☁Red x Reader part 4🌧

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I'M ALIVE AND BRING NEW WRITING SKILZ, perfect for making you cry. Sorry I left the last part on a cliffhanger- If anyone actually reads this, because I'm pretty sure rainbow friends is like dead now but anyway~

-Swear word warning for the end-
I sat and explained the weird hall, the mural and how something might have gotten into the facility. Though, half way through saying it might be a raccoon that got in Red tensed up. "Is everything ok..?" I asked, maybe he was afraid of raccoons? I would've probably known that by now though. He seemed to snap out of his weird, state. "Yes yes, I'm fine. A raccoon you said? Must be a broken window some where." He said, waving his hand, shaking it off. "Hmm, probably. I could look for it if you want." I proposed, no chance I was looking for a wild animal on my own but a broken window or something? That I could do. "No need, I'll have Blue help me. If there is a animal lurking around I wouldn't want you to get hurt. It could have rabies, I don't know what I would do if you got hurt." He said, quickly shooting my offer down. There was a bit of an akward second of silence before I spoke up, "Well, I guess I'll just chill with Orange or Purple I guess. Bye Red. Oh and thanks again for fixing my phone." I said standing up, I gave him a hug, he returned it then returned to his computers as I left. I got a glimpse of him going to the security camera footage, probably to see if there was something that broke in.
I walked towards Oranges hide out, I got that feeling of being watched again. No, it felt more like being observed. It made me uncomfortable. Even though I wasn't in my human body and was covered in fur, there were still visible scars on me. I am doing pretty mently now, but before I was in a bad place. This of course didn't help the feeling of being observed, it was like piercing eyes looking at everything wrong with me and judging those imperfections. I finally made it to the hideout, and I knew because I walked into the door. "Ow.." I said opening the door. Orange had been sleeping but was obviously woken up by my sudden entrance. "Uh..? (Y/N)- What are you? Never mind. " Orange said jumping down from his ledge. "So what bring you here?" He asked, trailing off at the end, he looked closer at me. I was looking around and looked visibly uncomfortable, I didn't notice though, Orange did. "Yo, you don't look so good. Did something happen?" he asked, I snapped out if my daze and looked at him. "I'm not sure, on the way here I had the feeling I was being like observed." He scratched his head. "That's weird, I thought only yell-" he stopped mid sentence, this caught my attention. "What?" I asked, now he was the one looking worried, and it was rare to ever see Orange of all people worried. "I shouldn't have said that. You don't feel like your being watched right now right?" he asked, I could hear fear in his voice, it was barely there but I could here it. We sat in silence for a moment, "No, it was only on the way here." I said a bit confused but I wasn't going to question anything, yet. Orange went to the door, he looked outside of it and even looked through the other two doors right after it before returning and locking the door behind him. "I'm going to assume no one's told you this, but there are others." He said before turning around. His usual goofy rambunctious attitude was gone, he seemed scared and worried. As for myself, I was a bit shocked, sure I had seen the cryptic mural but it was just wall art. "Their names, or more like their colours are Yellow and Cyan." He said, he walked over to his sleeping ledge and motioned me to follow as he jumped up onto it. I followed but didn't say anything, I didn't know what TO say. Why wasn't I told early? Sure I'm new to LIVING here but it's not like I'm a stranger. "You know Odd World? That's where we used to live. Something happend and Red had us like evacuate in the middle of the night. It was really loud, sirens and yelling, but I couldn't see anyone. Yellow and Cyan got left behind, we wanted to go back to get them but Red said no. If their HERE then it can't be for anything good." He explained, he explained the whole thing, all of it. This made me question so many things. Nothing could just be ok, things get better then they come crashing down. "But.. We can be sure that it's them. It could have just been being parinoid!" I stuttered. It couldn't be them, surely they couldn't have left Odd World, security would still be tight even after it was shut down, right? Right?
There was more silence, the amount of uncomfortable silences today. This time it was interrupted by a familiar clanging sound. Purple popped his hands out of the near by vent, "Hey guys." we looked over at him, if he didn't make noise when coming I would have jumped out of my skin. "You two haven't been telling scary storys right? I don't want to relive last time." Purple shook a little, I didn't find his remark very funny and clearly neither did Orange, not Purple's fault he didn't know a huge bomb shell had just dropped. "No actually, I just learned I've been basically lied to and decisived by my 'boyfriend' once again." I said, audibly angry. "Oh!" Purple replied followed by, "Um... So I'm sensing I missed some important stuff. " He said holding his hands together. "I told (Y/N) about Yellow and Cyan." Orange said blantly. I could just barely make out Purples eyes widing. "Oh.. Oh no. You must have a damn good reason." Purple said, swearing isn't a big thing around here but when someone does, as Purple said there must a damn good reason. "I-" Orange started. I had had enough. "I'm going to confront Red. I'm done with all the bullshit. I want answers and HE'S going to give them to me." I said, jumping off Oranges ledge and storming out of his hideout. "(Y/N) WAIT!" Orange said chasing after me, "Maybe this isn't a good idea.." I exhaled heavyly, "I could care less." I busted open the door to Red's lab, "I HAVE QUESTIONS THAT YOU BETTER ANSW-" I started, then what I saw shook me to my core, inside the lab where Red and Blue but also, to new guys. Yellow and Cyan. And it looked like a battle ground in there. "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!" I said. "I second that." Green said coming out of no where.
"Are you sure it's here you got the ping? This place looks dead inside." "Wouldn't that make this the perfect place for a criminal to hide?" "Fair enough. BE READY MEN. WE DON'T KNOW WHO WERE DEALING WITH IN HERE."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14 ⏰

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