🌤Green X Mostly blind reader🌤

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Cover art not mine<3

I was looking out the window staring into nothing-ness. Very entertaining if you ask me, but no one normally does. I've gotten used to it though. Sometimes I get picked on for my glasses, and then there's my friends. Mostly (Bff) they say I look adorable and anyone would be lucky to ever come near me. They are out sick so they couldn't come with the rest of us to Odd World. I tried talking them into letting me stay to take care of them, but they insisted that I go. Something about 'New friend opportunities' But eh. I think I'll keep to myself most the time. My other friend (2nd Bff) is on a different bus. "Alright, guys, gals, and everyone in between! We're all most at Odd World!" The bus driver says. With that almost the entire bus starts chanting 'Odd World! Odd World' and they just don't stop. The bus driver is also in on the chanting. All of a sudden the bus makes a sharp turn downwards throwing me into the window. Which would hurt enough on it's own, but my glasses make it hurt even worse. And it doesn't stop there. The driver hits... something which throws us into the air. Shortly after I see black. I wake up to a splitting headache, with crying in the background. When I look up only one lense is broke so I can still see okay.. I have another pair in my bag, hoping there not broke I save them for later if needed. I see my classmates all around the room, some still blacked out others aren't. And the girl with doctor's as parents is attending to the wounded. This class has a pretty good relationship. No one really hates and one. But the one person I don't see the driver. I hope their ok. Awhile later when everyone is up and walking for the most part, a voice comes on over a intercom. Something about blocks falling over? I wasn't to sure on what it was saying, I did still have a ringing in my ear after all. Not long after that we were sent on our way to find this guys stuff. Not only did he kidnap us, he wants us to find his things? That's bullcrap. Anyway I was walking ahead of other people because they were more scared then I was. And I can barely see! "Alright I have five blocks..." I say out loud. Wait how many did we need? Cruse this ringing! Then I see a big blue monster come from the sub level. He didn't see me and just keep walking. "Guess that's why we needed the boxes.." I continue on placing blocks down when I had them. I hadn't seen the monster sense that time earlier though. We finish with all the blocks and get to head to bed.. finally. It's tiring running around, finding things, avoiding death. Ya know the usual. But we get to sleep at least. Amd with that. I over slept. I had someone shaking me awake after the instructions. Lovely! But anyway, I head to the sub level but most people are to scared to go. Like what's the big deal? Just use a box. I heard what I think is squeaking? I can't really tell, I still got a small case of ear ringing! I run into... something. My glasses fly off my head leaving me seeing blurry mess. "Oh my! I'm so so so so sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you!" I hear the sound of glass being crushed. Great, there go my glasses. "Oh crud are you ok?? Stepping on glass must have hurt!" I just hear a party horn and squeaking noises, I also see a green blob in front of me. I really hope that's not a monster.. I feel my self get picked up and carried. I know for a fact that it's not a class mate, because its fuzzy. And I keep hearing that party horn amd squeaking. "Um hello.." I say. It doesn't answer so yeah. I try and find out what it is that's carrying me but all I see is green. Maybe that's the new enemy! Or was supposed to be. It sounds like it stops a few times and kills someone. But shouldn't they know bye now about the box? I'm not sure. Eventually I hear someone say, "IS THAT Y/N?" "How is SHE NOT DEAD?" "Y/N ARE YOU OK?" And a bunch of other people start talking to me. Strange that they care about me now, but it's best to answer. "Yeah I'm find why?" "That's Green! He kills by touch and is Blind!" Oh that's one thing we have in common. "He seems nice though." I say and pat Green." The night goes by fastly, but when we go back I can't sleep. But alas I get woken up late. Again. But instead of helping I go and look for Green. I find him standing in the doorway of the way someone is trying to go. "hiss Go away!" The say to Green apparently. "Hi Green! It's me from yesterday! You carried me around on your shoulder? Or head? Im not really sure where." He walks up to me, grabs me by my waist and plops me on his head. We kinda just walk around I find out away to get to know him better, No horn for no, one party horn for yes. We do this for all the other nights as well. But to soon is it time to leave. I slowly follow behind the others not wanting to leave. We didn't have our boxes anymore so we had to be sneaky. A balloon pops next to me and the others who lived. And Blue starts chasing us through the vents. At the we all sit and wait. Me on the side where I could possibly get back in. I wasn't ready to lose my new friend. The is happens The vent door comes crashing down on Blue, but with just enough space for little old me to fit back in. I crawl in, the others are yelling my name and saying I'm crazy. And maybe I am. But I didn't care I had my new friend to find. And I might be stuck here forever, but it's fine with me.

1072 words-----

I'm working on the requested one-shots I promise! I just started school back up again. So I wanted to put out a little story in the mean time. I will try and update every 2-3 days at most. But I hope you liked thus little one, and this is the only chapter I will be doing on this one. Its short I know, and Im sorry. But untill next time!

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