☁Orange x Neko reader☁

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Cover art not mine<3 requested by: AutismBrownie

Would these kids just shut up?! It hurts my ears. And I have headphones in! They've been chanting Odd World for hours. Well maybe not that long but it feels like it. "I should have sat in the back.." I whisper to myself. Then I see on of the rides in Odd World showing over the trees. "MOVE FURRY" One of the athletes say shoving out of my seat. "Jees ya coulda' just asked.." I whisper to myself again. Also it's not my fault I was born with cat ears and a tail. And I like them quite frankly, thank you very much. I worked my way to an open seat and sat down. All the other kids were looking out the window at the ride. I was looking down at the road. It's fun watching the white lines on the side of the road go bye. It's kinda like an old movie tape. I like at the sign pointing to Odd World and see someone flip it. "Hey someone just flipped the sign..!" I say but no one listened, we turned the wrong way, hit something and were sent flying into the air. I seemed to be the only one that didn't pass out from the crash. I stood up and pain went shooting down my leg. I look down and find a peace of glass lodged in my leg. "Well crap." It hurt like he//, I couldn't do much right now. I sat back down and looked to see if anyone was awake. But no one was. And some people were missing most noticeable the bus driver. Then I see someone walking towards me. I was going to say something, untill I got an uneasy feel about them. I decide to act passed out, but I must have moved or I didn't act fast enough, because I can feel something hit the back of my head and everything fades to black. When I wake I have a huge headache and my left ear hurts. I go to touch it, but someone say, "No, don't touch I'm not done." I look over and see Maddison. See is one of friends. Not saying I have very many anyway. Her parents ate doctors so she got schooled so many different cases of someone getting hurt. I look down at my leg and see it at wrapped up. "It will do for now. But you need real medical attention. You got it worse than most. "Well I was by myself so." "That should do it, but still don't touch that ear. And try and refrain from moving it to much." "Yes ma'am!" I give her a salute and we both giggle a little, but the moment is short lived when and voice comes on over the speakers. "Hello there.. It seems my blocks have falling over. All you have to do is find the and put them back.. Good luck." the speakers turn off and a door opens. I hear groans, moans, and other disapproving sounds from the others. Not to blame them though, this guy kidnaps us to do his chores? Now that sucks. I walk around not bothering to help. No one else really has any other bad leg injures so I push my luck in carrying stuff. The only other one who did get a bad leg injury is back at near the room under a box. Cause we needed these for some reason. But I make my way around slowly but surely. I probably shouldn't be walking but I could care less. My tail helps support me so yeah. I walk through a small hallway and find myself in a cave like room. "Cool.." I see a lader on the other side of the room. "We great.." I don't want to go back the way I came so I climb the ladder. "Ow, ow, ow, ow," I say all the way up. "Never doing that again. I probably just broke something doing that. There's two doors in the small place I come to, one right next to me and one in front of me. Then I hear it. The awful sounds of a monster heading right to me. I quickly get in my box. And head for the door infront of me. I hear the monster fall down the ladder and continue walking. I exit my box and look around. "Wow, another cave room.." Then I see the weird machine thingy in the room. I walk over to it, "Oh its a pet feeder. And there's a sign as well?" 'Orange's hideout' "so there's more of them." I walk up the the machine and ring the bells on the strings. "Crap.." I can't forget those are there. I spend the rest of the day studying the feeder to find out all it's in's and out's.

"Soo where were you this whole time?" Maddison asks. "And a cave." "Mhm" "Also pretty sure I broke my leg." I keep walking till im at my bed, while Maddy is just looking at me like I'm crazy. The next day goes the same way, but with a bit of hiding in my box. Because Blue and Green think it's sooo funny to pop in the room when ever. I don't care if this is where the live, a heads up would be nice. But anyway, the night ends and I have a pretty good understanding of the feeder. But on the tv showing what we, no the others who haven't died yet did. Orange comes out. "Eee!" I whisper yell. "Come again Y/N?" "Oh, ah, nothing." "Alright.." I'm super excited to see Orange. But Maddy can't know so I'll and to play it cool. And I do. We get back to the room to get some shut eye, but I can't. I just can't. I wonder what Orange will be like. Will he try and kill us? Will he help us? I just can't tell. I do eventually fall asleep, and start dreaming.

"WAKE UP Y/N!" "Did we kill them?" "No! Their alive just sleeping idiot." "Maddy stoo yelling at people.." I say all sleepy. "Well I would if you would. Get. Up." "Fine." I slowly make my way out of bed, then remember. "ORANGE!" I yell before running off. "WHAT? ALSO DON'T RUN!" Maddy yells at me. I finally make my way to his hideout, and low and behold. There he is, up on the ledge sleeping. I go to feed him, but forget about the bells. I freeze right were I am. And Orange looks down at me. "Aww" I can't help but say, he's so cute. He doesn't charge at me or anything, but he does look at the feeder. "Oh are you hungry?" I pull the lever and food comes out. He jumps down and eats it. "Thank you so much... Um" "Y/N" I say before realizing that he just talked. "Alright thank you Y/N!" I look at him shocked. "Oh right... You didn't know we talk." I slowly nod my head. "Well we can so there's that. Also love you ears! With pattern is that?" "Um- I'm a calico so, just spotted I guess." "That's cool. Say you don't mind me riding on your shoulders as you walk around do you?" "I guess not, you not to heavy right?" "Hey! What are you implying?" "Nothing!" I point down at my leg and the now blood soaked wrapping. "Oh.. Well we have a first aid kit in the theater." He jumps on my shoulders and points head of us. "Onward!" He's so gosh darn cute!! I take the long way to the theater because the short cut next to his hide out is dark. I walk passed Green no surprise there, but Blue confused me. He looked as if he wanted to kill me, but ended up walking right passed me. What's also surprising is Orange is very light. In the theater Orange jumps off my shoulders and looks around a light. I then hear someone behind me. "Ho- How did you do that?" "Mhm?" "H-How did you get it not to kill you?" I just shrug. Orange looks back at me and see's the person next to me. His pupil's shrink amd he charges after them. "AHHH" They scream before getting eating. I look away not being able to watch. Then he goes back to what he was doing. "I found it!" He walks over to me and has me sit down. Then he unwraps the blood soaked make-shift bandaging and replaces it with new real wrapping. After that we head back to his cave. We don't leave again, and soon enough the day is over. I get up to leave but gey pulled back down. "No! Stay with me please." "But I have to go back woth the others." "No you don't." The ends up dragging me to a room I haven't seen and closes the door behind us. "Stay with me please." "Um, all right.." He pulls me over to a dog bed type thing and we lie down cuddling.

One thing leads to another and I end up staying. But I don't even care. My leg healed on it's own, and I'm closer with Orange than anyone ever. I love it hear. Turns out Reds not really a bad guy, and he just cares about his friends. Blue and the others are warming up to me being around. Amd I'm the only one allowed to touch Orange's food.

1600 words-----

Hope you liked it<3  I don't really have anything to say this time so. Untill next time!

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