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Taehyun and Jennie went back inside and saw lisa sitting at the table. They took at sat when a unknown man who seem to be that Jungkook guy walking down the stairs taking a sit next to lisa.

Taehyun pov:

Lisa looked at us then sighed "So guess you guys deserve an explanation" she said sadly we nodded "So the night I was kidnapped, I woke up in someone's house-" she said before Jennie interrupted "Who kidnapped you?"Jennie ask angrily while Lisa puts her head down "LISA ANSWER ME, WHO KIDNAPPED YOU?" Jennie stands up shouting at Lisa, "Calm down" Taehyun says putting his hand on her shoulder so she can sit back down.

"I woke up in a unknown bedroom in a unknown house, I-" Lisa said before tears run down her cheeks "I was in a unknown man's house-" Lisa said before Jennie interrupted her again "Lisa for goodness sakes who is the man?" Jennie ask tears running down her face when the thought came to her mind "Is it that jungkook guy" Jennie said tears running down her face as she aggressively wipes them, Lisa didn't do or say anything but cry and Jennie got her answer "WHERE IS HE?" she shouted at Jisoo and her family who didn't answer "Okay then" Jennie got up and went upstairs.

"Am sorry about her" I said to Jisoo and her family following Jennie as lisa trys to stop her. Jennie went looking in all the rooms of the house for Jungkook "Jennie stop you don't know who your messing with" Lisa trys to stop her be Jennie ignore her when they saw Bunny's Room on of the door, They went inside. Jennie saw a Jungkook and pounced on him "WHAT THE F*CK IS WRONG THIS GIRL" Jungkook said pushing her him but she tackled him again this punching him multiple time,Jungkook knew she was Lisa's friend and didn't want to hurt Lisa anymore but this girl is getting his nerves.

"Jennie stop!" Lisa said as we tried taking her off him but she was strong like real strong and Jungkook was getting impatient and hurt so, he pushed her off into my hands I held her tightly as not to let go "Am sorry" I said holding in his laugh when he sees jungkook face bruise with marks and cuts but Jungkook looked at them dangerously "Be lucky that spare you guys today but the next time you'll end up with more than a couple bruises on your face" He said darkly and a deep voice then went to lisa ear and said something which made her look quite scared and nervous making me and Jennie "What did her say to you" Jennie asked moving out of my embrace going Lisa who just shaked her head "It's nothing just don't do that again" she said leaving behind Jungkook.

Jungkook's Pov:

"The next time one of them try that shit again"I said to myself walking downstairs with lisa behind me who quickly went to sit down.

Jisoo was the first to see my bleeding face and got up running to me cupping my face "Jungkookie what happened" she says turning my face to see all the bruises "I'm fine" I said taking her hands off my face walking toward lisa as she went upstairs for the medkit, I sat beside lisa putting my hand around her waist but she was look down I cupped her cheeks "What's wrong?" I asked she shaked her head.

I turn my head to look at the others sitting silently watching us "What's wrong with her" I asked them "You obviously" Jin said look at me angrily but I rolled my eyes "Her grandmother is dead" Taehyung said with bandages on his face and he looked weak, I looked away from him and saw Jisoo coming down the stairs with the med kit coming towards me opening it.

She took out a rag wiping the cuts putting ointment on it then putting the bandages on them. It reminds of the time again I met Lisa, I smiled while thinking about it realize when Jisoo stopped and look at me while smiling.

"Stop!" I said stop smiling and turning my face away while Jisoo giggle"Stop what" She said giggle "Stop looking at  me and smiling like that" I said with a pout while she smiles more and tears her eyes. Jisoo has always been the emotional one in the family she crys for everything, "Why are you crying?" I asked but she just hugged me and cried more "I missed this Jungkookie your little bunny smile, Your pouts for everything and I missed you, the old you" she says with tears of joy, I know that this person I am is not me but I have a feeling that Manobal Lalisa can bring back.

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