☁Red x Reader Part 1☁

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Cover art not mine. And requested by: AdrienDacat

"PLEASE COME WITH ME VIN!!!" "Nope. I've heard about way to many disappearances around that place." "WE'LL TAKE THE SAFER ROUTE!!!" "Not gonna happen Y/N!" "Fine be that way. I'm still going with or without you." "And if you get kidnapped I'm not saving you." "Fine!" I storm out of me and Vin's apartment and go to my car. I get in and bang my head on the steering wheel, "GAHH WHY CAN'T THEY JUST HAVE FUN?!" Vin is never down to do much of anything, unless they know it's at least ninety percent safe. Which is BORING~ But oh well. I already have my stuff ready to go, I start up my car and start driving. The drive to Odd World isn't to long, but it is fairly decent. And it's night time, I spent the whole day trying to get Vin to come but my efforts were to no avail. I was driving the route usually only took by buses so there was like no one on the road. But it is still night time, and my eye sight isn't the best. I've nearly hit a multitude of things, ranging from rocks, trees, and polls. To animals such as deer and racoons. But it'a not just my eye sight one of my head lights are broken, so I shouldn't really be driving but oh well. Up ahead I see a sign pointing which way to Odd World, but what I didn't see was the something in the middle of the road but before I could see it.


"Oh my head...."


"AHH my knee!"


. . .

"Who is this..?"

. . .

"They're in stable condition."
. . .

"Have you seen my fo-"
. . .

. . . .

"Hello? Can someone hear me?"
. . .

"I think I'm lost.."
. . .

"₩€¿* quick the others they're waking"
. . .

I start hearing people talk around me, I can't make out what's being said and my vision is blurry so I can't see. My head hurts really bad so I go to reach for it. "Oh your awake! I wasn't sure if you were just moving a little again or not!" Someone says to the side. What do they mean by that? "They're cute #%*! Can we keep them?!" "I don't see why not." Keep me? What? "What do you-" I manage, my voice coming out sounds horse and dry. "Oh you poor thing! Has R%* even given you any fluids?" I feel a warm hand grab my cheek and face my head to them, but the weird thing is, it looked purple.. Maybe some kinda glove? My eyes finally start focusing and then I see it. This purple monster still holding my cheek yelling at someone, for what I'm not sure I zoned out. I move the things hand off my and just stair. Not in horror, in amazement. The thing looks back at me for a bit before returning to yell at someone. I look around to find out who, that's when I see the rest of them. Counting the purple one there five humanoid things stand around in the room with me. One Red, one Blue, one Green, one Orange and the Purple one. The Orange one comes over and wangs it tail. "Sooo! What's your name?" It asks "Um- Y/N.." "Woah! Cool name! Mines Orange!" So seems like their names are just their colours. "Well hi Orange. Say who are your friends?" I ask. He seems really happy to be talking with me so I'll keep up with his childish personality. "Well the one who was holding your cheek was Purple, the one Purple is yelling at is Red. The guy standing in the corner is Green, and the one by the door is Blue!" "Neat! Do you think you can introduce me? I'm a little shy" I whisper the last part, I'm not really but it seemed to make him happy so I don't care. "Really?! Of course I can! Come on!" He says turning away and motioning me to follow. I start trying to get up but then pain shots down my back. I lay back down. "WOAH! Hold on! Orange didn't I tell you they can't get up yet?" 'Red' says to Orange ignoring Purple who is still yelling at him. "Sorry, I forgot..." "Well please try harder to remember. They could hurt themselves more." He keeps talking like I'm not in the room. "Ehem, I'm still here ya' know? And why can't I get out of this bed? And more importantly why am I here and who are y'all?" I ask. "My apologies Y/N.. We are the Rainbow Friends, I'm going to assume you have never heard of us based on your question." "Ok, your right. But my other questions?" "Ah yes, of course. You are here because you were in a very bad car accident, which may be partly my fault. As I forgot to switch the sign back. And you may not get up because your back is still healing. I surprised your even awake as of right now." "Um- Alright then, thank you for nit letting me die I guess. But um- Are you guys like Robots or in costumes? Or am I just dreaming..?" "Not at all. We are infact real. But we do not intend on harming you. As you are the only human any of the others has taking a liking to." Again with talking like their not in the room. What's with this guy? "Ah ok, when can I like walk again though?" "Oh! Oh! Red said in a week maybe! Or was it a week and a half.. I pretty sure he said week!" "Thank you Orange, but let me do the medical talk." "Okeydoke!" "But Orange was right, around a week. But one of use will be in the room at all times to keep you company, unless you request other wise." "Ok.." "Well, Purple volunteered first so he'll be in here for a couple hours. Fair well Y/N" "Bye Red" "Bye Bye Y/N!" I laugh a little, "Bye Orange!" "Y/N?" "Hm?" "Do you need anything? Red's not the best care giver." "I'm alright, but thanks Purple." "It's nothing. Just wanting to make sure your all right!" "Say, what did Red mean by, y'all like me the best?" "Well.. Normally we kill the humans Red brings here, but he seemed to favor you. And I quite like you as well." "You just met me. Well formally at least." "We tend to 'judge a book by it's cover'. Not saying I'm proud of it but still." "Oh alright."

Some time passes and me and Purple get to know each other pretty well. Turns out his favorite colour is actually teal, go figure? I didn't forget the whole 'We normally kill humans' thing. I'm just trying to ignore it for now. But all to soon Purple has to go, some time limit thing I guess? I was hoping I could spend some time with Orange because he seems fun, but who enters the door was the last person I was expecting.


1185 words-----

Sorry if it's short and not worth the wait, but things are starting to pick up at my house and stuff, so I'll try and update once or twice week. Maybe more if I have more free time. And yes I know, this isn't the next chapter in Purple x Shy reader, but this was requested and I didn't want to keep AdrianDacat waiting forever! Part two will be soon and after this back to Purple x Shy reader<3 Untill next time!

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