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Jungkook's POV:

I brought her inside the room "Take off your clothes" I said taking of my clothes her eyes wided "what? Why?" She asked shocked I smirked I grabbed her chin "It's time for punishment or do you prefer the whipping" I asked imitatingly she shaked her head as she slowly takes off her clothes "Move faster!" I yelled at her "okay" she said removing faster

We finish undress and grabbed her chin and kissed her hungrily when she stopped me "Please Jungkook don't do your worst am begging you" she said begging I smirked "I was begging you to stay when you were leaving did I?" I asked her she shaked her head "I taught so" I said hungrily  kissing her again.


It was the 5th round I saw some blood was coming out of her anus then I look at her face and saw she was unconscious "Lisa!" I said shaking her "Lisa get up" I said shaking her more "Oh sh*t I f*cked up now" I cussed getting out of her then coming off the bed "JOY!" I shouted scared and my heart racing "Lisa am sorry please wake up I promise to never hurt you again..please" I said tears running from my eyes Ms.Joy seeing me and Lisa "JUNGKOOK WHAT YOU DONE!" she said running to lisa this is the first time she yelled at me so I knew it was serious "Call the ambulance quick" she said checking if lisa was breathing.


Me and Ms.Joy was standing outside of the doctor room with us both crying I called Jisoo and Jin so they were there with their partners. Jisoo was hugging me and assuring me that Lisa was alright and that it was a mistake even though I knew she was mad at me.

The doctor came out of the room we all went to him "So she's fine" the doctor making us all sigh in relief "but she almost had a miscarriage due to the pressure being added to her body for along while" the doctor said we all stood there in shock except for Ms.Joy "Wait she was pregnant?" Jin asked the doctor nodded I fell to my knees crying. I almost killed my own child because of my selfish desires and feelings. "I feel like am just like my dad" I said feeling disgusted at the person I've become "Jungkook you're nothing like that man don't compare yourself to him just find a way change and become a better person for Lisa and the baby" Jisoo kneeling down resting her hand on my shoulder "Okay?" She asked I nodded "Good go in and talk to her" She stood up I held out her hand to help me up. I took her hand and I walked in the room.

I saw Lisa laying down looking tired and wear out with dry tears on her face. I ran to her holding hee hand "Lisa am sorry for everything" I said apologetically and with tears in my eyes  "It's-" she said before I interrupted "You don't have to lie I know it's not okay" I told her, she looked down "You almost killed my child that I was protecting from you how could I-" She said before crying again I hugged her putting her head on chest and putting hands on her back and on her hand.

We both cried for fews minutes when the doctor walked and we pulled apart
the doctor "She can go home now" doctor said "Lisa let's go I promise not hurt you anymore" I said then lift her up in my arms bringing to car with Jin, Jisoo, Irene and Taehyung behind us.

As soon as we arrived home and I sat her on the bed "Are you okay?" I asked her, she nodded I put my hand on her cheek "I am sorry" I said she remind silent "It's okay I'll make it up to you" said I hugging her "I am so happy that your pregnant" I said she then hugged me back "Am sorry I didn't tell you, I just thought that you would accept it" she said I pulled back looking in her eyes "I know and it's fine am just happy that you didn't have a miscarriage and am sorry again" I said she nodded and she pulled me back in. She's really an angel in disguise "Thank your for being an angel even after what happened" I said to her.

2 months later

I was eating went I got a phone call it was the my lawyer, I answered"Your getting one last chance to get married and get the spot as Mafia King as it sayings on your father's will or lose it" he said, I did want it but I had no choice but to let it go "It's fine just let it go didn't mean much to anyway" I said the lawyer sound shocked "What! After you've been working so hard to get it you're gonna give it up just like that" the lawyer said "Yes all because of 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆" I said he sound even more shocked "Jungkook wait what love-" he said before I hang up.

Lisa's pov:

I was eating Jungkook got a phone call and went outside the door without closing it as he talked to someone I could hear of what he was saying about some Mafia position which seems to reason why he wants to get married but he's letting go...because of 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆....

He then came out and saw me "Are you feeling okay" he asked I nodded he sat down next me putting his hands though his hair "Are you okay?" I asked he shake his head "I'm not but it's none of not your business just take of yourself and baby okay" he said getting up almost leaving thought when I said "Thank you for sending YeonJun with money for us I know they don't know it was you but I know it was and it really means alot me" I said smiling he looked at me then nodded leaving out the door.

I don't know why but something in me want's ask Joy what's going on because I want to help him even though he has hurt me alot but am putting all that aside because I still want do it and I am gonna do it.

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