☁Purple x Shy reader☁ Part 2

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Red had just asked us if we wanted to help bake a cake. Now I would be lying if I said I knew how to but I still wanted to help. "I do! What about you Y/N?" "I- Sure. Why not." "Come with me" Red says. We follow to a kitchen in a blocked off area in the play place. It was a good size to. Not to big but big enough were Purple could fix and not be squeezed in. "Know I have things other things I need to do for tomorrow. If I give you two the recipe do you think you can do this alone?" There was a bit of silence between us. Before Purple spoke up. " Yeah, I think we can do this. Plus I've helped you tons of times!" "Ok, I will be back later to get the cake." Red starts to walk out the door. "And don't make a mess you two." We give him a salute and he leaves. "So uh Purple.. How many times have you help do this?" I ask. "At least 10." "Oh ok, because I don't have much experience in the kitchen." "That's ok, I can help as much as possible." We both seem to be warmer up to each other's company because we're talked like, how normal conversion's would go. We started getting out the ingredients, I'm surprised that they all seemed like normal, well, ingredients. The silence between us was ok but I want to start a conversion. "So Purple.." "Yes?" He asks look back at me. "Why out of all the other's did you pick me? I know you said I looked like a cool person, but still." He looked away embarrassed I assume. I don't know if the Rainbow Friends can blush. But the lighter shade of purple his face turned suggested they can in some way. "Well- Um- ..." He mumbled the last part. "Come again?" "Your very pretty, I couldn't live with my self if I let you die!" He whisper-yelled. He thinks I'M pretty?! A slight blush spreads across my cheeks. But thankfully it wasn't very  noticeable in the dim light. We got back to the silence. But despite what just happened, it's not awkward. But still.. He thinks im pretty..? No, he couldn't, I look like the ugliest rat to crawl out of my mom's basement. But the way he said it sounded sincere. I must have been zoned out a little to much because I got flour on my nose. And the only reason I realized was because Purple was laughing. "What's so funny?" He pointed to my nose. If he thinks its soo funny.. "Boop!" I put flour on his face to. And then he threw a hand full on to my face. "I thought Red said not to make a mess!" I say. "Oops" Purple said very sarcastically. "Rude much.." I whisper. "What was that?" "Uh, nothing." Some times goes by, we talk about random stuff here and there. But finally we get the cake in the oven. "I'm gonna wash this flour off my face real quick." "Aww but you look so cute with the flour on your face.." "But it feels weird" "Alright.." Not gonna lie he sounded disappointed. After I wash the flour off my face I put on some music. Good thing I have zoptify plus..
I start vibing, it's a slow song. Not in the sense that it's long it's like a lullaby type song. Good to dance to. Speaking of dancing Purple grabs my hands, "Care to dance?" I laugh a little. "I would love to." We don't do a fancy ball like dance. It was like, when you dance when no one is watching but while holding hands. We do this for a while before the timer goes off. "I'll get it." I let go of Purple's hands and take the cake out. "That smells amazing.." I say "It sure does." "Where did we set the frosting again?" "Um.. Hold on..." I wait a couple seconds before he hands me the frosting. "Here you go!" "Thank you." We had just barely finish decorating when Red walks in. "How did it go?" "Pretty good! And we didn't make a mess just like you asked." Purple replied. "Very good. Purple please take... I'm sorry I believe I have yet to ask your name. "It's Y/N." "Alright then. Purple please take Y/N back to your room and head to your place." Red walks over and takes the cake away, and I start walking with Purple. "Do, I have to stay in your room?" "Um, I guess not.. There's a very little chance anyone very falls down into the vent." "So that's a yes to coming with you?" "Mhm" I mumble a "Yes!" to my self. I've come to grow a liking to Purple, we have a pretty good friend ship. Who knows maybe one day we could be more than just friends...

"We're also most there!" I here Purple say. Has it really been that long? I must have zoned out again. "Alright." We arive at the end of the vent. It's kind of a dead end. Well for me at least, the only 'out' is up other than the way we came of course. "So what now?" "We just have to sit and wait to see if anyone falls." "That's it?" "Yeah I normally doesn't take long about 10-15 minutes depending on how careful they are." About 7 minutes pass when I hear running from above. "That must be them. Blue will pass bye again in a minute and say we can leave." "Ok" Not more than a couple seconds pass before I hear yelling. "____!!" "LETS GO COME ON!" "BUT WE CAN'T LEAVE HIM!" "WE CAN'T SAVE HIM ETHER LET'S GO!" The yelling stops and the running continues. Well the yelling almost stops. Who ever fell is screaming their head off. Then they hit the floor. We look over and see ____, the guy who was hoping I had died. "You.." Purple says his voice full of anger. "Y- Y/N?! I thought you died! But you've been with this freak?! Your a HUMAN just like me and the others. Act like it" His tone was harsh. I wanted to stand up for Purple and myself, but I couldn't bring myself to and hide behind him. Purple reaches his arm back towards me defensively. "Don't talk to Y/N like that." Purple says in the same tone before killing him. I would say I felt bad. But that would be a lie. "You ok..?" Purple asks. I just nod my head. I hear foot steps above before Blue? Yeah Blue says: "You're all good to go Purp." "Thanks Blue, see you later." Purple starts to leave and motions me to follow. Once back at his room I lie down on the bed. He does the same. I crawl over and get between his arms. He looked a little surprised but not bothered. He pulls me a little closer to were we're basically cuddling. I start to doze off soon after. I could get usted to this.


Love how it's a even number. Did not do that on purpose. Hope you enjoyed part 2. This was the last part of this one shot, but feel free to give me idea's :] Anyway have a good Day/Night. Until next time!

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