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Few months later

"My Angel" I said "Yes Kookie" she said turing around from cooking "I want to apologize"I said as she look at me confused "Why?" She said "For everything I did to you" I said she smiled "You don't have to, I forgave you a long time ago Love" she said I hugging me "I know but I didn't apologize  enough and am so, so sorry everything and I promise to be a better person for us and our baby" I said promisingly "I know you have done alot to ruin my life and you have I love you and I really don't regret it now that I've seen the real you" she smiled rubbing back in circles "I  love you Jeon Lalisa" I said pulling back and cupping her face "I love you too much Jungkook" she said kissing me and I kiss back it.

We started making out in the kitchen when the baby cried and we parted "Let me go get baby Gukkie before we have one more of him" she said I chuckled "Either way we're having one more of him" I said she laughed heading
upstairs "Yeah sure" she said.

In the night Arthur's POV:

Jungkook's and Lisa was getting ready for bed then layed down next to each other "Jungkook do you wanna cuddle?" Lisa asked looking at Jungkook he nodded putting down his phone when he remembered something "Okay wait I got you something" he said taking something from the closet "here" he said giving her a box with something she opened it "Oh! Iphone 13 pro max" She said Jumping of the bed hugging him"Thank you so much kookie" he said smiling brightly "No problem My wife" He said hugging her back for the night he spend it showing Lisa how to use it.

Jungkook later got message so he turned on his phone Lisa's heart drop seeing his home screen it was a picture of her "Aw Jungkook can get making pictures for our homescreen and Lockscreen pleaseeeee" she said with baby eyes to jungkook who smiled then nodded "we're gonna have to take a picture of us now so are you ready?" He asked she nodded they posed for more than 2 pictures but they picked the 2 bests ones.

Jungkook later got message so he turned on his phone Lisa's heart drop seeing his home screen it was a picture of her "Aw Jungkook can get making pictures for our homescreen and Lockscreen pleaseeeee" she said with baby eyes to jungkook who smiled...

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Home Screen

Lock screen

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Lock screen

"They look so cute!!" Lisa said looking at them while Jungkook smiled and wondered to himself "Do I really deserve this angel in human form for a demon like me" he said in his thoughts before lisa snapped him out of his thoughts "Are you okay what are you thinking about?" She asked concerned he smirked "You. Underneath me" he said Lisa laughed putting down the phone "Jungkook let's go to sleep before
we have anymore of baby kookie which I don't want right now" she said going under the sheets while jungkook laugh then followed. They cuddled then fell asleep.

Next Morning Lisa's POV:

I woke up first checked on baby kookie to make sure he's still sleeping I went downstairs to cook breakfast for me and Jungkook. While cooking I felt some hands around my waist "Good morning baby" Jungkook said still sleeping "Goodmorning" I said turning around kissing him on the sleeps "Do your morning routıne and come down for breakfast" I said he nod then went back upstairs I setted the table with the food on it when I heard kookie crying I went upstairs towards baby kookie's room when I saw Jungkook coming though the door way with baby kookie.

"I was bringing him to you" he said handing me the baby I started to breastfeed her "You know I can't wait to get another baby" he said "That will take awhile" I said "Yeah next we should try and get a girl" He said smiling"Yeah then no more" I sa...

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"I was bringing him to you" he said handing me the baby I started to breastfeed her "You know I can't wait to get another baby" he said "That will take awhile" I said "Yeah next we should try and get a girl" He said smiling"Yeah then no more" I said "Yeah I don't think so you will like you take about 10 more kids and more" he said running downstairs "Jeon Jungkook what did you say!" I said holding my baby tightly before running down after him the heard him laugh I smiled I've never seen Jungkook this happy before and It made me happy that both of us made each other happy.

A few months later I got pregnant again and my baby grow hair and I made sure to annoy Jungkook by saying it over and over again which reminds me I want him to bring me some sausage flavored
icecream I went upstairs to find him to him and the baby sleeping on the bed.

A few months later I got pregnant again and my baby grow hair and I made sure to annoy Jungkook by saying it over and over again which reminds me I want him to bring me some sausage flavoredicecream I went upstairs to find him to him and the baby ...

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I took a picture then leave when I heard the door bell ring I opened the door and saw Jennie "Hii girl" she said hugging me "How are you bestie?" I asked leading her in to sit on the couch "I have a surprise for you" she said excitedly before giving a small box. I opened it.

 I opened it

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"Oh my gosh!" I hugged her "I am so happy bestfriend" Lisa said happily "I know that's why I wanted to surprised you" She said "So who got you pregnant?" I said with a smirk face Jennie laughed "Well...If you wanna knowwwwww" she said I got more curious "So he's a real nerd and he's-" Jennie said before interrupted "You pregnant by my brother!" I said jumping while Lisa's laughing at my silliness "Yes and I want you to thank your husband for everything he's has a really good side for you lisa" She said I was confused "What-" I said "Well we found out that Jungkook was the one sending the money and help Taehyun get a really good Job" she said smiling "Really" I said she nodded.

"Yeah and we're friends now we all apologized and forgive each other, so we also accept each other as family" she said when I hugged "Am so proud and happy that you guys apologize and forgave it's all I ever wanted. Thank you guys my family is now fully complete" I said happily hugging her as she hugged back "No problem bestie" Jennie smiling.

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