☁Green x Cream reader☁

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Cover art not mine, requested by: 567rose765. And to rose, I picked Green cause he's my favorite<3

I was lying on my bed in my 'room', I say that because it's not a cave like Orange's hideout, but it's not a normal room either. I should be sleeping but I just couldn't. I had something on my mind. Ever since this incident that happened a couple weeks ago Green has been visiting my room a lot more often than normal. I don't mind though, he's my closest friend. But something has been just off.. The thing that happened is a kid threw a glass bottle at my head. And called me 'fake' because I'm not an original part of the rainbow friends. I was added by Red, not sure why but I don't hate it here so I don't mind. But Blue and Green have been on edge ever since, but more Green then Blue. I've heard people coming in and out of my room as well as the other's. I've also heard people questioning why I'm the only one with any type of clothing on. Well to answer that, it gets so bloody cold in my room. Even with fur I would almost freeze to death. So not to long ago Red helped me knit a sweater for myself and it's helped tremendously. Then I hear someone get in a box, stupid choice. "NO! _____ YOU IDIOT!" Someone whisper yells. I get up and kill the person in the box. The other person was a girl, she was under a table. I couldn't see her with my eyes, but I have flower petals around my head which when I move they serve as an echolocation type thing that lets me see. My eye's are almost like glued shut, I can still open them but it hurts some, so I try and refrain from doing so. The girl was breathing quite heavily I turn to her and then turn away to leave. The rest of the kids were pretty smart with avoiding me. Ether turning away or stoping dead in their tracks. I've 'seen' the other's at least once. But I know my why around pretty well so I don't use my echolocation much anymore. Every once and awhile if I think somethings been moved. As I was walking I wasn't paying much attention, as I was trying to listen to some random kids conversion im the theater, that's when I walk into someone, I make a small purring sound letting them know I was sorry. After a bit it seemed like we were hugging almost, then there was a soft party horn. Which was Green's way of saying it's ok. Once I realized it was Green I had run into I quickly walked away embarrassed about what just happened. I had managed to catch one other kid, but only because they ran into me. My senses were all wacky and I could barely focus on the sounds around me. But at the end of the day I returned to my room and lied down. Then I hear someone burst into my room, "Are you alright?!" Red asks as he walks over to me. "There was so many people that you missed! Are you getting sick?! Did one of the humans give you a disease?" He rambles. "No! No! I'm fine! There's just some things I have on my mind is all.." "Are you sure? Gasp DID THOSE HUMANS BULLY YOU AGAIN?!!" "No Red! It's something else.. Something more close to home.." "Well if you need to talk you know where to find me" It's sweet that he wants to help, but he can't. I bit of time goes by when suddenly my door opens, it's late at night so I don't get why someone would coming into my room, plus I was almost asleep! "Hello..?" I say sleepily. "Hey Y/N.. I was hoping we could talk about earlier." Oh gosh.. No, I didn't want to talk with. Well I did, but.. Gahhh these mixed emotions are killing me. "Why..?" "Well I'm sorry I didn't reply faster, and I feel things were a bit awkward." "It's not your fault.. I should have been 'watching' where I was going." "Um, if you say so.." "And Green" "Mhm?" "I think we should have a proper hug this time around." I walk over to him and hug him. Then he does something I wasn't expecting, he hugged back. Oh gosh, oh gosh, oh gosh.. What am I doing?!? When I let go I was a mess. If I could blush I would 100 percent be blushing right now. But my drowsiness gets thr better of me and I start dozing off right there standing up. This only happens when I've had a long day, and you bet it's been one heck of a long day. As I start to wake up I feel a set of arms wrapped around me, I look up and are meet with Green's sleeping figure. What?!? How did- AHhHhhH. So many thoughts were racing through my head at once, but the main one being, why? As I up wrap Green's arms from around me so I could get up, he start's waking up. "Good moring Y/N.." he says tiredly. "Good moring to you as well, would you mind telling what happened last night?" I ask politely. "Well you dozed of in front of me and almost fell. I caught you and tried putting you in your bed, put when I went to let go you told me to stay. So I did, I was just going to leave when you were fully asleep but I succumbed to my tiredness as well." "Ok then.." My pedals were twitching nervously, as I couldn't believe I asked him to stay.. I tried to get my mind off of it but I couldn't. The day started and I went back to sleep in my room. The kids were extra quiet this time around, which I enjoyed. I haven't slept well in awhile so I enjoyed the peace. I felt asleep and didn't wake up untill the nights were I was needed where over. I was feeling quite hungry. I never ate the humans I killed I mostly just snapped their necks or broke their backs. And if they were oh so unlucky to have picked on me and I catch them, I tear their heads off their necks by slowly closing my petals. But I find the Orange, Purple, and Green in the theater talking. I was still quite sleepy so I don't say anything and just grab some food. Green was talking with the other two, I was using echolocation to 'see' what they were doing, it 'looked' like Purple and Orange knew I was here and weren't going to say anything. Ether because it didn't matter or they wanted me to hear what was being talked about. I went with the first option and just stood in to back eating my food. I started tooning in on what they were actually talking about, stopped what I was doing entirely. "So what I'm trying to say is.. I like Y/N but I can't find out how to tell them.." "No need!" Orange says "What? Why?" I walk up behind him, "Because I'm right here.." He jumps at my voice then freezes up. "Oh gosh.. Y/N! You weren't supposed to hear that! I'm so sorry.." He continue's on. "Why are you sorry? There's no need to be.." I bring him closer in our hug and our heads touch.

"FINALLY! TOOK YOU GUYS LONG ENOUGH." Blue yells in a some what annoyed tone. And Red drops his coffee cup amd stairs at us. Guess their back. I laugh a little before turning back to Green. "So does this mean y'all are a thing now?" purple asks. I nod my head and whisper "yes.. I think it does" "LET'S GO! PAY UP ORANGE!" Really? He made another bet with Purple? Has he not learned his lesson? I sigh and continue to hug my new boyfriend..

1356 words------

Sorry this took a little while to publish:') I had testing this week! I hope you liked this chapter!! And don't forget, if you like my one-shots go 'vote' for which new one you want me to start on the last update I made! And if you did already, thanks! But anywho, Untill next time!~

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