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I then looked at Ms. Joy rapping the bandage "Do you know where they went?" I asked calmly she looked up at me "I don't know but most likely they brought her to Jisoo's house" Joy said "Oh f*ck their house" I said about to walk out the door "Sir you can't go now they won't let you in, You probably gonna have to go tomorrow or after a few days" She said and I agreed, "I'll go tomorrow instead. I have to get her back. I will" I said before leaving to my room closing the door.


Lisa's Pov: Next Morning

I woke up hearing knock on the door, I got up and open the door it was a maid "Goodmorning Ms.Jisoo and Ms.Irene told me to inform that your family is coming. They gave also gave me a dress for you to wear" she said giving me the dress "Thank you" I said she bowed then leave.

I did my morning routıne and weared the dress. It look beautiful on me. I went downstairs to the dining room, I saw my brother, Jennie, and my dad crying but where was grandma? I sat next to my dad "Dad where's grandma?" I ask my dad who started crying more "Jennie" I said waiting for answer who cried more then the thought came to my mind, tears start to run from my eye's "She's dead isn't she" I said crying Jennie nodded and I cried even more.

4 hours later

Jisoo and her family started to calm us "We so sorry for your lost" Irene said hushing Jennie and my brother while Jin and taehyung talk to my dad and Jisoo trying to calm me down as I start to scream and cry "It's okay, calm down please" Jisoo said trying to pick me up from the floor but I layed there crying, Jisoo then kneel down and hugged me.

Night time

Nothing happen but crying today which was suppose to be a happy day for us but it became a day of misery and grief the 2nd worst day of my life. Jisoo let my family including Jennie stay here in guest rooms when we calmed down it was late and unsafe to get home.

I was on the floor of my room holding my knees to my chest still crying when someone trying broke in, I took the nearest object next to me which was a flower vase and I held it when intruder came in it was Jungkook " IT'S YOU, YOU RUINED MY LIFE!" swinging the vase at him which he dagged coming closer to me "Lisa don't f*ck with me exspecially when you tried to run away from me" I walked back until I hited the wall putting my hands in my face crying when jungkook came to me "what's wrong with you" he asked putting his hand on the back of my head "My-my gra-gra-grand-ma is dea-dead" I said between tears and hiccups he brought me in his embrace as I cried in my hands he did nothing but stood there rubbing my head as I cried my heart out.

1 hour later

I started wiping face then looking up at him is face was red like he was crying silently while I was crying, he removed his hands and was about to leave though the windows when I stopped him "I know most people wouldn't tell there kidnapper this but..please...stay" I said to him looking down he came back towards me then hugged me, I hugged him back "Let's go to sleep" I said parting from him "You sleep on this side, I'll sleep over here" I said pointing on sides of the bed he nodded then take of his jacked about to take of his shirt "No need to remove that" I said looking down he just laughs then take off his belt he layed on the bed and I lay next to him turning to the other side closing my eyes wondering why I asked him to stay when I felt some arms around my belly and I knew better than to tell him to move his hands so I just slept.

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