☁Red x Reader part 2☁

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Very sorry for the very late update, but!!! I started the Red x Reader story because that's what y'all wanted. Anyway onto the story!

"Red?" "Well hello Y/N." "Um, Hi?" He enter's the room and shuts the door behind him before coming to sit next to me. "You sound unsure on why I am here." "Well, I wasn't expecting uh, well." "Me?" "Yeah." For as creepy as he may look his voice and attitude definitely make up for that. "Well, the other's must rest for tomorrow, they have work to do now that you have awakened." "Even Purple and Orange?" "Yes." "Agh, fine." "I could not leave even if I wished Y/N. I can't chance you trying to get up." "Why can't I anyway?" "Your spin as not fully healed yet." Oh, lovely. Will I be crippled from now on? I hope not. "Let us change the topic, Y/N what is your favorite animal?" "Oh- That's random but ok. If I had to pick one.. Maybe a Sphinx or an Atlantic Puffin." "Hm interesting. I would have took you as a dog person" "Why?" "You just seem the type." "Of course dogs are cute and all but like, have you seen an Atlantic Puffin?? Their just so gosh darn cute! I mean their little feet are like duck feet, and their faces just gah!!" I start squealing out of the cuteness I am imagining.

Their quite adorable. I'm happy I found them. I'm surprised Y/N wasn't scared of us, or at least didn't over react. Maybe they'll stick around. Well not like they have a choice as of right now.

"So Red, what's your favorite animal?" "Although this might not count, I am quite fond of dragons. The history behind the mith fascinates me." "Woah, I would have never expected something like that from you. With you being all science-e and stuff." "It is peculiar isn't?" "My favorite species of dragon would have to be the hungarian horntail." "Oh! Like from Harry Potter!" "Uh sure. Like from 'Harry Potter'" what ever that is..

We keep talking for a long while, but they get sleepy and end up sir-coming to their tiredness. Y/N is quite cute when their sleeping... They my timer goes off, I quickly turn it off. I had set it in case we were both still awake so I could get some sleep. I get up to leave and look back again. "Goodnight Y/N."

I'm so sorry that this is so short and out so late but, I'm putting this book on pause so I can work on different this. The Red X Y/N book has been started and I wanna do a My Hero Academia x Reader oneshots book as well. (because their all so hot!!) Well most are anyway. Well untill next time!

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