🌧Red x Reader part 2☁

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Author-Chan here! Half angst half fluff, warnings: Sensitive topics for some readers! Sorry for being gone for so long. Now on with the story!

"Red? Is that you?"

{Red's Pov}
Oh my.. It actually worked, it WORKED! Their back.. They would have ever left if I was there for them.. Damnit if only I wasn't so blind.. "Red..? Are you alright?" "Hm? Yes! Yes I'm fine." I go over to them and give them a hug, and a tight one at that. If there's one thing I know, it's I'm never letting (y/n) go ever again.

{Y/N pov}
I wake up from this weird dazzy trance thing and see Red. He looked overjoyed and sad at the same time. I asked if he was alright, of course he said he was fine but I had a feeling he was lying. He came up to me and gave me tight hug, in which I hugged back. After awhile we break our hug. I was confused on one thing though. How was I alive? I remember jumping to my death, everything had been black. How was I still alive? As I was pondering my existence Red asks me something out of blue, "How are you feeling? No body pains or anything?" His question caught me off guard, to say the least. "No, why?" I replied. "Oh, uh.. No reason! Just wanted to make sure you were alright." He said, in an all most rushed tone. I didn't care to think to much about it though.

I stand up from the bed I was seated in and notice I'm shorter than I once was. "What..?" I say in a whisper. Then I see it. My hand was covered in {F/C} fur with white patches here and there. At seeing this I stumble back a little, falling back onto the bed. "W-What happened to me?!" I say in a panicked voice. Red rushes to my side and tries comforting me, "I.. I saved you! You were in dier condition..!" Now things were starting to make sense. I had died, or at least come close to death. Red had revived me.. Some how.. and in the process turned me into a rainbow friend. "So I'm a rainbow friend type thing now..?" I say trying to calm my sheer and utter panicked state. "Tectonically.. But you still have your memories from before right..? Like all of them?" He asked nervously. "Um.. Yeah I think so.. There's not really any blank spaces in my memory." I do remember everything exactly. Every bad thought.. Every time I'd hurt myself.. Everything. I tried pushing these memory's away. I didn't want to remember them, they made me feel depressed and I wanted to try being happy. Red spoke up again, "So um... You can chose if you want to hand out with the others later. It's your call." He said trying to gradually change the topic. "I just want some alone time for now.." I say, he nods and walks to the door. "I know I wasn't always there for you when you needed me.. But I'm going to be here this time.. I promise." He says before walking out the door and closing it behind him. I curl into a ball and stare at the wall.

I have no clue how long I've been here. Sitting and staring mindlessly. I don't now if I even need to eat or not anymore. But I'm not hungry, even if I was I probably wouldn't move. Red had checked on me a few times and the others have came in to. I assume Red told them the situation because there's no way they would recognize me. Not anymore at least. "Oh god.. What about my father..?" I say out loud. I hadn't even thought about him this whole time. Was he doing better with out me? Had he even noticed I was gone? "Maybe I should try and contact him.." He might be a deadbeat but he was still my father. I stood up and walked out of the room. The bright lights of the hallway made my vision blurry for a moment, I went out to try and find Red. He might have found my phone or something.

I reach his office door and knock on it. "Orange I thought I told you- Oh! (Y/N)! What a pleasant surprise! Please come on in." He opens the door fully and lets me in. "What can I do for you?" He asks as I sit down on his office chair. "You wouldn't happen to have my phone would you?" "As a matter of fact I do! Give me one second." He goes and starts looking through different drawers untill he pulls out my phone. "It was broken and I tried to fix it up the best I could. I don't know much about smart phones." The screen protector was busted so I just took it off. "Thanks." "No problem! Why come for it now? Not that I'm trying to be noisy." Me and Red agreed that we would slowly make our way back to were our relationship was before it went down hill. So he was trying to be nice but not lovey dovey, yet at least. "I wanted to try and contact my father.. I get he was a bad person but he is still my dad." His face filled with concern and worry, "Are you sure that's good idea??" I stand up to leave and unlock my phone, "Yes." I walk out of the room and type in my dad's phone number. It rings and eventually goes to voice mail. "Um.. Hi dad.. I'm not sure how long I've been gone but please at least text me when you hear this.." I hang up and walk back to my room.

"Hey boss his phone is ringing!" "Who the hell is calling a dead guy?" "It says daughter on the contact." "This could be a break in the case!! Quick someone try and trace where that call came from!" "On it boss!"

~1018 words

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