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I then got and went to room which Ms.Joy was cleaning "Ms.Joy" I called name stopped what she was doing to look at me "Why did Jungkook want to marry me" I asked she looked shocked by my question but still answer "Well he wanted his father's position of Mafia King, but in order to get that position he needed to get married because that was stated on will, but after what happen with you and baby he has decided to cancel he went to do that today" Ms.Joy explained I felt bad "I'll marry him" I said Ms.Joy looked shock.

After a few hours Jungkook came home and went straight to his room I followed him he sat on the bed with his hands on his face I sat beside him and I rest his head on my shoulder putting my hand on his right shoulder "If you want to cry, you can cry on my shoulder" I said he said nothing but removed my hand from his shoulder putting it around his back bringing me into an hug I hugged him I felt tears touching my shoulders but I didn't move or say anything.

"Jungkook" I said his name he didn't answer "Let's get married" I said he pulled apart looking at me shocked "Yes I said it let's get married" I said again a huge smile came up on his face "Are you serious after everything I've done to you?" I asked still shocked but happy I nodded he brought me into a huge hug "Thank you so Lalisa Manobal" he said happily.

2 days later

I was told yesterday that me and jungkook are gonna married today so we woke up early I got professional makeup and hair dressers artists doing makeup and hair while Seul-gi gets ready aswell I had put on my dess and shoes.

Soon it was time for me to walk down the aisle. I was walking down seeing everybody happy even Jisoo,Taehyung Jin and his wife eveybody else was just smiles I didn't even know anybody else there which make it so awkward and kinda sad for me I did give my family and Jennie a invitation but they didn't come they told the man that jungkook sent that they'll take the money because of my sake but they'll not come to the wedding but am atleast happy they took money to take care themselves and I understand why they didn't come who would want to see their sister,friend or daughter get married to some man that kidnapped and almost killed them I was where Jungkook was and we stared in each others eyes seeing the same we saw at the cafe he smiled and also smile it was my idea so I can atleast be happy since I feel like this the man I belong with. The priest starting talking and we said vows and..𝐾𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑑.

We felt happy aleast I did I think happy Jungkook aswell even though I was the only one smiling probably that's how Mafia's are at their wedding went back down the aisle.

We felt happy aleast I did I think happy Jungkook aswell even though I was the only one smiling probably that's how Mafia's are at their wedding went back down the aisle

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When two of Jungkook's came up to us "Whatsupp Jungkook bro who is this nice young beauty you have?" The man asked smiling.

"F*ck off" Jungkook said holding my hand while man laughing "Hi I'm Jung Hoseok you can call me J-hope " the other man said smiling holding out his hand for me to shake "Oh I am Mano-" I said before Jungkook interrupted "Jeon" he said not looking ...

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"F*ck off" Jungkook said holding my hand while man laughing "Hi I'm Jung Hoseok you can call me J-hope " the other man said smiling holding out his hand for me to shake "Oh I am Mano-" I said before Jungkook interrupted "Jeon" he said not looking at us but outside the wedding Jimin laughed "You gotta remember it Lisa" He said continue laughed as me and Jhope "Yes sorry Jeon Lalisa" I said shaking his hand.

"F*ck off" Jungkook said holding my hand while man laughing "Hi I'm Jung Hoseok you can call me J-hope " the other man said smiling holding out his hand for me to shake "Oh I am Mano-" I said before Jungkook interrupted "Jeon" he said not looking ...

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"I'm Jimin am Jungkook's friend with benefits" He said when Jungkook look at him disgustingly then look away we all laughed except Jungkook "Anyways we have to get going now we'll catch you around" Hoseok said before walking away with Jimin "Nice to meet you" I said waving as they wave back. I saw my family coming in, I ran and hugged them they hugged me back they were smiling but I knew they weren't happy about me marrying jungkook "Don't worry we'll save you" Jennie said quietly then dragging me outside.

We were outside "Jennie what are you-" when I started hearing shots from inside of the wedding "Coming let's go" Jennie grabbing my hands running in to a car "Go in" She said pushing inside before I could say anything she closes the door and the car drives away.

"Sir please go back" I asked the driver who turn around causing me to see it was Soobin "Please go back" I ask him "Don't worry about Jungkook he'll be fine" He said "What! You know Jungkook" I asked surprised "Yeah I've working with him for years" Soobin explained "Wait were you the one that told him about me and helped him kidnap" I asked "No he doesn't know I know you atleast I don't think he does" he said I felt a relief.

Soobin dropped me off at lovely beach house "wow!" I said coming out "It's a good view right" Soobin said looking at it from inside the car I turned to look at him "Aren't you coming?" I asked he shaked his hand "No boss gave me some other orders" Soobin said starting car "Wait will my family be okay?" I asked "Boss won't hurt but the other Mafia's and billionaires will if I don't get back" He said driving off I prayed that all of them will be alright.

After a few hours Jungkook in though the lipping with a shot in the leg I ran to him "Don't worry am fine " He said going into a room which I followed "Why are you following me your room is next door" he said sit down on the bed "Okay but I want to help you" I said looking for a medkit "It's in the closet" he said I took out wiping wounds wrapping on the bandages "Do you want me to stay?" I asked He shaked his head "Okay call me if you need anything" I said leaving to the room next door it was beautiful.

After a few hours Jungkook in though the lipping with a shot in the leg I ran to him "Don't worry am fine " He said going into a room which I followed "Why are you following me your room is next door" he said sit down on the bed "Okay but I want t...

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I took off the wedding dress I change into the clothes that I saw in the closet then lay down on the bed and I feel asleep.

After awhile I wake up then went downstairs to check on jungkook. I saw jungkook cooking, I never saw him cooking before, so that was a new side of him "Is your leg okay?" I asked worried "Mhm just sit down an almost done" He said.

I wanted to help even though I couldn't though I felt alot of my pain but he got shot and I want help even if it means passing him the things he needed "Can I help" I asked he looked at me "No" He said "I am still gonna help you got shot and am go...

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I wanted to help even though I couldn't though I felt alot of my pain but he got shot and I want help even if it means passing him the things he needed "Can I help" I asked he looked at me "No" He said "I am still gonna help you got shot and am gonna help" I said.

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