☁Purple X NB reader☁

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One-shot requested by: Zara64627

"ODD WORLD, ODD WORLD, ODD WORLD!!" Me and a bunch of other people were chanting. Some teacher pet brat in the front was yelling at us to stop but I went up to his face and just kept chanting "You need to sit down children, this isn't safe." the bus driver says. I just stick my tongue at him and keep annoying the class rep. "THE BUS DRIVER IS RIGHT, YOU ALL NEED TO SIT DOWN!!" he yells. "Ow, right in my ear dude?" He completely ignores me. "You should sit down then too!" I spat at him. Then the ferris wheel comes into view, I shuffe to a window to look at and hear someone yell, "MOVE FURRY". Just then the bus takes a shape turn. The next thing I remember was hurling towards the front windshield, "Well Shi-"

I wake and the very first thing I do is hit my head! "OW GOSH DANG IT!" "Shhh some people are asleep!" someone hushes me. Then it hits me, "Wait where are we?" that same chick who had the audacity to shush me comes over, "We don't know, Ivy-Chan was the first to wake up and tried to leave but couldn't. We assume we were kidnapped." "Makes sense." "Say your one if the lucky ones who got treatment from our kidnappers." Wait what? I look at myself and find bandages on my arms but I can feel more under my shirt. That bastard. "Who else was treated?" "Just that Neko over there. Maddison-San says she did it but I woke before and she didn't do it. Well she wrapped their ear but that was it." Ok so this person is playing favorites. Got it. A speaker sound goes off and someone starts talking, I don't really listen but a little later a door opens but barely anyone moves. Guess I gotta go first. I half run out the door just wanting out of that room and see little blocks on the floor ahead of me, I look around and see some else pick up another block. "Looks like this is what we need to do?" I pick the ones in front of me up and go to look for more. "This is easy! Why didn't everyone go?" I turn a coner and walk through a door to a locker room type place, "Yes more blocks!" I grab the two in this room and leave again, though I'm not to sure where exactly where to put them. I look for clues and see a big blue arrow. "Wow thanks." I follow the arrows into a, theater room? That's what the sign says at least. I sit my blocks down and start to head to the farm area looking place but shuffling blocks come into the theater. "What are you doing?" I say half laughing. "I- I- It's coming..!" "Wha- ?" Before I could finish my sentence a fairly tall blue rip of marshmallow man enters the room. When it see's me it stops, I walk up to it and kinda just- Boop it's none existent noise and walk past it. "HOW THE HELL??" and stuff like that was said as I walked away, I don't get it. I walk into a cave looken' room and find that neko studying some whack looking machine, I ignore it just walkout. Not like there was any blocks in there anyway.  I was hunting for blocks when the speaker started up again, this time I figured I'd listen so I know what's happening. "As of right know all the blocks have been found. Please head back to the room you were in to rest, Blue shall not bother you at the moment. Five people were found." Found? I still don't get it. All we're doing is like a scavenger hunt, why are people so scared? I don't really care and head back to the small room. I flop on the 'bed' I woke up on earlier and close my eyes.

It's been hours of me just lying here, well it's felt that way at least. I can't get over this feeling of being watched. Like obviously that creep that's keeping us here is probably watching bht that's not it, no something else is watching me. Yes I said me. If I moved it moved I could feel it. The feeling last for what feels like forever and then slowly vanishes. And with that I can fall asleep finally! I lay down again and pass out.

"Miss, you need to wake up!! The guy on the speaker is talking again!" I'm being shaken awake, lovely. "My name is Y/N" "Alright Y/N-Chan wake up!" Oh must be that girl from yesterday, "Ok I'm up!" Once I sit up I hurry to put my shoes on and bolt out the door. "Looks like food packs this time." Does whatever lives here eat these?" I grab the one I saw and continue the same way I went yesterday. When walking down the hall I noticed no one was around, so I sniffed the food in the bag. "Ew, this smells worse than dog food!" Soon enough I can't carry any more packs and have to head to the theater, on my way I walk into this castle lookin' place and standing by the door is a tall green bean with googly eyes. But as soon as I walk in that feeling of being watched COMES BACK! I sware I with hit whatever is watching me if I ever see it. I see someone coming to walk through the door that the green bean is standing at, they try and crouch-walk under it's arms but it comes down before there clear of him. Green then take his arm and wrap's it around him, aw a hug! Suddenly there a loud screech from Green and he bits off the persons head before walking down the hallway he came from. I'm stood there shocked as blue walks by. Was this what people were scared of? But they seem so nice! I try and shake it off and finish our task for the day. But once we finish and head back to the room to sleep all I can see is what happened. I don't care about the person that died, heck I didn't even know who it was! And yet the image won't go away, "AND NETHER WILL YOU!" I whisper yell, as the feeling of being watched was back. Though when I said that it went away and I could get some sleep.

In the 'morning' I feel something get thrown at me and I jolt awake. I completely abandon my shoes and just ran off on my own. But the only people who left were me that neko, who probably went to that freaky cave and one other person who went my normal way so I go the opposite. After I left the room a few other's left as well but they followed me. I was going up this ramp like hallway when I see water leaking from a vent and two purple hands sticking out. Must be another one. Maybe this one will be nice since it can see? I walk up to it and grab it hand to shake it. It doesn't do anything. "Guys I think this one is friendly." I say "A-are you sure?? I don't want to die!" "Yeah look!" I walk in front of it and it does nothing. So someone follows and it does nothing. The other two then follow but someone stays back. "I don't believe it! What if it has certain number of people who can walk past!" "Come on it's stuck in the vents! What can it do?" I'm getting sick of them so I continue on. Just as I leave I hear Green coming from behind me. "Those people better hurry." "FINE! I'LL GO!" sounds like they got him to walk past Purple. There was a scream, then someone yelled "CHARLIE!" Green musta got them. I keep going on with our task of finding fuses I end up looping around to that locker room place and see a fuse and another vent. "Purple must move then." He wasn't there right now but I go and grab the fuse on the ground, then that feeling comes back. "GOSH DANG IT JUST SHOW YOUR SELF!" Then I here noise come from the vent and Purple shows up, has he been watching me? I walk over and bend down. Then he pulls me into the vent and I scream. "Shhh, quit down!" He says in a sweet but very raspy voice as he puts a finger in my face. Then Green walks to wear I would have been. Did he just save me? Once I gather my thoughts I notice just how big these vents are. A child could easly run through them, then Purple grabs my wrist and pulls me with him. When his stops pulling me I assume he wants me to keep following because he doesn't stop. So I keep following. When his stops he reaches back and picks me up then lowers me down into a large room. "Stay there." and with that he leaves. I look around the room and it kinda looks like you would expect a sewer to look like but at the same time it doesn't. And I'm just left there.

1578 words

Hello! Author-Chan here! I know I didn't finish the previous one-shot story but I needed a break from Red guys. Plus I'm lacking in the requested storys area. Also! In my art book I will draw Y/N and the according rainbow friend from anyone of the storys! All you gotta do it ask! That's all for know, Author chan out.

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