🌧Purple x Shy reader Part 4🌧

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Warning this chapter contains sensitive topics. Viewer discretion is advised.


Purple hearing this pulls me closer to him. The unfortunate thing about living in the vents is you can hear just about anything. And I know exactly who those two are, Cove and Finley. I thought they would have forgotten me by now. But I guess not.. "Do you recognize those voices Y/N?" Purple asks. "I do.." "We should go see Red about this, it sounds like their still at the front of the facility and no where near Hemlock Woods." "Alright.." I could say much more than that, there was a lump in my troat. "They remembered me.." I whisper. As we are crawling through the ventilation system I hear more yelling. We make it to Red's office-bedroom thing. It's the surveillance room but Red sleeps in here as well. He was on watching the monitor's, "Y/N who are these people?" This question seems to come out of now where, we didn't even announce coming in. I was hesitant to reply "Old friends.." I manage. "Why are they looking for you?" I didn't know why, or even how they where here. "I'm not sure.." "Don't be rude Red.. She clearly had no idea this would happen.." Red motions me to come closer and to look at the monitors. Cove and Fin looked like they were ready for war.. They had a range of assault rifles, knifes, Cove had a metal bat, and Fin had an axe. Did they think I was kidnapped? Well.. I mean, I was but I chose to stay. I tried texting them. Did it not go through, did they think it was a lie? So many things are just racing through my head. Purple looks at the screens and his face fills with worry and concern, "What are we going to do?" My head starts hurting and I stumble backwards. I lean against a wall and Red and Purple are talking about the situation I got them into. I start hyperventilating. "Y/N..? Are you ok..?" Purple asks. "No! I should have known not to stay! This is my fault! They've always been overprotective of me. I should have known they'd come looking for me!" "Hey, Hey.. Shh.. It's not your fault, you couldn't have known.." Purple pulls me into a hug and I start tearing up. "We can't fight them. There is no way for us to win against that fire power and they look highly trained.." Red starts. "You two stay here, I'll get the others, our best plan is to try and escape." At that he heads off. I didn't want to cry with Red in the room but now that he's gone my flood gates open. Purple just pulls me closer, he didn't need to say anything, his presence was enough.

Red returns with the others, Blue was tried, Orange looked annoyed, and Green was just confused. Y/N had fell asleep a little while ago. I didn't wake them and Red didn't ask me to. "I bet your confused on why I gathered you'all here this late at night." "Heck yeah we are! I was dreaming about my favorite food!" Orange's remark would have been funny if it was under different circumstances. Blue snickers and Green almost laughs but refrains from doing so. Blue looks over at us, "Hey, why does Y/N get to sleep?" I hiss at him and he puts is hand on his chest 'offended'. "Unfortunately I wish now could be a time of jokes, but we have something serious unfolding at the moment." Green and Blue start getting worried, as Red always liked the little jokes that happen between us, but Orange is still unamused. "Well what is it then?" Red motions them to the monitors, expect Green he goes to him and explains it the best of his ability. Then a gasp comes from Orange, as Blue falls silent. "What are we going to do?!" Green ask. "Escape" I say. "How though?!" "The back door, it might be farther then the entrance but we have a better chance of getting out through there." "Well lets hurry! Their almost at Hemlock Woods!!" Blue exclaims. Red is the only one with any knowledge of the way out, so the rest of us follow behind. I'm carrying Y/N as to not wake them. We weren't to far away from Red's office when I hear the two break down the door leading into Hemlock. "Come now lets pick up the pace." Red starts to speed up. "COME OUT, COME OUT WHERE EVER YOU ARE~" "AND GIVE US Y/N BACK! WE KNOW YOU HAVE THEM!" "Their insane!" Orange says in a hushed tone. "What makes them think we even have them? I mean we do but still. Green says. The yelling must have made Y/N start to wake up, as they start lifting their head some.

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