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Then I gently push Jisoo away "Am sorry Jisoo but that Jungkookie your talking about is dead now" I said in deep and serious voice causing Jisoo to cry more but I can't help her, she wants someone who won't and will never come back aleast not right now.

Lisa's Friend and brother came downstairs "Lisa and dad come we're leaving this place" She said taking Lisa and her father's hand "No h*ll she not, she leaving here with me" I said grabbing Lisa's hand Jennie turn around "What did you say to me piece of sh*t" She looking back bad as she grabs Lisa's other hand. We'll see how bad she when I let my men beat the sh*t of her.

"Listen here you little b*tich let her go before I make you" I said serious as ever, Jennie's grabbed Lisa and put her behind her then came up in my face Lisa tried to stop her but she didn't move  I was about move my hand when Jisoo stopped me "Jungkook please let this poor girl go please" she said begging me crying I move my hand from Jisoo and landed it right on Jennie's cheek "JUNGKOOK HOW COULD YOU DO THAT" Jin shouted getting from his sit and limped towards me with Irene and Taehyung behind as Jisoo went on her knees as she cried.

It hurt me seeing sister like this, I came back to my senses feeling a pain on my cheek. THAT B*TICH DARE TO SLAP ME BACK, I grabbed her shirt as she grabbed mine we were looking deadly into each other's eye in the most deadly way ever, I feel Jisoo hung onto my leg, I felt her tears wetting the bottom of my pants something in me made me let that b*tich go pushing her into Taehyun then stamping foot so that Jisoo would let go then went upstairs to one of the rooms.

I went the bed, I felt like I wanted to cry my heart out but I can't my dad would be disappointed and I will never disappoint my dad even when he's dead.

Lisa's Pov:

I couldn't do anything, I knew how Jungkook was but thank goodness he didn't do anything to Jennie because she has no idea who he is or what he could do plus I broke two of his rules already, I can't believe he hasn't killed me yet but I know my punishment is going to be cruel but I just hope it doesn't hurt my baby. I held on to Taehyun and my dad from going upstairs not because I didn't want them to help Jennie but because Jungkook wouldn't resist throwing a vase at their head neither would he cared if he killed them.

Jisoo got us all to sit back down "Listen Jungkook is not person for you guys to mess with-" Jisoo before beinh interrupted "Listen here Miss I'm not a person for people to mess with either so I don't care who he is or what does anytime he's ready I'm also ready and make to tell his a** that too" Jennie said being a total baddie. I smiled at my bestfriend she was truly the baddest girl I know but not a match for Jungkook not even close.."Well am sorry to break it to you but Jungkook is the type for you mess with today is just your lucky day" Jisoo said while Jennie rolls her then stand up "Listen here am not here for this bullsh*t okay we would wait on you but we have somewhere to go" Jennie says a sassy way.

Jennie took my hand and was walking out the door. I took one last look at Jisoo she looked me in my eyes "If you do this can't help you when he comes for you" she mouthed before the guards close the dark doors that are too dark to see though in.

At Lisa's house

As we walked in the house Jennie hugged me even though I had a feeling that this wasn't gonna last forever as we thought before I still hugged her and all fears and worries went away and I smiled happily.

The happiest I've been the whole week"I missed this" Jennie's says as we hug "Me too" I said happily "Are you guys gonna stand hugging or yall gonna help us cook" Taehyun says sarcastically we parted fron each other then laugh

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The happiest I've been the whole week
"I missed this" Jennie's says as we hug "Me too" I said happily "Are you guys gonna stand hugging or yall gonna help us cook" Taehyun says sarcastically we parted fron each other then laugh.

We cooked delicious food and had a fun talking but best time I had since this week, I started cry knowing that this won't last long. I wiped my tears when I heard someone coming in the kitchen "Lisa what are you doing?" He asked coming closer "Am just washing the dishes" I answer he cupped my face "Why were you crying my daughter" He said wiping my face with his hands "It's nothing father" I said he smiled "I trust you" he said leaving kitchen.

Tears began running down cheeks, I've never lied to family before and now I have lied to my dad. I started crying wiping my face as the tears fall. "What have my life become" I said crying to myself rubbing my belly, I just hope my baby does get hurt in this mess.

Arthur's Pov:

"Lisa is worried about something" Lisa's father said to Jennie and Taehyun "I know it's because of Jongkoo dude but don't worry I'll protect my bestfriend like it's the last thing I'll ever do" Jennie making a fist with a hands "We'll protect to together as a family cause that what we're" Lisa's father said hugging Jennie  "Really?!" Jennie asked as tears run down her cheeks "Ofcourse" Taehyun and His father said as Taehyung gives her a hug aswell "Thank you guys" Jennie said hugging them back.

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