☁Blue x Fem blue part 3☁

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Sorry this took awhile to publish

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Sorry this took awhile to publish. But I drew what I think this Y/N would look like before she was tuned into a fem version of Blue. Also fem blue is fluffy<3 Anyway enjoy!

I was sitting in my room, not doing much. Mostly because there was nothing to do. The humans were let out not to long ago, and have not shut up. Their lucky Blue doesn't listen for sound to catch them. I've heard all kinds of people pass bye my door. It's blocked off for them so they can't get in, there is another exit though so I could leave if I wanted to. I'm also pretty sure I heard someone die right out side... But I'm not to sure want death sounds like. These humans were pretty good to, they already have 17 blocks. Probably just the brave kids. I do feel kinda bad for the ones who die and the ones who watch others die.. Their fault for coming though. Not mine. Eventually I get sick of all the screaming and yelling and go meet up with the other's. When I find them I see Purple trying to pull Orange into the vents, probably because he said something that made him mad. And Green trying to help, but he's not a big help with him being blind. "LET GO OF ME!" "TAKE WHAT YOU SAID BACK THEN!" "NEVER!" "Would you two shut up?! I came here to get away from the yelling. Also what's this even about?!" "Yeah the humans do get rather loud at times.." Green says. "ORANGE CALLED ME A SEWER RAT." "I DID NOT!" Well I can't rely on them to tell me so I ask Green. "What really happened?" "What Purple said.." "Really Orange? I don't even want to know how this was brought up." He just looks at me, while still fighting with Purple. I pull Orange away, and slap him. Not hard, but hard enough. "OW!" "Haha! That's what you get!!" "Shut up!" "How about you both shut up?! Your giving me a headache.." I say rubbing my head.. "This was a bad idea.." I say walking away. "Ok then, bye." Green says "Yeah ah huh, bye." I say not really paying attention. When I get back to my room I don't here any screaming. "Thank heavens.." I say to myself. "Yeah they get loud don't they." Someone says behind me. I jump and turn around. "Goodness gracias Blue you scared me.." "Sorry love.." He must have realized what he said because he looked away quickly. I could feel my face heat up, but I wasn't blushing. We can't blush. "No.. It's ok, I think that's a cute nickname.." I say now also embarrassed. This love thing is hard. But I'll work with it. "Really?" "Yup!" "Although I've never been good with nicknames for my lovers so you might have to wait.." "Fine by me." I pat the spot next to me for him to come sit down. When gets closer I see blood all over his front side. "Geez, is this how bloody you normally get?" "Yeah sometimes.. I'll go wash off later because I want to spend time with you, love" he waited a little bit before adding that last part. "Alright." He's just so- gosh darn cute. Then Red walks in. "Alright loves birds save that for later, Blue go wash up before that blood dries up. Y/N could you help me with preparations for tomorrow?" Blue nods and walks off. "Yeah I guess." I say following Red. He leads us to a storage room with bags of Orange's food. He go's to hand on to me but I shake my hands disagreeing. "No, no, no, no, no. Orange will kill us if we touch his food." "It's ok, I do this everytime. He just ends up eating it all anyway." "Uh if you say so.." I take the bag from Red and he hands me more. At the end of raiding the storage room we have 15 food packs. "Orange really eats all of this?" I say. "You sound surprised." "Fair enough." Orange could easily eat double this in one night. What I am surprised about is that he's not fat. Red walks around the place randomly places food packs on the ground. "Hey Red.." "Mhm?" "I changed my mind." "About what?" "Not participating in hunting down the humans." "Oh really?" "Yup." "This wouldn't have anything to do with the recent development in your relationship with one of the others now would it?" That's a very odd way of saying 'It's because you and Blue are dating now' but sure. Though I don't want him knowing that's the reason. "No.. I just want to help.. Walk me through the nights so I can now which one I'll be the most helpful with." Red starts explaining the nights. It's the fourth one that catches my attention. "Um I can see pretty well in the dark, maybe I could show up then?" "How well?" "Almost perfectly." "Ok then, sure the fourth night can be when you show up." "Sweet!" He places down the last food pack. "Well I'm going to bed, please don't let Blue and Green stay up to late.." "Yes sir!" We part ways and I go to find Blue. I find him in his room alone. I sneak up behind him and hug attack him. "AHH Y/N STOP THAT!!" Dang it he knew it was me.. "How'd you know it was me..?" "You're the only one who does that love." He's right. "Where are the other's?" "In bed already." "Oh alright." That sucks, kinda. "Maybe we should go to sleep to.." "Yeah maybe." "Oh! I got Red to let participate! I enter the mix on the last night because I cam see in the dark." "Nice! Also since when could you see in the dark?" "I donno, forever I guess." "Cool" "Yeah" It goes quite for a second. "Well goodnight Blue." "Goodnight love." With that I head out towards my room. But before I even enter I can here yelling, arguing, crying etc. "Their room must be close to mine.." I say out loud. Welp. Not sleeping in there! I grab my stuff and walk back to Blue's room. I knock on his door and hear a "Come in" I walk inside, "Oh, Y/N what are you doing back?" "I could here the humans from my room. Do you mind if I stay here?" "No I don't mind." And with that we go to sleep.

Night four finally came. It took forever. I kid you not. I've been staying in Blue's room and believe it or not he doesn't snore. I also don't remember humans being so loud.. Over the speakers I can hear Red explaining the night. That's when I leave my room. "Oh, looks like Y/N left her room how odd. Be careful she can see in the dark...." He continues on. That's when I hear people talking about me. Rando 1, "A girl Rainbow Friend?" Rando 2, "She looks like Blue!" Rando 3, "Since when could they see in the dark?!" They keep chatting well after I've left. Finding the humans is so hard! I'll see them one minute their gone the next! I seen Blue, Green, Orange, even Purple! Purple is good at catching humans, amd same goes for Green. Guess being blind doesn't really matter.. Almost all the batteries have been placed I was heading out of the castle area, when it happened. A unsuspecting human was oh so dumb enough to run into me. "Oh, you are fluffy!" I just stand there a moment. "Wait.. Your not killing me..?" They start to walk away and that's when I grab them and break their neck. I bite off their hand from their now lifeless body. And it was awesome. Once the night is over they all congratulate me on my first ever kill. It feel pretty good actually. There are only a few people left, so I could good back to my room. But I didn't want to. Me and Blue wish everyone goodnight and head back to, our room. We probably weren't going to sleep. We were probably going to stay up and enjoy each others company. I have to say, being a Rainbow Friend isn't so bad after all..

1398 words-----

And there we have it! The last part of this story. Sorry it took so long, the drawing took me forever to complete. Next one-shot will be soon! Untill next time<3

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