🌧Red x Reader🌧

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Requested by: CrazyLZP143 , I work better with a more broad topic's. But hope you like it, also this chapter has sensitive topics such as, abuse, depression, neglect, and su!c!de. I do advise you leave if your not comfortable with these topics. Also mild sware words warning.

"Hurry she doesn't have that much time left!!" "MOM!!" "Listen, we need you to stay back." "NO LET ME SEE MY MOM!!!" "WE'RE LOSING HER!!" I wake up all of a sudden clenching my chest. "No.. Not again.." I break down crying remembering that night she died. Me, my Father, and my Mother were driving home from a day out when a drunk driver hit us. It was the worse day of my life.. My mom got the worst of it, seeing as she... died later that night. Ever sense my father as blamed me, and wished I had died. It doesn't makr it any better that he found out I was non-binary.. He goes on about how 'I was born a girl and will always be one' and all that bullshit. When he's drunk or sober. But I did find someone who loves me.. And I love him.. Red. Call me crazy if you wish but I don't care. We meet when he kidnapped my highschool class on our way to Odd World. But we kind of clicked. I stayed with him most days, and would visit even after he let us go. And soon we fell in love. I've stayed over at the place before. And we've been able to keep our love a secret. "Maybe I should just go.." Not wanting to stay in the house anymore I left, I put on any sweater and some shorts and left to go see Red. "Father going to kill me.." I know very well I'll be in for it when I got back. But I don't care. When I arrived it was a little passed 7:30 am I would say. I was greeted by Blue, "Oh hello Y/N." "Hi Blue, have you seen Red?" "Yeah he's in his lab." "Thank you Blue" "Anytime" recently Red has been working far more than when we meet. He think's he's close to finding away to turn them back human. I just hope he knows I still love him the way he is. I knock on his lab door. "Enter" "Hello honey.. I was wondering if you were free?" "Oh Hello Y/N, sorry not at the moment. Maybe later love?" "Oh alright.." He looks back at me, "Aren't you hot in that sweater? It's not cold in here." "Um- Yeah I am a little cold! Ya know? It's getting to be winter in all!" "If you say so.." He turns back to what he was doing. He doesn't know it, but I wear long sleeves to hit bruises and other scars. I walk back out to my car. I sit down and start crying. This is how it's been for months. "Why can't things go back to normal?!" I bang my head on top of the steering wheel, it hurts but I don't care. Then I ball up. At the beginning of our relationship Red was there for me, I was really depressed. Cutting myself, sad thoughts all the time, intrusive thoughts at their worse, and death thoughts. But he was there for me, helped me get out of that rabbit hole. Untill he became a workaholic, and day and night, work, work, work, work. I would be lucky to talk to him for 5 minutes. But know it's always later, and later never comes. Life at home isn't any better either, anything wrong that happens is always my fault. And the hitting as gotten worse. "I'm not sure how much more of this I can take..." I say in between sniffles. I drive home, though I'm not sure if I should even calk it home. I'm 19 but don't have enough money to move out. I'm so close though. "Just a few more weeks... You got this Y/N" But I didn't, I didn't have it. When I got 'home' that evening father beat the shit out of me. Broke my arm, and a couple fingers. I had to treat myself. I couldn't go to the hospital, they would take me away. I couldn't let that happen, not when I was so close. But things only got worse. Somehow father got into my bank account amd spent all of my money. I had nothing. That night I found out I sat in my room crying.. Untill I got an idea. "I could just end this all right now. No one will miss me...." yeah. No one will, so what's the point..? "Where's a piece of paper..." Ah here we go.. I wright a letter to Red.. Tonight is when I do it. I just have to wait for father to fall asleep. When he finally did I made my way to my car, I drove to Red's place and sat the letter in his lab were he was sure to see it and left. I drove to a near by cliff. I rethought what I about to do for a quick second.. "No. I have to do this.. See you soon mom.." I jump. For a quick moment I felt alive, then everything fades to black..

Beep beep beep. "Ugh... Stupid alarm." I hit my alarm to make it shut up. I quickly get dressed and make my way to my lab. "Only a few more days.." In a few days I would have found put how to fix me and the others. Turn us human. We would be able to live again. I was just about to get back to work, when all of a sudden I saw a peace of paper on my desk. I hade cleaned up some yesterday so I couldn't make out why it would be there. I pick it up and read it. "Oh its from Y/N....." ... "No.. She didn't.." I quickly run out my my lab. I needed to find her.

Dear Red,
If your reading this paper then it's probably to late. I have been going through a tuff time recently and needed you. I understand that your work is important. And I wish you the best. I know I didn't tell you, but my father has been.. Beating me. That is why I was wearing the long sleeves and scarfs. I've also been having nightmares over the night my mom died. And I just wish you were there. Please forgive me, but I decided to end all my hurting. If you can, tell my father I loved him. And I love you to, more than anything. I just know the rabbit hole this time was to deep. And I would be stuck there forever. Again I wish you the absolute best, and love you to the stars and back.

"no, no, No, No, NO!" Why was I so stupid!? And blind! I should have seen all of this. I SHOULD have been there. I run to the cliff near by and see Y/N car. "No..." I look down and see their mangled body.. "This is all my fault.. No.. It's HIS fault. HE is to blame. I make my why down to the bottom of the cliff and grab her corpse. "I'll bring you back my love, and this time I'll be there. Forever and always." I bring their body back to my lab, their blood completely soaking my coat. I set them up on a table and start working. I spend hours working, trying my best to bring them back. But I could never with how much their body was messed up. So I chose to make them one of us. But as their favorite color. A new body completely. They had made there own Rainbow Friend, what they thought they would look like as one of us. Once I finished creating the new body for Y/N I started transferring their consciousness to the new body. I couldn't do much after that but wait. But I had one thing in mind. REVENGE. He will pay for what he did to my love. I grab my gun and make my way to Y/N's father's house. The door was left open and I find him passed out drunk on the couch. "No." He needs to be awake. I want, no. I need him to feel the pain. I push him off the couch which shocks him awake. "Wha- GIRL WHAT DO YOU THI-" I point the gun at his head. "I must be dreamin' some wack ass cosplayers' pointin' a gun at me. Whatcha gonna do? Shot me?" He starts laughing. And I shoot his hand. He yells out in pain. "They LOVED YOU! AND YOU TREAT THEM LIKE SHIT." I yell at him. "WOAH! Slow down there buddy.." "DON'T Call me that." "I don't even know who you are!" "I am your childs boyfriend. And THEY KILLED THEIR SELF BECAUSE OF YOU." "Oh, you mean my bitch. She really couldn't do any better now could she." "SHUT UP" I shoot his left knee. He yells in pain. "You won't kill me. If your really that sluts boyfriend they you'll know she hates hurting people." He says in a mocking tone. Then I shoot him, I shoot him in the head. I hear sirens going off and book it. When I make it back I clean off most the blood on my and the gun. I hide the gun away and wait for the transfer to finish. "I really hope this works. After hours of sitting and waiting I fall asleep in my chair.

. . . .


. . . .

"Is that you..?"

1660 words-----

Really hope you liked this chapter CrazyLZP143. It made me really sad to wright so I had to add a sort of happy ending. But yeah. This is by far the saddest thing I've ever wrought. But untill next time.

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