☁Purple x Shy reader part 3☁

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It's back?! Yes Purple x shy reader is back! By request of: RaelieBowlds
Didn't think I would do this did you? Well haha, you were wrong~ But yeah if you want your favorite one-shot continued I would gladly do it! Even if I said it was over. Anyway~ on to the story!

It's been a couple month's since I've began to live with the Rainbow Friends, and it's been great! They're all really nice, to me and each other at least. Purple is my favorite and it's not because he saved me from dying, it's because his the nicest out of all of them. Sure he might have his down days, but everyone has those, and his is often sad and not angry. He also lets me stay in his room with him, and so much more! It is currently night three in this round up of people. I was chilling in the observation room with Red watching they kinda suck. So many died just to Blue and Green! Rookie mistake. They looked like cops. "Hey Red" "Yes?" "Are these people police?" "Indeed they are. Every month or two the city sends a group of cops down here. Usually because of the kids that do escape. But none of them every leave." "Ok thanks." He just nods and turns back to his tv's. They looked fairly new as well, wonder if he stole them. I'll have to ask later. Orange's alarm goes of scaring me half to death. "I'll never get used to that.." "You will, just give it some more time is all." Red was right, though I got caught of guard this time I can usually tell when it's going to go off. Then I see a guy running from Blue and there was a vent strait ahead. Low and behold Purple was there, oh I can't wait to see him after this night is over! As much fun as it is hanging with Red, it gets boring pretty fast. The guy gets snatched by Purple and I can hear him scream. This might just be me having been here as long as I have but, it's funny when they die. I'm not a sick person but, hearing them scream thinking they can get help or just scream's of agony, is just funny. Soon, but not fast enough they manege to finish finding them dum fuses. The power 'goes out' and some of the guys scream like a little girl. Adults are dumb, well Red wasn't and nether were the others. I really don't want to be one though. My birthday is in a couple of days, and I'll turn 18. Red is the oldest and Purple the youngest of the group, the others are in between. I head back to me and Purple's room. I know the ventilation system pretty well at this point, sometimes if it's a group of high schoolers or middle schoolers I get to roam the vents and listen in on what people are saying. I don't do it to much though because it hurts my knee's and back after awhile. "I'm back!~" I say falling onto the bed as my vent I took was right above it.
"Y/N! What took so long?" "I was listening to the survivors." "What were they doing?" "Trying to break down the other door." "Wow, people can be super dumb." "Yeah.." I lie down pretending like I was super tired. Purple sighs and lays down as well. I know he was tired, so I don't speak to him so he can fall asleep. He pulls me closer and dozes off. Soon enough I also fall asleep. When I wake Purple is gone, which is sad. I like sleeping in with him. I've heard the others think we would make a great 'couple' but I don't like Purple that way, or at least I think I don't.. I do really like him, but it isn't love.. Is it? I decided to just go to my spot. We all have one, it's a place you go when you want to be alone or you just are. Right now I just am. But what's special about mine is, I have a shower! Sure there's that weird shower like thingy in sub-level A but I like privacy. I was going to take one of those showers were you just stand under hot water. It's relaxing and helps me take my mind off of things. But this thing wouldn't get off my mind. All the way there it was racing through my head. But when I got there I started up water. Then I took off my clothing and placed them with the others and picked my (f/c) hoodie, some jean shorts and undergarments. Conveniently I do have a door to my special place but its lock is broke. So when I'm in the shower I put up a sign on the door. The boy's all know how to read and it's been working so far. I step underneath the hot water flowing out of the shower head. And it was as said, relaxing. But it didn't help the thought that was now consuming my mind. Did I love Purple? I mean, who wouldn't? But I mean in more than "Just in a friend way". Did I love him as someone would love their significant other? And did he love me? He has always been super nice around me. I mean he did save me from death. He lets me stay in his room. He puts up with me when I'm in a bad mood. But all of this thinking reminded me of my friends.. Or at least me best friends. Cove and Finley. (or what ever you want their names to be<3) How I do miss them.. But at the same time I like it here better. Plus I feel I can be more open with my feelings here, especially to Purple. But not this new one. Not now at least. When I finish up in the shower I head over to the observation room. Turns out cops suck worse than kids at surviving. Only one was left. I don't announce my arrival amd just stand in the back. The last guy was doing find, untill he tripped and fell, in Orange's cave. This alerted Orange and he chased after the man. He was to distracted to realize he was about to run into Green. He did and got decapitated. Good thing it was dark because I was about to throw up. That is the one death I can't get behind. I was tried, I hadn't really slept well the night before, plus as much as hot showers are refreshing, they drain your energy just as well. I make my way back to the room and lie down. Purple soon enter's, but I am half asleep. I make the little grabby hands babys make when the want somethings letting him know I want cuddles. He happily comes over and we both fall asleep.

~Fast forward to ya birthday~

Red decided to let the next group of kids just go to Odd World so we could all be together on my birthday, which was really nice! It was like a big party celebration, more like hanging out with friends you love. We were watching my favorite movie in the theater, they have a projector I connect to my computer. I was sitting roughly in the middle. I have Purple on my right and Green on my left. Red and Blue were behind us and Orange was in the front. I can't believe I'm 18! Tectonically an adult! This day was perfect! The only thing that could make it better would be if Cove and Finley were here. I didn't see them much before choosing to live here. They were selected as undercover cops and worked as detectives. They are extremally smart. We all wanted to be undercover police since we were little, but I'm not smart enough for that. But I help kill people for fun now! Which is way more fun then that. The move ended and Red brought out a (F/Flavor) cake. He cut out a piece for all of us. "Thanks you guys!" I knew they all helped make it. They all said it was nothing or something along the lines of that. "Happy Birthday Y/N!" Purple says. "Yeah Happy Birthday!" All the others but Orange say. He was to busy eating the cake. They didn't sing the birthday song, which I happy about. I hated it. After that Red put on some music and we danced around and played some games. My favorite's being, Tag, Hide and Seek, and red light green light. It was Blue's turn to pick a game. "So how bout it Blue?" "Um I'm not sure
Y/N.." "Come on! There has to be a game you like!" "Well there is this one game, although I've never played it."

"It's called would you rather I think." "Oh, Oh! I know that game!" Orange says. "The little humans in Y/N's computer play it sometimes!" "Those are just- Never mind.." I whisper. We all sit down in a circle like shape. "Y/N why don't you go first." Red says."Ok.. Green, Would you Rather be able see again or never miss a person again?" he 'looks' at me, "See again. I would almost never miss anyone if I could see." "Fair." He was right though. He could feel behind him and see what's in front of his face. "Orange, Would you Rather, Never eat again or Never sleep again?" pff I snicker. "WHAT KINDA OPTIONS ARE THOSE?!" Orange yells annoyed. It was kinda funny. "You have to pick one." Purple says "Yeah" the others say. "Y'all are mean, but if I had to pick one, it would be never sleep again." "Of crouse you would pick that." Blue says. It keeps going around with them basically giving who ever gave the worse comment to there answer the worst options for them. It was really funny, but they it made it's way back to me. "Y/N dear, would you rather stay here with us for eternity or go back home?" Red asks way to nicely. Everyone looks at me, and it makes me uncomfortable. Purple takes notice, "Hey Red maybe that was a little to far.." "Come down Purple it was a simple question." I know my answer I would stay here, but everyone minus Purple looking at me waiting for my answer is unsettling. "Well... I stay here.." I manage to say.
Red just nods his head. "Alright everyone, this was fun but I think it's time for bed!" He didn't mean we had to go to sleep just we had to go to our rooms. Which I was up for. I want to get away for a bit. I could tell everyone was happy to know I didn't want to leave, but I still wanted away from them for a bit. Me and Purple are back in our room cuddling, I was about to fall asleep until I hear a door break down. I assume Blue just took Orange's food again or something, until I hear this,


1892 words-----

Wonder who that could be, hmm.. Hahaha! Guess what you get a part 4!! Not right now, but soon! Gah I love Purple! Almost as much as Green. But anyway as always, Untill next time! <3

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