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After a few minutes

"Finally home" Lisa said to herself opening the door as she takes off her shoes walking in everyone else was sleeping except for her grandmother who sitting in her rocking chair "Grandma!" Lisa says shocked running to her grandmother then kneeling holding her hand while looking at her "Grandma I don't told you not to wait on me" she said, in a calm but sad voice causing her grandmother to smile at her "you know I can't sleep unless all of you are in the house safe and sound"She said, holding unto Lisa's hands "okay grandm, but please don't stress yourself about me or anybody" lisa said, while her grandmother nods her head getting up from the chair holding unto Lisa for strength as they walk to the room.


"You know I met this girl in the café down the street after I finished a mission and am gonna need you find out who she is" Jungkook said, in his office to a man "Yes sir, but do you know any basic details about her like her name or where she lives" the man says, as Jungkook rolls his eyes in annoyance.

"Hyung If I knew all that I wouldn't have asked you to look for her you know" Jungkook said with an attitude "well If you don't know those basic things then I can't find her for you and your ass gonna have to look for her yourself" the man says, with an attitude aswell as some sass "Well I know the name of the café that she works if that can work?" Jungkook said, fixing his attitude and body language, so the man would help him, but the man only rolled his eyes and took out his computer, he started searching for her.


"So her name is Manobal Lalisa and she is 19" the man said to jungkook who  smirks "perfect Hyung Namjoon please send all of that information to me. I expect to see them as soon as I reach home I have to meet someone unimportant" Jungkook said, grabbing his jacket leaving Namjoon in the office who watches him with disgust and  shame as he leaves then look's at Lisa's information on the screen" I hope that you'll happy while you can cause he's gonna make your life a living Ms.Lisa" he says, sympathetically while sending the information to Jungkook then shuts the computer then leaves after Jungkook.

Jungkook's POV:

I left my office then to that Slut Rosé who doesn't get when people say "Am not interested in you anymore" she was my little slut or you can say my suga baby. I would pay her for pleasure, that's it until I got her breaking the contract by f*cking with another man, so I decided to end the contract. I entered my car, telling my driver to drop me at the fancy Restaurant nearby. After a few minutes I was at the restaurant I left the car and went inside restaurant, Rosé was sitting at one of the tables I went there and sat at the looking at her with nothing but disgust to see what she's wearing.

"You should leave that sort of dressing at the strip club" I said, looking at her from head to toe she laughs"You know, you don't have to lie that you like what I'm wearing" she says, licking her lips " In your dreams Rosé I already told you that what we had was just games nothing else, and it's all over now and the next time I tell you this am bringing my gun, and you know I won't hesitate to use it" I said in a deep yet scary voice getting up from the chair turning around when she grabbed my hand "Jungkook why the hell are you behaving like this?!" She yelled furiously, I turned around angrily "Why?! The hell the am acting like this, because f*cking loved you Rosé that's the only why f*cking made that contract in the first place so I could give you anything you want" I yelled back leaving her stunned and surprised as everyone in the restaurant stared us I headed back to my car taking a sit "drive" I told, the driver who drove off immediately.

Next Morning, Lisa's POV:

I woke up to the morning smell of pancakes, my favorite breakfast meal I got out of bed. I woke up seeing  my little brother on the floor of the living room, so I woke him up and went to brush my teeth when heard grandmother shouting me and my little brother Taehyun he is 16 and is going to college soon "Coming!" I shouted, so grandma could hear, "Taehyun get up!" I said, after taking my slipper off throwing at him, then we went to the kitchen.

Everyone was sitting at the table eating in silence "So I got a job" Taehyun said breaking the silence causing me to stop eating"Why I told you am already working and am looking for another job to pay for your college just give me some time..Please" I said looking at Taehyun, he held my hand "Its okay, You can use the money to do other things because am not going to college" he said with tears in his eyes I looked at him as my eyes start to water, I drag Taehyun into a hug "You are going to college, You have to" I said as both of us cried.

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