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I went to room and say Lisa sitting on the bed looking down "Is everything okay?" I asked she nodded "okay" I said kissing her forehead softly but she kept her head down "You know I don't like liars so if your okay then keep your head up" I said she hold her head up "Good" I said patting her head "Are you hungry?" I asked she nods "Okay. JOY" I shouted as Ms.Joy ran to me "Make Lisa something to eat" I demanded she bowed then leave I turned to her hugging her, she didn't hug back but I don't care I kissed her head "Let's take a nap while she cooks okay" she nodded we layed as I cuddled her.

We both fell asleep when Joy knocked on the door "Come me" I said easing up she came with some food.

I woke up Lisa and gave her the food on the tray "Thank you" Lisa said weakly as she began eating I put my hand on her forehead feeling if she's heating "Ms.Joy she heating get her some medicine" I told Joy who went to get the medicine "It's okay am gonna take care of you okay" I told moving the hair out of her face as she nods.

Ms.Joy came back with medicine when I got a call from Rm "Sir there is a problem" Namjoon said over the phone
"Yeah what is it?" I asked "Someone hack into our code and is trying to find out our passwords" he said "What! alright I'll be there" I said shocked the hanging up.

"I have to go, Ms Joy take care of her and give her the medicine" I said kissing Lisa on cheek who flinched, Ms.Joy nodded I grabbed my jacket then left to my office.

Author's Pov:

Ms.Joy peeked to see if jungkook was gone before looking back at Lisa "Are you gonna tell him?" She asked Lisa shaked her head "No I don't think so I don't want my baby to grow into this sort of environment" Lisa said "Then what are you gonna do?" She asked again Lisa struggled her shoulders "I just want to keep my baby safe for now" she said Ms.Joy nodded.


"I am so worried about Lisa" Jennie said sitting on porch of the house with Taehyun beside her "I know it's okay I know my sister she'll be fine" he said putting her head on his shoulders as he rubs her hair when a man in a black came to them, they both stood up looking at the man "Can we help you" Jennie said fiercely then took out a package "No but am here to help you" he said giving them package Taehyun looked at it then asked "What's in it?" The man smiled "50,000" the man said Taehyun and Jennie eyes wided "What? Why?" Jennie asked "Because I nice lady told us to give it to you" the man said Jennie and Taehyun grew more confused "Which lady? where is she" Jennie said looking around "She's not here, she just told us to give it to you" The man said Jienne took the money out of Taehyun's hand holding out hers "Please take it back and tell that nice lady that we don't need it" she said handing back to him "Please ma'am and sir please take ma'am will cry if you don't so please" the man said begged.

After many begging Jennie and Taehyun accepted it and he went back to his black car calling someone "Did they accept the money?" Jungkook asked "Yes sir they did" the man said "Good Job YeonJun" Jungkook said "Thank you sir I'll head back now" he said before hanging up.


"So why did start working for Jungkook?" Lisa asked out of the blue helping Joy clean the house "Well because Jungkook did alot for me and my family and I was so grateful and still grateful then I found out he needed am maid, so here I am" she answered "Even though your still grateful have you ever regretted your decision" Lisa asked Ms.Joy shake her head "Jungkook maybe rude and imitating not to mention immature but behind all that he's a kind and caring with big dreams" Joy said smiling while Lisa puts her down "what else do you have to do?" Lisa asked "I have to wash the sheets and clothes but it's okay I can handle it" Ms.Joy assured her she smiled "It's okay I wanna do it, it's something I used to do before..." Lisa said Ms.Joy smiled "Already let's go" Ms Joy said leading her to the laundry room.


"Grandma please eat, I know your hungry and you need to take your medications" Jennie says almost crying "Jennie am okay please don't cry for me" Grandma said making tears run from her eyes "Jennie" grandma says pulling her in her embrace.

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