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After Jennie left upstairs I heared shouting from our bedroom I stood behind the door easedrooping "I DON'T F*CKING LOVE YOU ANTMORE ROSÉ JUST STOP CALLING MY PHONE" Jungkook yelled over the phone. Who is rosè obvious he knows but her and he sounds like he loved her before "Listen Rosé as you know I have a wife and kids and I don't want anything to do with you" He said, after I didn't hear nothing he must of hanged up.

I came out of my thoughts when he opened the door "What are you doing at the door?" He asked giving me a weird face "Um..nothing but who is Rosé?" I asked he rolled his eyes "Nothing to me but a past love" he said handing me the baby then heading door stairs. He must be real mad.

After a few months I have given birth to a beautiful baby girl called Tzuya. We were invited to a pool party at Jhope's house me and Jungkook went with the kids.

Jungkook was busy talking to his friends with baby kookie when Jisoo came over to me with her camera "Let take a picture of you two cuties" she said I smiled, I posed and Jisoo took the picture "Let me see" I said looking at the picture.

Jungkook was busy talking to his friends with baby kookie when Jisoo came over to me with her camera "Let take a picture of you two cuties" she said I smiled, I posed and Jisoo took the picture "Let me see" I said looking at the picture

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After I looked at the picture I sat on chair with Jisoo when I saw a girl walking over to Jungkook. When he saw her he looked mad.

Author's pov:

"Rosé what do you want?" Jungkook asked angrily "Jungkook I want you am still interested in the contract" she said trying to touch his hand when he pushed her hands away "Listen Rosé am married and I have 2 kids. I don't want you or that contract that we had" he said trying to calm down his anger "But Jungkook.." Rosé said Jungkook walked over to Lisa taking her hand "Let's go we're leaving" He said taking me to the car "Why? What's wrong?" Lisa asked entering the car "Drive!" He told the driver who start the car and drove off "I don't want to talk about her right now" Jungkook said Lisa didn't ask anymore questions.

Next Day
Jungkook was at work when Rm came in "what?" He asked "Rosé came to see you she said she just wanted to talk" Rm explain "I swear this girl is testing me like she wants me to send a bullet though her body for her to get it" he said furiously "Sir calm down just see what she wants" Rm said he nodded Jungkook left to see her.

"Listen Jungkook why are you acting like this" Rosé said pissed "What do you why am I acting piss you're trying to ruin my life. I already told you to stay away from me yet your testing my patience" Jungkook said outraged "Well am sorry for trying to fix things to fix us" she said "You're acting like you don't know am better than her" she said in a brattish way "YOU WILL NEVER AND COULD NEVER BE BETTER THAN MY WIFE EVER!" He yelled furious and tense way "How is she better than me! Huh tell me she will never-" She said cocky before Jungkook interrupted "How by cheating on me with one of my best of friends then lying to me about it and feeling that your a** and chest can cover up for it get and over yourself" He said making Rosé annoyed "This is your last chance to choose the who is better" She said "Rosé get out!" He yelled opening the door as she walking wiggling her waist Jungkook just rolled his about to close the door when Jimin and Jhope walked him.

"What's up with her?" Jimin asked jungkook didn't answer so they both knew what was up "Obviously my sister is trying be home wrecker" Jhope said annoyed and disappointed "You need to talk to her" Jimin told Jhope nodded but Jungkook started looking for the copy of the contract to sue Rosé when started smiling at picture Jimin and Jhope was confuse, so they both took look at the picture "Why are you looking at that picture" Jimin asked Jungkook showed him the picture closer pointing at a girl.

"What's up with her?" Jimin asked jungkook didn't answer so they both knew what was up "Obviously my sister is trying be home wrecker" Jhope said annoyed and disappointed "You need to talk to her" Jimin told Jhope nodded but Jungkook started looki...

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"Doesn't she look like Lisa?" Jungkook asked happily "Yes so the means you knew her from before" Jimin said Jungkook nodded "Am gonna call Jisoo and tell her am coming over, I think I had some more pictures in there" Jungkook said taking his phone and Jacket leaving the office with Jimin and Jhope behind him.

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