlier. Red injects me with what was in the syringe, then closes the chamber. It starts to fill with a light blue fume. I pound on the glass trying to break it but it doesn't work. My body starts to tingle then hurt. My vision goes blurry from the fume and the pain. Before I pass out I see my hand morphing into a paw shape like Blue's and my skin starts turning a light shade of blue, much like the fume. Then I black out.

1889 words----

I got carried away again- So another part two is in oder! It should be out later today if not early tomorrow. (For the time zone where I am at least) But I hope you liked the start of the new one<3 And don't forget! Feel free to give your own ideas for chapters! Untill next time! Bye!

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