☁Blue x Fem blue part 2☁

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Welcome to part two, enjoy!

I started to wake up, and felt very dizzy. I hadn't open my eye's yet but I could hear people talking around me. "When is she going to wake up!? This is taking forever!" "Calm down Orange. It hasn't been that long." "Oh shut up Purple." "Rude much." "She really does look just like me.. Well almost." "You're lucky you can even see her." "Is she finally waking up?"  I open my eye's and are meet with an orange lizard, Blue, a green pool noodle thing and a vent monster? "Ow, my head.." I look around before realizing I can only see out of one eye. I feel where my other eye should have been but feel a button in stead. "Yeah the button eye can take a bit of getting used to." Then Blue laughs lightly. Then Green says, "You should try being fully blind." I just stare at blue for a moment. "So you CAN talk!" I was shocked. I heard them talking but didn't know if I was imagining things or not. "When duh, we can all talk stupid." "Don't be so mean Orange this is all new information for her." "Stop telling me what to do! Your lucky your suck in the vents right now." Then Purple and Orange start fighting. But Green and Blue don't do anything. "Does this happen often..?" I ask "More than what we would like to admit." Green answers. "Green can you go get Red to break them up?" "Yeah I'll be back in a minute." Green starts to walk away and as he does his feet squeak. It's one of the most adorable things EVER. Blue looks back at me, "Sorry this isn't really what we had in mind as our first impressions." "You kinda had the best one really." "Really? I just picked you up and took you away.. I'm the reason you are what you are right now." "What do you mean?" I was confused. I do remember Blue taking me to a lab with this Red guy Green went to get. I Remember him questioning me on why I was here, but after that nothing. "Oh, right you don't know what you look like.. Follow me." Blue stands up amd so do I. He leads me not far away to a vanity with a mirror on it. I look at myself in horror, I was all most exactly like Blue. Same build, and most same color I was just a lighter shade, Button eye and a golden tiara. I step back away from the mirror and fall back, but Blue catches me. "Yeah it takes awhile to be able to look at your self again." I didn't want to ever look in a mirror again. Even if Blue had a part in this I don't want to hold any grudge's, sense it seems I might be here awhile. 

A couple weeks have passed I've gotten close with Blue. I was sitting in my room looking out of thr window, it was raining. I love rainy days. Or from what I remember I do. Each day being here more memories disappear. But the ome thing I can remember the best is my Mom and Dad. Their probably so worried. There was a silent knock on my door. Despite the way some of thr boys act to each other they are relatively nice to me. Even Orange, unless I got near his food. "Who's there?" I ask "It's Red." "Come in" As much as I disliked him, he wasn't mean to any of us, so I really can't hate him. "Odd World has just re-opened, And the is a high school field trip happening soon. I'm going to lead them down here for the other's, would you like to join them?" "No thank you, but thanks for asking." He nods his head and leaves. I couldn't bring myself to eat a human yet.. Once I was turned to a Rainbow Friend Red tone amd actions changed completely, I don't want to ask why. I decided to leave my room and walk around. While walking I find Blue and Green talking in the theater, I couldn't really make out what they were saying though. "Hi guys" Blue jumps and looks back at me. "H-How long have you been there?" "Not long why?" He looked relieved when I said that, and Green looks like he about to laugh. "No reason." Blue says. I don't really believe him, but I shrug it off. If it was anything bad I would find out later. Green can keep secrets, but not Purple. And they were close to a vent, so Purple would most likely tell me and Orange what they were talking about. "Ok, I'll see you later." "Bye" They both say. And speaking of Purple I could just barely see him hiding in the vent. Seeing how he really didn't want to be seen eavesdropping what ever it was, was gonna be interesting. I then leave to look for Orange, he owe's me a rematch in tag.

~Blue's pov~  
Dang it! I should have asked if she heard anything. But that would have been suspicious. I look back at Y/N before she leaves, even if she was a girl version of me she was still very pretty.. She looks at the vent near me and Green then looks back at us and say bye, we do the same. I make sure she's gone before turning to vent, where Purple was in no doubt hiding. "How long have you been here, and how much did you hear." "Who's here now Blue?" Green asks me. "He's probably been here awhile. "Oh" even if he can't see he knows exactly who I'm talking about, Purple. I hear a bit of laughing coming from in the vent, "I heard everything" Oh no... What ever he does he can't tell Y/N.. And I make sure to tell him that. "Geez calm down, I'm not that mean. At most I was going to tell Orange and Red." "I would prefer if you told no-one." "You and I both know that not gonna happen." With that he crawls away, probably to find one of others to tell my secret. Then I hear running and Y/N yelling, "COME BACK HERE" Her and Orange must be playing tag again. She always losses. But who knows maybe she'll win this time. "Hey Blue I'ma leave." "Ok, bye Green." "Bye" And with that I was left alone. The truth is over the past few weeks I've started to like Y/N... As more than a friend. Despite what has happened to her she's still very nice to all of us, even Red. Which I can tell as effected him for the better because he's been acting nicer to all of us. And she's quite fun to hang out with. Although she's still not comfortable with talking about- the more gruesome things we do. So we try and refrain for talking about it when she's around. Y/N is the most open with me and I try and be equally as open, which has lead us to become close friends. But that's just it, friends. I want to hold her in my arms and call her mine. Green said I should just be open with her, but I'm not sure on how.

~Back to Y/N's pov~

  "DANG IT ORANGE GET BACK HERE!" why is he so fast?! No wonder he has to eat a lot.  "Hey Orange I got something to tell you!" Purple says in the vent, which gives me a chance to catch him. "YES!" "NOOOO" "TAKE THAT ORANGE" Finally! His winning streak is over! "Was this a bad time..? Or..?" Purple asks. I get up off Orange, "Nah, this is the perfect time." "For you maybe!" Orange says standing up. "Yeah anyway, Y/N could you leave I have to tell Orange something." "Um, all right.." That's weird when there's something Purple has to say he normally shares with all of us. Like that time he told us about how Red sings in the shower, or the time Green argued with a chair for 10 minutes thinking Orange bumped into him. Now I'm really curious on what it could be. I wanted to listen in but refused. I went to find Blue, and on the way I see Green run into another chair. "Don't worry Green it's just a chair." "Thanks Y/N" It's not being mean, it's helping him. I find Blue still in the theater completely zoned out. So I do what any good friend would do, and run up and hug him from behind. "AH" He yells "Chill its just me" he lets out a sigh of relief and I let go and sit in front of him. "Soo what where ya thinkin' about" I ask. "Oh- uh nothing important!" "It must have been if you were that zoned out. Also pretty sure Purple's telling Orange what ever it was you told Green earlier." "Wonderful!" I could tell he was mad, but I still have no idea on why! "Wait- He didn't tell you did he?" He asks all worried. "No..? He sho'd me away." "Oh, ok." He says relieved. "What come be so bad I can't know? I mean I'll probably find out sooner or later!" "I guess your right. I should tell you.." I could tell he was uncomfortable. "I sorry I shouldn't have push you, you don't have to tell me.." "No! No! It's fine, I'm just worried is all.." Worried about what? "I like you.." "I like you to!" That's not bad- "As more than just a friend.." I was speech less. I had started to get feelings for him as well but never thought he would feel the same way. "I-I new this was a bad idea.. Forget I ever said that!" He started to get up but I grabbed his hand and pulled him into a hug. "I like you to.." I began "As more than a friend" He hugged back a we stayed like that for awhile, untill we heard sniffling. "It's just so beautiful" Orange said. "It was at these times I wish I could see." Green said. We stoped hugging and I was getting ready to strangle Orange for ruining the moment. "So are y'all a thing now?" Purple asks. "Yeah I think so" I say. "Yes.." Blue says. "Hate to break up the love fest but the humans are here. Blue stay the rest of you out." We all hear Red say. I can't believe that just happened! It's gonna be a long day..

1788 words----

Oooo looks like y'all have a bf now! I will wright one more chapter on this story<3 Hope you guys like it, and sorry it took a little longer than I wished. But untill next time!

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