🌧Red x Reader part 3🌧

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{Breaking news.. We've received information saying missing person (Y/N) (L/N) tried to call they're deceased father, whose murder has had now progress since the case was started! Detectives say this could be the big break in the case they needed! Up next scientists have found out bee's dance langua....}

"Dang it (Y/N)... Is that the reason you wanted your phone back? Sigh I guess there's nothing I can do now.. There's no way they'll find us anyway."


I was finally getting used to my new body. And to be honest.. Even though I had died and been reborn, this is the best place for it to have happened. The rainbow friends are like my family.. Blue and I play all kinds of games with Orange sometimes joining us. Green lets me use his arms like swings sometimes because I'm small like Orange now; speaking of Orange we play tag a lot and eat together often. Purple and I talk often and he's quite fun to be around actually, to bad he's stuck in the vents. Me and red's relationship has gotten better has well, we cuddle sometimes and hang out a lot too. I sometimes wonder if things would be like this if I had chose to stay when I was still human. Would things be the same? I sat in the theater and continued to have these thoughts. That was untill Red walked up to me.

"(Y/N? Do you have a moment?" "Uh, yeah. Of course! What's up?" I asked and patted the spot next to me. He sat down next to me, "You said your phone was acting up right?" he asked. "Well yeah.. It's hard enough to try and use it with fur covered hands but now when I get a call and try to answer it, it hangs up right after I answer or just won't let me answer the call at all!" He nodded slowly as he listened to what I said. I stood up and pulled my phone out of a nere by drawer and sat back down. "I can see what I can do. I've been researching how newer phones work so I can help with problems like these." Red extends his hand and I give him my phone. "I'll let you know when I'm finished." He then stands up and leaves.

After a while I got bored and deicide to walk around a bit. The place was huge, and I've only seen maybe half of it. I was walked down a long hallway lined with doors, when out of the corner of my eye I see something dash from one room to another. It could have been a mouse but it seemed to big to be one. I walk up to the door that the creature walked into and peek inside, but I don't see it. 'It's probably better if I don't say anything.' I step into the room and could feel something watching me, it didn't feel dangerous or at least not yet. The lighting for this room was dim but it had windows...? 'That's odd..' I look through one of the windows and in the distance I can see a theme park. 'That must be Odd World.' I had never been, not to mention Red told me to never go. A light behind me flickers on and revels and mural type thing. [For reference it's like the walls from Garten of BanBan with all the characters] It had Blue and the other's, it even had Red on it. Which was strange.. If it was supposed to show the mascots then why was he on there? Red told me he was never shown to the public unlike the others. As I continued to wonder about the purpose of this wall another light flickered on. Two more figures showed up but their drawings were scratched out and in disrepair, I could barely make out the colors. 'Yellow and a teal color? Are there more rainbow friends that I don't know? I'll have to ask Red later.' I turn to leave and could still feel something watching me. As I leave that feeling goes away as well. "I wonder if that was one of those scratched out rainbow friends.."


'I thought I made it were calls wouldn't even go through.. But apparently I'm less skilled then I thought.. Cruse new technology. Well, second times a charm I guess.' I then spent hours trying to disable phone calls on (Y/N)'s phone. "Don't want anyone finding this place after all.."


"(Y/NNNNNNNNN)!!!!!! HELP MEEEE!!" Blue was running towards with Orange close behind. "What happened??" "I TRIED TO TAKE HIS FOOD!!!! PLEASE HELP!!" Blue ran passed me and I jumped on Orange, it wouldn't hurt to bad, mostly because we're like the same size. I pinned him to the floor, "WHAT THE- GET OFF MEE! LET ME AT HIM!!" Orange yelled while trying to break free. "How about no?" "AWE! PLEASE (Y/N)!" I look at Orange, then to Blue and back at Orange. I let him go and the chase begins again. As I walk the opposite way I could hear Blue yell, "CURSE YOU (Y/N)!" I make my way to Red's work space and knock on his door. He opens the door a few moment's later. "Oh (Y/N)!" He moves to let me in. "Hello Red! If you have the time I found something and I have a few questions about it." I sit down in a chair and he hands me my phone back. "Alright then, what is it? And I'm pretty sure I was able to fix your problem with your phone." "Thanks!" I restart my phone then start asking about the two drawings on the wall I had found and if there were more rainbow friends then I knew about. He had a surprised look as I explained what I saw.



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