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"Jungkook" Lisa said moving her hands around in his face but he's still in thoughts "I can't believe about to do this but am gonna" she said before kissing him on the lips which he kissed back. She pulled away "Am sorry about that but I didn't mean to bring back any memories" She apologetically "You don't have sorry you have to be I guess you deserve to know since your my wife now, so the reason for my ways is my father he taught me how to love or so I thought. My mind is just messed up right now" He putting his hand on his head "It's okay along as you try to change for our unborn baby okay" she said kissing him again without apologizing then continue washing the dishes he smiled "Ofcourse my angel" He said.

Lisa's pov:

After a 5 months they went to get a ultrasound. Jungkook was happy when he saw that it was a boy.

"YES!" He said jumping in excitement with Jisoo they both hugged in happiness that's first time have seen them hug before it was really beautiful moment when Jisoo turned to me "I'm so happy for you" she smiled while Jungkook still hugged

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"YES!" He said jumping in excitement with Jisoo they both hugged in happiness that's first time have seen them hug before it was really beautiful moment when Jisoo turned to me "I'm so happy for you" she smiled while Jungkook still hugged

"Thank you" I said smiling when Jungkook ran from Jisoo and kissed me on the lips I kissed him back, we parted then stare in each others while we both smiled like the second day we met I pulled him in for a hug "I know not many would say this to t...

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"Thank you" I said smiling when Jungkook ran from Jisoo and kissed me on the lips I kissed him back, we parted then stare in each others while we both smiled like the second day we met I pulled him in for a hug "I know not many would say this to their kidnapped but I love you, I love you Jeon Jungkook" I said happily and truthfully "I love you too, so much you could ever imagine Jeon Lalisa my angel in disguise" he said back making smiled.

We started hearing Jin clapping when Jisoo slapped his hands "Stop ruining the moment" she said annoyed making everybody laugh including  her and Jin "Typical Jin" Taehyung said with baby "Seith" in his arms.

"Let me hold Seith he's so freaking cute" I said they all laughed, Taehyung handed me seith I rocked him in my arms "So Jin and Irene when am I gonna get my grand children" Jisoo asked with a funny face and voice everybody laughed "Your asking goo...

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"Let me hold Seith he's so freaking cute" I said they all laughed, Taehyung handed me seith I rocked him in my arms "So Jin and Irene when am I gonna get my grand children" Jisoo asked with a funny face and voice everybody laughed "Your asking good thing she's already pregnant" Jin said everyone start screaming in excitement they baby started crying due to the noice "Am sorry baby" I said rocking and kissing him all over his face.

4 months later

Today is a family meeting party the guest are coming in wishing me congratulations and giving me gifts. My family also came and am really happy maybe Jungkook kidnapping wasn't cursed but a blessing probably even my faith.

The party has been going well when a shot missed Jungkook by an inch but nobody was panicked but tooked their guns "Lisa go inside and don't come out!" Jungkook yelled but I couldn't move "what about you!" I yelled as his guards bring inside I saw him smirk "I see you're yet to know what your man is like. I'll be fine" He said I smile they took me in a basement where I saw Jisoo and her baby,Ms.Joy, Irene, Jennie,my brother, my father and some other people.

While in the basement all we could hear is shots I couldn't help but to worry about my husband and his brothers I felt Jisoo hand on me "They're gonna fine don't worry" She said smiling I smiled back but I am still worried.

Suddenly I felt wet I looked down and saw my water broke we all start to panic "How are we gonna get you to hospital if they're out there!" Jennie paniced holding my hand "It's okay Irene is a doctor" Jisoo assured.

Irene helped me deliver the baby even though it was hurtful. I gave birth to an handsome baby boy "What should we call him" I asked them "I think me should name him kookie" Jisoo said "No we should name him gukkie even though I don't like Jungkook much" Jennie said also "I think we should let Jungkook choose between those names" I said then admiring my beautiful baby.

 I gave birth to an handsome baby boy "What should we call him" I asked them "I think me should name him kookie" Jisoo said "No we should name him gukkie even though I don't like Jungkook much" Jennie said also "I think we should let Jungkook choo...

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"He's cute" Jisoo said I smiled "I know" I said "Jungkook is going to be so happy" Jisoo said I nodded, everyone took turns holding the baby it was a cute moment Jisoo had her camera and took alot of pictures typical Jisoo.

After a few hours Jungkook came down the basement "Babe!" I said hugging him he hugged back then went for the baby a huge smile appeared on his face and tears of joy too "He looks like you" he told me while Jisoo took more pictures.

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