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After breakfast Arthur's pov:

Lisa left after breakfast, she left to go to the café where she saw Jennie "Jennie!" she said, running to her smiling giving her a big hug, Jennie hugged her back "Hii bestie" Jennie said, as they start to rock each other from side to side not realizing Jungkook had entered and was standing there admiring Lisa's beautiful smile for some minutes before he cleared his throat gaining their attention as they parted away from each other.

 "Sorry sir" they both said, going to their respectful places "It's fine" he said, taking a sit then Lisa walks over to the man "what would you like to order sir" she said, with a smile as Jungkook look at her frozen with compassion and love, lisa started moving her hands around in his face to get him back to his senses or back to earth Jungkook came back to his realization then apologize "it's okay sir, are you okay?" Lisa asked causing Jungkook to smile "could one girl be so angelic and so beautiful with a died for smile" Jungkook said, in his mind before he nods his head "okay, so what would you like sir?" Lisa asked, again still with a smile, Jungkook smiled back then answer.

"I would like a coffee" jungkook said hoping that lisa would remember his voice lisa nodded as was about to walk away "Do I know you from somewhere your voice sounds familiar?" She asks, while jungkook smiles "Yes you met me the other night when I came in here bruised" Jungkook said, lisa claps in remembrance "Yes! You, your Jeon Jun-..Jeon jun-..oh! Jeon Jungkook right!?" She asks, as jungkook nods giving her his bunny smile.

 Her heart melted from such cuteness, "aw your smile is so cute like a bunny" she said, smiling back

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 Her heart melted from such cuteness, "aw your smile is so cute like a bunny" she said, smiling back. They both looked each other smiling as another woman came in the café then walked over to them clapping in their faces "hello girl get back to work and Sir this isn't tinder so can't find love here this is a café, so just order and leave" the woman said, with an attitude rolling her eyes gaining both their attention as they both stop smiling Lisa apologized, then went back to work while Jungkook look at the woman angerily.

 They both looked each other smiling as another woman came in the café then walked over to them clapping in their faces "hello girl get back to work and Sir this isn't tinder so can't find love here this is a café, so just order and leave" the wom...

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The lady was still standing at the door when Jungkook stood beside her put his mouth to her ear, "You should be lucky am in my good mood, or else I would kill you right here and now without a any mercy within heart and mind." He said, walking out the café leaving the woman flabbergasted and afraid to move. Lisa ran to her moving her hand to get her attention, she pushed Lisa out of her way "get back to work!" She shouted, at Lisa and Jennie who was standing at the counter watching everything.


Jungkook went into his car angrily "sir is there a problem" the driver asked
"Yes there is f-ing problem that b*tich, she just had to ruin everything" he said, angrily while the driver drove away from the café to jungkook's house, Jungkook enter his house seeing his older sister Jisoo and older brother Jin with their partners Irene and Taehyung.

"Jungkook welcome, so I have this really beautiful girl to show you" Jisoo said smiling ready to show jungkook the picture "I don't want to see it cause I'm not going to marry her" Jungkook said, being straightforward "Well you can look at the picture then judge" Jin said,
"Well then what are you gonna do then,
You have get married before a specific date, and we're trying to make it easier for you to get a wife if you want to be the new Mafia King" Jisoo said, jungkook got angry "I don't want to marry anyone you want me marry jisoo! If am gonna to marry somebody it has to be someone I love" Jungkook said"Well hopefully Rosé would like-" Jin said, before Jungkook interrupted "I will not marry Rosé neither she nor anybody you guys choose for me" Jungkook said, disinclined leaving jin and the other's confused.

"But I thought you were love with her?" Jin asked confused "Well not anymore. Anything that me and Rosé will ever have after what she did will be nothing absolutely nothing" he said,"Well then if that's what you want then get married quickly you have a few days left" Jisoo said "I know I'll deal with it myself" Jungkook said, walking to his room slamming the door.

"Why is he always so angry and hard to cause with?" Jisoo ask herself and the others "I seriously don't know, but don't worry about it he'll be fine" Jin said rubbing her back "Yes babe he'll fine he's just angry..all the time but one day he'll fine someone whom he'll love and help him calm down" Taehyung said Jin and Irene agreed "Okay" Jisoo said grabbing her things leaving as they all followed behind her.

Jungkook Pov:

As soon as I close door I drop myself on the bed remembering I forgot that I have a week left to get married in order to get my father's position of being the Mafia King. I have to get that beautiful angel and make her mine, no matter what it takes. I took out my phone to call Namjoon, "Namjoon" I said over the phone "Yes sir" Namjoon answered.

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