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In the morning Arthur's pov:

"Ms.Kim please wake up Lisa so we can discuss her grandmother's fineral arrangements" Jisoo said sitting at the dining table with Jennie, Taehyun and His father Ms.Kim bowed then went to wake up Lisa.

"Ms.Lisa" Ms.Kim says knocking on the door but yet no answer she decide to open the door slightly peeking in seeing Jungkook and Lisa cuddling with each sleeping like they've been up the hold night together. Ms.Kim smiled quietly closing back the door going back down stair.

Jisoo looked at Ms.Kim "Is she coming?" Ms.Kim shake her head before answering "Ma'am they're still sleeping" She said smiling making Jisoo and the others confused "Didn't I ask you to call her?and What do you mean they?" Jisoo asked "Miss Jisoo sir Jungkook is in there and-" She said before Jisoo and her family quickly got up.

"No he's not hurting her" she says trying to make them sit back "Then what are they doing?" Taehyung asks "They're cuddling each other" Ms.Kim says fangirling Jisoo's and her family eyes wided while Lisa's family and friend sat in shock "Jungkook is in there and they're cuddling?" Jisoo asks once again to make sure she's heard right Ms.Kim nodded and Jisoo started jumping and Jin smiles, tears of joy starts running from Jisoo's eyes when her husband brings her in his embrace as she crys tears of joy, Irene turned and hugged her husband who just keep smiling.

"Let's go look" Jisoo says excitedly to them they all starting running up when Jisoo stops them "The camera we must remember this moment like it's our last" Jisoo said taehyung nods going for camera the others went up. Jin slightly opens the door peeking in "Ohhhh!" Jin said before Jisoo slaps him in the head "be quiet and move I want to see" Jisoo said so jin moves a side she peeks inside "Aww!" She said before jin drags her head "Be quiet and take the camera" he said taking the camera from taehyung giving it her, she takes it opening the door a little more but it still not getting them "We need to go in" she saying going quietly while Jin follows.

The other 2 stayed outside "awww so cute" she says taking multiple pictures of Jungkook and of Lisa "Hurry up!" Jin says rushing her "Wait just one more" Jisoo said while Jin rolls his eyes she, they were leaving on tip toes "Y'all better not try it again" Jungkook said opening his eyes, Jisoo turned around smiling at him.

He smiled back shutting his eyes, Jisoo and Jin continued to tip toe out shutting the door silently, They all start to fangirl, then they went downstairs and all sat "If you don't mind me asking who is jungkook and why is he with my sister" Taehyu...

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He smiled back shutting his eyes, Jisoo and Jin continued to tip toe out shutting the door silently, They all start to fangirl, then they went downstairs and all sat "If you don't mind me asking who is jungkook and why is he with my sister" Taehyun asked Jisoo looked at Jin "Jungkook is me and Jin's brother as for the rest is not my story to tell atleast not at the moment" Jisoo explain "Even if so do you know who took her in the first place?" Jennie asks hoping for answers "Well yes but as I as it's not my-" Jisoo said before being interrupted "Miss Jisoo No disrespect but you have to tell us something we're family after all and pretty sure that she'll not tell us about her kidnapping after the news so atleast tell us something so we can get that b*tich a** in jail or something" Jennie said annoyed at bit.

"As I said Jennie you can't expect me to tell you about somebody's story without the person here right now so please understand on my side" Jisoo said trying to make Jennie understand where she's coming from but Jennie angrily stood up "I don't get this sh*t, I don't get at all what is all these secrets!" Jennie shouted Jisoo who sat their listening to her "Jennie sit down" Taehyun said "No I won't I freaking won't Taehyun everything is just mess up and we don't know sh*t!" Jennie tears running down her face "Grandma is dead because of freaking Lisa and we can't even get a reasonable answer to her kidnapping so why should freaking sit down it's better I freaking leave this place!" Jennie shouted leaving the house with taehyun running after her and his family sitting there with no emotion whatsoever.

"Jennie what the hell is wrong with you?"Taehyun said grabbing Jennie's arm bring her to him, looking in each other eyes "You need to calm down until we can get some answers" Taehyun says
"What's the point if they don't show any interest in giving us the answers we need" Jennie says looking away from his eyes "but for goodness sakes we just got here yesterday we can't expect answers immediately exspecially after the news yesterday and she's right if we are took confront someone it must Lisa" Taehyun says Jennie nods "Your right, am sorry" Jennie apologizes Taehyun hugs her and she backs "Am just overwhelmed" she said starting to cry again "It's okay" Taehyun says rubbing her back.

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