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Lisa Manobal is a 19-year-old girl, she grew up in a poor family containing: Her mother, Father, younger brother and Her grandmother. Her mother was always sick since, she was diagnosed with stage 2 cancer which the doctors said they could try to save her life if they can provide $20,000 for the surgery, but they didn't have that kind of money. They decided not to do the procedure. Instead they tried herbs and other natural plant and medicines to heal her, but sadly, it didn't work and 5 months after her mother died. It left them devastated and in grief.

Ever since then, Lisa got a job to provide more money for her family because her dad was the only one working and his pay wasn't enough to pay rent, for food, and for her brother's college fees that he wanted to go, so they'll need money for his fees and some more for food aswell. Lisa got a job at an aesthetic café; she served as a waitress. She was always kind and polite to the customers she and friend Kim Jennie. She is orphan who had to leave the orphanage because, she is now 18  and by law she's an adult, so she had no other choice but to leave the orphanage, so she had to start working at the café to fed for herself.

Lisa was on the night shift alone because Jennie had an emergency. She was ready to close, because of the rain when a man who have his face came in soaked and bruised like he was in a fight before he came to the café "Oh my gosh, Sir are you okay?" she said rushing to help the unknown man, she led him to one of the chairs, and then went to get a rag and some water for the man. He looked hurt and strange.She came with rag and water taking rag wiping it on his injures to rid of the blood then giving him some water which he drank it all in one go, "Please stay here, Am gonna buy some ointment to rub on these cuts and some bandages to cover them" she said rushing to the nearest pharmacy.


She came back with a cream ointment and a pack of bandages she opens the cream then take some and rubs it on the cuts as the man hiss in pain, "Am sorry there's 1 more cut left" she said apologizing to the man who was looking in her beautiful eyes, "done!" She says covering the cream then puts a bandage on each of his cuts after she was done she sat on the chair next to the man looking at him feeling pity for this poor strange man "Are you okay? What happened?" She asks with nothing but compassion and care towards the man who gently held her hand, "I was in a fight with some men, but am fine thanks to you" he said smiling at her, Lisa suddenly moves her hand being uncomfortable with the man touching her hand then gets up, "That's good that's good that you're okay, but I have to close the shop now it's quite late" she says to the man who gets up from the chair, "okay, I'll leave now but what is your name?" He asks smiling at her waiting for a answer "Sorry, I don't tell random people my name" Lisa says not trusting the man enough to get personal and the surprisingly understood her and decided not to pressure her"That's fine, but my name is Jeon Jungkook" the man saying walking out of the cafe.

After he left Lisa's quickly lock up the café with her inside then taking a deep breath sitting down on a chair, "That was close" she said brushing her hair back with her hand. After a while she finished cleaning then took her things locking the café then she started walking home though the shortcut to her house.

When she met up with soobin "Lisa how have you been?" Soobin asked "Have been good. how about you?" Lisa asked back soobin smiled "Good because am getting married soon" Soobin said lisa turned to look at him shocked "You proposed to Arin!" Lisa said shock then playfully hit him "then how come you're just telling me?" She said with a pout "because I just saw you" he said stopping her from hitting him anymore they continue walking until Soobin reach home they both waved goodbye to each other as lisa continue to walk home.

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